Thursday, September 6, 2007

september 6, 2007 - forgive us our trespasses....

top of the evening, friends...

well, today is an anniversary of sorts for me. 22 years ago today, i graduated from the patrol academy! boy, that was a life-altering, but wonderful event! before that, i dispatched for over a couple of, i've been with the patrol now for over 1/2 my life! what an experience it has been. i've been able to travel around the state, work with some tremendous people, and hopefully have made a difference in the communities in which i've lived. who could ask for more?

the doc has told me he wants me to start bending my left knee, so we started taking "baby steps" to do just that yesterday. while it's going to be a long process, i was very pleased to see i had about 1/3 range of motion with only moderate pain. God is good. i will start therapy monday for some non-weight bearing passive physical therapy here in grove city. i want to be a limber as i can, as i've seen how scary physical therapists can be!! lol

today, i had a visit from the "retired guy," elzie. he reminded me about a gazillion times that he's retired. he said he almost pulled his harley in front of my front door and gunned the engine, just to make me jealous. that's just hateful. i think he's trying to rub it in! we checked out some convertibles on ebay to temporarily replace my totalled motorcycle. i think he approved of a few i picked out. nothing definite yet. he wanted me to admit to you all that HE DID NOT RIDE THE CHICKEN.

i also received a visit from sue rance-locke and michelle henderson. they brought us all lunch from sonic - coney footers and iced tea! they have me almost talked into going to the argosy tomorrow! what bad, bad, they know how much i hate gambling. i may, however need to go just to keep them in check. i'm only thinking of them, of course.

seattle deb - good hearing from you, friend....hope all is well with you and that you are staying on two wheels! hope to see you at a future IAWP conference.

please continue to pray for gina herbert (the one i mentioned previously - she was hit by an uninsured, illegal alien about 2 weeks before our crash). she has to go back to grant tomorrow for another halo on one of her feet. i talked to her on the phone, and she's pretty bummed out about it. she needs our prayers now more than ever! i did hear that her friends are planning a benefit for her september 25, 2007 at planks on parsons. i'm told it will be pizza & pop for $10. if anyone has any questions, please call wendy forbes at the governor's hwy safety office at DPS (hope that's okay wendy!!!)

patty (p-96) - thanks for the very appropriate latin quote. while i will probably never be able to recite it exactly right, the acronym may be short enough to

janet w - thank you for your kind words too. we've really been blessed to be around terrific people! hope to also see you at future conferences.

terri west & cindy kollin - you guys never fail to put a smile on my face. thanks again for your faithfulness!

well, enough for now, as i must get up a bit early. i've got a heating & AC guy coming tomorrow to look at why it's 80-something degrees in my house!!! lol - wish me luck! besides, trish the medical-nazi is pushing more pills at me. i think she feeds me around 52 pills a day...just kidding!

may God bless you all....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Major, yes I actually thought about reving my engine by your door step and rattling the windows of your house. However , being the "nice" and "thoughtful" person that I am I was afraid I might frighten Amy and Chrissy. But may we discuss how everytime we pass thru Smoky Mountain tunnels you rev the STRAIGHT PIPES on your bike to the point that I fear you may bring the mountain down on all of us? And thanks for clearing up the chicken thing. Perhaps my nightmares will stop now.

Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

You really are something else, always thinking of others!!!!!!!!!!That is wonderful about bending your knee my friend, it will come with your determination.
You know I could see Elzie on that chicken, I really can.

Love ya,

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major, CHICKEN ?? WHAT CHICHEN????
I agree with Wendy, yes you are always thinking of others instead of yourself!! weellll except for that time when you hid the twizzlers. LOL !!!
That is great news about being able to start bending your knee. Now you know that Trish aka THERAPY NAZI, will be working you even harder than before you know. So BE NICE and no SNARLEY FACES or she will have to subject you to THE CHICKEN or Di's aka MOVIE NAZI, dancing!
Talk to you and see you soon.
Love ya and Mary and saying my prayers! YOU TWO HAVE MADE ME A STRONGER AND hopefully BETTER PERSON (was that even possible?? LOL !!!) L8tr.

K.McCarthy said...

Major, hey I forgot. I think that S/Lt. Roark was running with that same chicken this week??? WHAT A FRIGHT!! ;-)
I know I am going to hear about this one ???

Anonymous said...

Great hearing your voice Friday and resuming our weekly chats that make my drive a little shorter. Sorry we got interrupted but the AC guy is really important..... I will call you Thursday after the hearing. Take Care, thoughts and prayers
