Wednesday, September 5, 2007

september 5, 2007 - though we are weak, He is strong...

top of the evening, friends...

first of all, mary and i would like to thank dianna white and don grimwood for the previous posting and for planning the october benefit breakfast and ride for us. we can only surmise the time and effort it took in planning such an event. we would also like to thank quaker steak & lube, as well as the blue and red knights motorcycle clubs for their assistance.

i have been a member of the blue knights for over a year now and although i've not had the opportunity to ride alot with them due to working on my master's degree, they have been great! the blue knights was one of the first to send prayers, cards, flowers, and even a visit by our chapter president, jim rose.

while most people know that mary is a lieutenant and post commander at the marietta post, few know that over the last few years, she has worked diligently to first earn her EMT certification, then her FIREFIGHTER'S title. also, while mary is not currently a member of either organization, she often rides with others who are, and greatly supports their initiatives. mary and i have been friends for about 20 years now and both share a passion for motorcycles and for riding.

throughout this terrible ordeal, mary and i have learned many things. we have learned that:
  • even though we don't always understand why, things often happen outside our control
  • things happen in His time - not ours
  • again, even though we don't always understand why, things happen for a reason
  • patience is sometimes a hard pill to swallow
  • sometimes our goals must take a backseat to His
  • the only 2 things we really control are our attitude and effort
  • faith will sustain us

but we believe the most important thing we've learned is how many wonderful friends we have and how humbling that can be. we cannot place a value on the calls, visits, cards, prayers, etc... that we've received. we've received numerous gifts of food and service from friends who just wanted to make sure we've been OK. that, friends, is why we've not only survived, but thrived in such terrible circumstances.

it is often said that law enforcement and firefighting is a "calling," - and i believe it is true. these types of careers are as much a calling as the ministry. most of us do what we do in order to help others - it's that fundamental. so, i guess, it shouldn't be a surprise that when one of our own goes down - the calvary comes to the rescue. we do this daily for everyone else, then we do it for own.

i guess my point to all of this is to thank everyone (family, friends, co-workers, etc...) who has been helping us in any way. we are thankful, grateful, and humbled by all of your support.

sue rance-locke - thursday / noon is fine!

may God bless you and yours,

Lisa - 1095 / mary - 709


K.McCarthy said...

Hey Major, You and Mary must also realize how much of an inspiration you are to all of us out here aka(YOUR FAN CLUB)!!! I know that personally, watching you two go through this, I only wish I could have shouldered some of the pain that you two have endured over the last few months. As we know living with BILL, I can shoulder pain. LOL !!!
I believe in god, but sometimes I get really upset when such bad things happen to my friends(and that would be you and Mary- just in case you didn't know- !!!!)
I also believe that things do happen for a reason even though we don't always see it at the time.
OK enough of me being so philosophical so early in the morning, its giving me frown lines (or is that age lines, REMEMBER WHO IS THE OLDER ONE HERE ???? LOL !!) Love ya, gotta go. 904 is crackin' the whip- you know how he gets :-) LOL!!

K.McCarthy said...

Hey Lisa, I FORGOT .....
Where is the video of Amy singing??? I laughed about that for days. You need to share this with all of us out here!!!!!
See ya, bye :-)
Talk to you in a minute.

Anonymous said...

Top of the morning to my favorite Major from your Seattle Sergeant,Deb,just found out about the accident. West coast a little behind the times! My thoughts and prayers go out to you and Mary. My heart sunk as I read about the ride and accident. By the grace of god your two are with us and I am thankful. You are amazing women and I admire you both so much. I wish you a speedy recovery and will be chatting with you to keep up on the latest. Take care

Anonymous said...

You both don't ever have to worry about friends! You obviously have multitudes of them! Of course, the reason for that is because you both ARE such wonderful people! Wonderful people deserve great friends!
That is really awesome that they organized that benefit!!!! That obviously took some work and ingenuity to pull off!
You have no idea how reading your blog with all the good news on you and Mary affects everyone who pulls it up every day! It is such a wonderful and positive start to the day--makes the rest of the day sunny and bright to see you two both doing so well.
I hope you both have a great and terrific day!!!!!!!!!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Major Lisa and Lt. Mary,

How's your Latin? I found this and I thought I would pass it on to you. I love it!

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (ad-MA-yor-em DAY-ee GLOR-ee-um) "All for the Greater Glory of God"

It is often shortened to AMDG. The Jesuits have been drilling the mantra into their followers since Saint Ignatius of Loyola founded the Catholic Order in 1534. They believe all actions, big or small, should be done with AMDG in mind.

Isn't that cool! So from now on I will AMDG all the time.

God bless you both,
Patty (P96)

Anonymous said...

You only receive what you have given. That should answer any questions about the number of friends you two have.

All sounds good today, the ride sounds great, but since I have not ridden in over a year, this may not be the time to do it and we are having a house full of company that weekend. Take Care and keep your heads up.


Anonymous said...

Lisa and Mary,

The short and sweet of it is...."You reap what you sow."

As I teach the little ones in my have to be a good friend to have good friends. I know how lucky I feel to have you both as friends even though we get to see each other very infrequently.


Anonymous said...

Lisa and Mary,

Continue to remain positive and know that you are loved and appreciated by many. Let the wave of prayer, good wishes and faith carry you forward to good health. Unless you are affiliated with law enforcement or the firefighters and emergency caretakers, you can't understand the comraderie and the great love and respect that surfaces when one of our own is hurt or suffering. I'm sure many would like to have that same type of support system. Every day is a blessing, may we all have many more. Love you, gals. Cindy