Tuesday, September 4, 2007

september 4, 2007 - you cannot serve two masters...

top of the evening, friends....

i hope you got to enjoy another wonderful day! the sunset tonight was breathtaking!

my sister, terry got me hooked on free computer slots last night. thanks to her, i'm now enrolled in gambler's anonymous' 12-step program....! lo.l

my plastic surgeon wants to wait another 2 weeks for my leg to heal. i will see him again next tuesday, but thus far, i've been given a reprieve on the skin graph (yeah!!!). as much as i want the bone surgery, i really don't want another skin graph. so... that was good news...i think.

the dr. did, however 'up' my meds at night in an effort to help me sleep a bit better. i sure hope it works. my leg "buzzes" and thumps alot after dark. wish me luck!

went out to lunch after my appt. to the longhorn steakhouse with 2 friends. their trout was out of this world.

later, we went to deer creek to run my dogs. boy, do they enjoy being off the leash! it brings me alot of joy just watching that fuzz-faced schnauzer and beagle butt run! lol chrissy, being the hog that she is, walked into a great big mud hole and laid down. i swear if she was a person, she'd be smoking smelly cigars and wearing dirty, white, wife-beater tank tops...lol

brenda collins - i believe i smelled you first.....lol

dale - you'll always be one of my best buddies - ever!

mccarthy - are you out there??? hello???? do i still have a procurement manager?????

7'bn09 -hope you're in better spirits.....the folks mean well!

please continue to pray for my friend glenda (thyroid cancer), dale's dad (colon cancer), cory winfield (motorcycle wreck), scott rike (on his return to work), as well as others. sometimes we don't even know what to pray for, but if we ask Him, he will show us.

anyways...more later....be blessed, friends!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Well you look great in the photos. It sounds like the leg continues to heal as we all have prayed. It sounds like all you are doing is EATING....I think you are getting close to running out of restaurants in the Columbus area. You could be the new restaurant reviewer. Take Care Sleep well tonight.


Vik said...

Major Taylor,
Today I read in our IAWP magazine of the news of yours and Mary's collision. I want you to know that you both are in my prayers and thoughts!I am so glad to read that you are doing well in your recovery.
Later Stater, Best Wishes,
Detective Vik Mauro
Washington State Patrol

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!
So glad you got a reprieve from your doc! Also, glad you got more meds, you gotta rest my friend.
You continue to inspire us all!
Love, Wendy

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major, you have no idea how much I have missed my daily blog. Sorry, I got sidetracked with my Uncle in Calif. I may have to make another trip out there again sooner than I had expected. But, you know we are truly blessed, our trials and tribulations in life just make us stronger (crap, we should be like hercules by now-dontcha think and you the bionic woman!!
God I just loved reading your message yesterday, what a hoot!!! I can see Amy and Chrissy just yukkin' it up saying to themselves "cool, lets just get muddy and stinky and mom gets to clean us up, and we get treats for looking cute too!!" LOL !!!!! Was that you smokin the cigar or Chrissy?? LOL!!!
I really love the pics too, girl you still need to gain more weight , don't be gettin' all I am getting too fat now!! worry about that later. Don't make me ask Trish (the foot therapy nazi) to hurt you !!!!!
I love you and Mary!! Get your ---- back here, S/Lt. Roark is getting tired of giving me a hard time in your absence. I really feel sorry for him having to deal with me LOL !!! :-)

Anonymous said...

That's good news on the skin graft! I know those can't be any fun. And that's also good news on the doc upping your meds so that you'll be able to sleep better at night. Sleep is vital to recovery, both mental and physical--so that is VERY important.
I know what you mean about watching the animal "kids" being so much fun. Mine are always making me laugh--I never know what those "girls" will do next.
Sounds like you had a good day yesterday--I'm so glad! May your recovery and Mary's recover continue to go great guns--as the prayer "warriors" continue to do their stuff!
I hope you have another great day today, girl! You so deserve it!!!!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I am so sorry that I have not kept in touch with you, and so glad to hear that you and Mary are really doing so well. I am so glad that Scott told his story. WOW! Most of us know how great the Glory of God, and healing He can do for each of us, but I was so happy to hear his story.
I am glad to hear that you are getting out and going. The best healing for all of us. God didn't give us feet for nothing.
David is going back to work. He hasn't written a thing since being home, so I have to get busy on the thank you notes for all. Isn't it nice to have such a big family in the patrol, and the retiree's have also been wonderful.
Going on vacation to my hills, Great Smokey Mountains, just got a call Sunday for a resort stay down there. We will also be visiting family down and around the mountains also.
Good luck as usual, and you are still in our prayers. David and Marlene

Anonymous said...

Hello Lisa, I am so sorry to hear about your accident. I think, from your blog, you are doing well. I hope you continue to heal and thrive. You have my prayers and best wishes. I also will keep Mary in my prayers. Write me if you wish. Gloria Dietz (Holt)

Anonymous said...

Good morning Major Lisa: It is very inspiring to read your blog. Such great friends and family have embraced you and Mary during your time of healing. Keep that positive smile and attitude, it counts for everything. We send our best and continue to keep you and Mary in our prayers.
Sending a smile your way today :-)
Tom & Brigette

Anonymous said...


I am glad to hear things are improving for you. You are in our prayers and thoughts here at the Ravenna Post. I am sure you will be back on a bike before you know it...

Lt. Mike - 1450

Anonymous said...

OMG -- The Closer is my favorite weekly show ... I'm already having withdraw about waiting for next season. I spent the weekend in Jackson with my family. My Dad said to say hello and was glad to hear that you and Mary are well on your way to full recovery. Take care and God bless you both. Kathy Imhoff

Gentle Ben said...

There's a macho thing out there that says if it hurts, you know you're alive. By golly, I guess you are living large!! Sorry. The poker run should be fun in October. Can't wait.
