Tuesday, September 25, 2007

september 25, 2007 - prayer works!

top of the morning, friends.....

let me give you a visual from yesterday.....

as i sat in my living room on monday morning, staring at 4 walls, i decided to get outside, get my hands dirty, and enjoy the beautiful weather.

first, i sat on a blanket on my driveway and re-potted several of my indoor plants. then, my friend trish, who was with me at the time, asked me what type of yardwork i'd like done. after thinking a bit, i asked her if she had ever "edged" a yard. she said no, but was willing to learn.

so, i told her that i would demonstrate it for a bit (as it can be tricky) if she would push my wheelchair. she obliged. unfortunately, this "kodac moment" was captured by my fun-loving neighbor sam marino. of course, trish and i were unaware of this photo until sam's wife, amy emailed it to me yesterday afternoon. funny, sam....very funny! unfortunately, i tried to post the photo, but it kept coming up blank. i'll see if one of my techy friends can help later.

don't forget that tonight is gina herbert's benefit at planks on parson's avenue. this is a very worthwhile event to support an outstanding cause. gina needs all the help she can get! pizza and pop for a nominal cost.
good news! mary's leg is not broken in an additional location! there is considerable swelling, but no more damage! she was able to make it through therapy yesterday. prayer works!

michael from D-9 - thank you for your very nice comments! i appreciate the fact that you took the time to write as well as share your faith. i wish you the very best in your career goals. in my humble opinion, the OSP is the absolute best in law enforcement! the people and the mission make it an outstanding career choice. because of these things, i will do everything i can to return to full duty, as it is my passion. few people can say that they love what they do and enjoy going to work everyday - but i can! may God bless you in your efforts to become an ohio state trooper. i look forward to seeing you in a "gray shirt" someday if you are trooper material! please keep me posted on your progress. PS...i too attended and graduated from O.U.

amy marino - funny....very funny!

terri west - thanks again for the massage information and invitation. i may very well take you up on it down the road, however, i think i'm still a bit sore to do it yet. i probably can't even consider it until well after my 3 bone grafts are completed and mending. please don't forget me, however. i DO know the healing benefits of therapeudic massage!

missy altier standley - good hearing from you, missy! once an OSPer, always an OSPer! we do need to grab a cup of coffee once this nightmare is over - OR have another "ladie's night out" again over in the P-5 area! i'm sure mary will appreciate your blog entry too.
have a blessed day!
lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

God Bless you and Mary, so glad it was good news for Mary. Your visual was great of you and Trish outside, I would love to see the photo. Fresh air does wonders doesn't it?
You really are a true treasure, always thinking of others.

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
I have to agree with Wendy, I had the visual of you outside with Trish. What a beautiful day for it too!! That Trish is a true angel from god!! Love ya Trish for taking such good care of our girl. You, my dear, have a spot in heaven, not so certain that U1095 will be there with THE REST OF US - - - - SNIFF, SNIFF). LOL !!!!!! seriously, 1095er will be riding around cloud hopping on her beloved Roadster!! I on the other hand will be with one of those pampered chef guys stirring up new recipes on our white horse. LOL!! Lisa, you are a bad influence on me. LOL !!!
Love ya, and see you tomorrow night. That would be wednesday, I will try to keep Bill out of it until then.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Major:

What a day you had yesterday...but what a great day for it. You and Trish probably made a great team out there edging. You never said whether she finished it...or you did the whole thing with her pushing you. Your neighbor is probably getting some really great photo opportunities! LOL

If you and Trish find you would like to do more yardwork, we have some trees that we need taken down! LOL

We were so happy to hear Mary does not have any other breaks. We are praying her therapy goes well. It has to be driving her crazy, not being able to move as fast as she wants to get back to work and doing the many other things she likes.

Keep moving forward with your positive attitude!

Peace be with you,
Butch and Brenda

Anonymous said...

O.K. I read the first paragraph and immediately thought uh oh! What happened next??????? I definitely hope you can post that photo... I'm sure it's a classic! Good job by your neighbor catching that photo op!
Absolutely no problem about the massage. When you are ready (when the doctor says you're ready), you just let me know; and we'll work on that on a regular basis.
Awesome news about Mary! Hooray! I can't remember if I told you or not, but back in May, I was in a crash (hit the rear of a semi tractor--they don't move much when you hit 'em). Didn't realize I had broken my left foot until weeks later when it was killing me (which I only noticed when everything else quit hurting). I know how disappointed I was on my last doctor's visit just to find out I had to keep dragging my boot cast around for another few weeks--so I can just imagine how happy you were, Mary, to find out you had no additional fractures! That news definitely made me smile this morning. SOOOO glad to hear that!
Now that you've taught Trish how to "edge", can I hire her to do my yard? My yard looks awful since I've been wearing my "boot". Hoping it doesn't rain today so I can buy some more "line" for my trimmer and go home and cut the grass and go crazy edging. It needs it bad.
I hope you both have great days! And I sure hope everyone who can will go to Gina's benefit tonight. Hope everyone keeps in mind that even if they DON'T go, they can still send in donations to Wendy Forbes, DPS/GHSO. Poor Gina needs all the help that she can.

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...


You know about the retirees luncheon at DHQ 9, 10/3? Have sent several messages through people, so just making sure. Let me know if did not get info and need it. 1103

Anonymous said...

Glad to see that you were able to make it down here for that big festival,to bad I didn't run into you.Hope you had a great time.
I didn't win that harley they were giving away will just have to try again next year ha ha!

Kevin B.

Anonymous said...


I've so enjoyed your messages. It is amazing to me how up beat you have remained through all this. You are truly an inspiration to all. I wish only the best for you and would like to see you soon at the Academy.

Lin Herd

Gentle Ben said...


Thought about you when we were down on the Blue Ridge Pkwy in the 4-wheel MC. Lots of bikes - both your kind and mine and beautiful weather. Sorry to hear about the difficulty with your graft and Mary's swollen (but not broken) foot. Now that she is starting therapy she will probably learn some new words. Be patient and take care. Connie says 'HI" and so did my brother Scott. Keep eating!


K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major, YOU HAVE BEEN REALLY BAD !! what no updates on the BLOG since Tuesday, you are FIRED ??? LOL !!! I think I saw Chrissy firing up your laptop, with her smoking jacket on, and a cigar. You better keep a close eye on her, you know she is just gonna talk trash. Do ya got the visual??
Love you girl and it was great seeing you last night. We all love you and Mary so much !!!!!!
Talk to you and see you when I get back.

Anonymous said...


It was great seeing you last night and joining in the fun! Thanks for inviting us. We know how frustrating it must be to want to get up and get moving...but can't...not yet anyway. However, pretty soon you will be up and running around like a crazy woman.

You are an amazing person and you are an inspiration to us all. Stay positive and keep lifting those weights!

Butch and Brenda