Friday, September 28, 2007

september 28, 2007 - ...and the most important of these is love

top of the evening, friends....

hope you got out and enjoyed the beautiful fall weather today! two friends and i took chrissy and amy to deer creek for a nice hike this afternoon. boy, the leaves are really falling quickly.

when we got home, i CAREFULLY climbed aboard my riding tractor, with the intention of simply starting it, as it was in the shop this and last week for repairs. when the engine cranked, it sounded so good, i decided to try and mow my lawn - and i did!!! i only rode in 2nd gear and took it very slow, but i have to admit, i did a respectable job on the lawn. and it sure felt good to have a "mission." my friend and caretaker, trish, was NOT happy with me. she read me the riot act when i finished! i didn't have to bend my leg, and it didn't jar me any more than the wheelchair, so i figured no big deal. boy, was i wrong!!!

i wanted to take this opportunity to thank several people who have planned a very thoughtful benefit for mary and me. dianna white, don and ty grimwood, steve and lori click, and ron kuszmaul (those that i know of) have spent countless hours working out the logistics of this event, and have contacted vendors for door prizes and raffle items. the benefit breakfast/bike ride is scheduled for october 6, 2007 at quaker steak and lube at 8:30am. everyone is welcome. mary and are are both humbled by the incredible generousity of our many friends. we will both be there and look forward to seeing each and every one of you who have supported us with thoughts, prayers, visits, cards, etc... a copy of the flyer has been posted on the blog and it can be enlarged and printed.

lt. colonel finamore called today to see how i was doing, and major mark atkeson called yesterday. major chris minter left a message on my machine yesterday. i really appreciate these guys checking on me.

the dr's appt. went well. the dr. feels that i should begin hand therapy and continue to go to therapy to help break down the scar tissue and improve the range and mobility in my ankle and knee. he wants to see me again next week. but things are progressing.

my dad and brother, allen are delivering a new treadmill tomorrow morning. while i know i can't use it yet, i want to have it on hand for when i learn to walk again. i'm not sure i will be able to use my eliptical at first.

i think my sister, terry is on her way up now. her husband is looking for his missing

terri west - what are you talking about???? me??? instructing another law enforcement officer to drive through the apple festival???? are you kidding me? unless you have photographic proof, this discussion is OVER!!! when are you ever going to believe that when dianna's lips are moving, a STORY is about to occur????

mike hunter - i may take you up on the 4-wheeled motorcycle, unless of course, my dad loans me the harley trike with a hand shift conversion kit!

dan richhart - i dunno....what do you get when you cross a turtle and a porkupine? you know, i really miss your BAD jokes!

tina phillips - no...the graft didn't take, but my knee is healing on it's own. the dr. thinks i'm probably 4-6 weeks out from the bone surgery. good hearing from you today! give me a call later.

wendy forbes - you're an angel! thanks for all your encouragement!

enough for now, blessed!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Stick with the quality care, dear. It's great to know you have so many wonderful friends who love and care for you, of course you desere it. You're pretty special. I can understand why Trish would be a tad miffed with you, and I hope you are feeling too badly today for the activity yesterday. That is great news on the hand. That gives you a little more mobility at least with your hands. You aren't ready to walk on them yet, but hey with time, all things are possible. Please don't overdo. I know that you don't like things to keep you down, but sometimes the body does need the down time. Your body has suffered a lot of trauma. Of course you don't need me to tell you that, but just imagine how much healing is taking place inside that you can't begin to see, the nerve endings, the muscle tissue, the tendons. The human body is an absolutely wondrous thing, when it's working. Sometimes the working is in the healing, so try to be patient. We want you back up to full speed, but only when your body is really ready to be.

May God bless you and Mary today and every day. May you enjoy the beauty of fall days with the crackle of leaves and the rush of color around you. Early fall is a beautiful time because everything is crisp and sharp. The harvests are nearly ready for picking, there is a slight chill in the air, the skies are often a deep blue cloudless background for the soaring eagles and silver flying machines. Just look at it with fresh eyes each day and you will find something new to appreciate.

Love to you and Mary.


Anonymous said...

That should have said aren't feeling too badly. My fingers couldn't keep up with the thoughts. :)

Myra James said...

