Wednesday, September 19, 2007

september 19, 2007 - seek first the kingdom of God....

top of the morning, friends....

i sure hope i didn't gross you all out with my first "progress" photo, but i thought i would give you a visual of the progress i'm making.
the picture i posted today should have actually been posted first. this is a picture of my leg after 3 surgeries. the photo i posted yesterday was after 7 surgeries. the difference between the two photos is nothing less than miraculous. and the good news is that my leg looks much better now and improves with each passing day. if i post future photos, i will place them in more sequential order.

my therapy was canceled yesterday due to my new knee graft. they rescheduled me for next week. i'll keep you posted on how that goes.

i go back to the plastic surgeon tomorrow to see how my graft is taking. wish me luck!

i had a pretty eventful day yesterday....even went shopping at wal-mart!

tanya benner - thank you so much for the beautiful flowers! they really brighten things up! i tried to call and thank you yesterday, but you were on the phone.

wendy & alan forbes - thanks for your visit and thoughtfulness! the gifts were unnecessary but very appreciated. alan even helped us carry in the groceries! thanks buddy!

brian & sherena landis - thanks for the visit, fellowship, and explanation of my benefits. your help in this area is invaluable, as i know this is certainly your arena. may God bless you guys. our friendship goes WAY back!

colonel collins & brenda - thanks for the update on cory! we continue to pray for his recovery. i'm confident that he will be up, healthy, and back to what he loves doing in no time. please keep us posted! colonel - i don't think brenda is giving you the "full scoop" on the whole foot thing. she needs help!

please pray for fred goldstein (retired major with OSP) as well. he is recovering from knee replacement surgery as we speak. i learned volumes from fred when he recovered from cancer a few years ago. he taught many of us to NEVER to give up! he persevered and won when most people would have surrendered. thanks for the very valuable lesson, friend.

i talked with mary again this morning to check on her progress. other than being bored out of her noggin she's doing well. she's very determined to return to work as soon as possible.

elzie aka "retired bud" - thanks for the lawn mower comment! it must be great to have nothing more to do in retirement than to point out deficiencies of the handicapped! nice going! lol

thanks for reading & writing on the blog. it continues to bless me more than you know. i'll write more later.
lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

I have really got quite checking the blog during my lunch!

Amy Marino

Anonymous said...

OMG! Those pictures just keep getting better and better! The progress you have made is AMAZING. Please let us know how your appointment goes tomorrow...we are praying for a good progress report.

We are headed to Marion tonight for a benefit dinner they are holding for Cory and also for a Marion County Sheriff's deputy who has cancer. We are hoping to get over to see Cory tomorrow. We also have to find a time to come over and see you. You are a pretty active woman for being "laid up". We are looking forward to attending the benefit breakfast for you and Mary on October 6.

Prayers to you,
Butch and Brenda

Anonymous said...

It was great seeing you last night, you truly are amazing, you really have come far my dear!
Just remember we are all here for you whenever you need anything, if nothing more than a hug!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Sorry that I haven't posted for a while but you are still in our prayers. You progress has been amazing!

Keep my cousin in your prayers. His son was burnt up in a house fire a couple of weeks ago.

We will anxiously await your progress report tomorrow.

Love and Prayers

Anonymous said...

Maj Lisa,
Good luck tomorrow at the Dr appt. I'm hoping you have a great nights rest tonight and positive news tomorrow. Your progress is truly amazing! We, here at the Marietta Post, continue to follow your progress and both you & Lt Mary continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. I would like to thank you for keeping up with the blog like you do. We all really appreciate knowing how things are going.

Becky - P84