Good Evening Lisa & Mary,

This morning I returned from the IAWP Conference in Denver and learned all about the July 13th incident. Obviously someone was watching over you that day and provided you with the strength and support to facilitate healing. After reading your blog it's apparent that you have suffered significantly. I hope and pray that you improve with each passing day. I know your IAWP sisters are thinking of you and wishing you a progressive recovery.

On July 13th I was with about 150,000 bikers in a place called Port Dover, Ontario where bikers converge every Friday the 13th. I continue to enjoy riding and currently have a Heritage Softail. My husband and I rode the Blue Ridge Parkway in May and enjoyed Deals Gap as well. What a fabulous ride and a beautiful part of your country.

There is no doubt in my mind that you'll be back in the saddle when you've recovered. How about making a trip to Ontario for a visit? I look forward to that potential reunion my friends!!!

Thinking of you and wishing you strength in healing.

Warmly, Myra
Hamilton, Ontario

Anonymous said...

Myra - Sounds like you had a great time on the 13th. We went to Deals Gap eariler this year, we had a great time, covered about 1800 miles. I'm sure the conference was awesome as usual, really missed everyone. Good Lord willing..There is always next year. With all the prayers we continue to improve everyday, would love to take you up on a trip around Ontario. I hope you and your husband enjoy everyday to the max -ride a few miles, enjoy the "smell of fall", the sound of the leaves and the feeling you get when you are out riding on those "crisp" days. We'll be riding again next year (of course Lisa is riding the lawn mower if you want to come down and ride around the yard LOL ) Stay safe - Keep the painted side up ....Mary

Anonymous said...

For all you closet bloggers - I had therapy 3 times last week. I really like the hot whirlpool - I tried to convince them I needed to be up to my neck, they didn't believe me. The flip side of that is after the hot part - the PT Nazi moved me into an ice tub...brrr. Bob - if they keep this up I'll be ready for open windows at the post this winter... LOL. Must be working some of the swelling is going down and I can painfully move 2 toes..YEA! Oh and as if I couldn't have any more fun this summer, I get to have a root canal this week...OH YEA..can't wait. Oh well I looked at the Dentist and asked if it was going to hurt more then getting hit by a car..She tried not to laugh, I'm thinking - NOT! One hurdle at a time, I'm greatful for friends, family and blessing it could always be worse. Mary

Anonymous said...

Well ... what do you get when you cross a turtle with a porkupine. Obvilusly a slow poke.

Am I good at this or what!!

Never quit. You are here for a reason.

Dan R.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... I dunno... how did you know it was DIANNA who told me about the apple festival and driving through the midway?????? Interesting! She sure sounded convincing when telling me about it. Are you sure that all your meds didn't maybe obscure your memory on this one? Hee hee hee...
Glad to hear that your knee is healing on its own and the bone surgery will be coming soon. It will be rough once you get up and get to walking again, but it will also be nice, I know, for you to be able to get on with that therapy.
I don't blame Trish a BIT for getting after you getting on that mower! If she didn't watch you close, next thing we know, you'd be slapping Harley decals on it, strappin' on your helmet, and takin' off down the road! It appears she knows you better than you think!!!! Hee hee hee...
Hope you have a good day today, woman! And again, thanks for the beautimous kitty photo!!!!!!!!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Mary: A root canal will be a piece of cake for you, girl, after all you've been through! Are you going to tell the dentist that novacaine is for wimps???? Hee hee... Yeah, having pain meds and just laying there having a tooth drilled is NOTHING compared to visiting the PT Nazis! I've been there and done that, so I know how they are--is your therapist's last name Mengele by any chance? :) Sure seems like it sometimes!
Good luck with your root canal--it will be nothing though after being hit by a car!!!!!!!
Hang in there!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Is it TRUE that "someone" was trying to wash a car while sitting in a wheelchair and almost tipped over???? Be careful and think before answering because you never know if there are neighbors with photographic evidence to this one! Hee hee hee... You are incorrigible, girl!!!!!!! Behave yourself!
Of course, I don't have much room to talk... every time I've ever been injured, I have been known (on occasion) to do things that my doctors wanted to throttle me for! So I understand. Just wanted to razz you about it though!

Pike Co. Woman