Monday, September 24, 2007

september 24, 2007 - He is the great physician...

top of the morning, friends....

i hope you had an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weekend. both days were extraordinary!

the apple festival was fun, although, i was a bit disappointed that i didn't see my old church family - Church of the King, as they traditionally always have a booth. either they didn't have one this year, or i missed it. i did see a few of my old rotary friends, as well as a few others from the community. i so love jackson! that is one of my very favorite places i've lived in my career. we grabbed a bite to eat on the way down, so i didn't partake of the fair food like i normally do. i think the only thing i had was a lemonade - which was probably good, since my stomach has been so out of whack.

sunday was uneventful. terry cleaned house and organized my cupboards to better accommodate short people (lol!). she is the absolute best sister i could have ever hoped for. she has supported me through thick and thin! i think i watched a "lost without a trace" marathon! lol later, we walked the dogs....and BOY - did it ever cool down. i contemplated building a fire on the back deck because i just couldn't get warm!

please pray for gina herbert again. her homecare nurse inadvertently damaged one of her halos and flaps last week, and unfortunately, she has to go back into surgery today to repair the damage. as a result, she may very well miss her benefit tomorrow. she was pretty devestated when i talked with on on the phone. she is so discouraged! she and i both have the same plastic and orthopaedic surgeons.

also continue to keep mary pfeifer in your prayers. the dr. plans to read her xrays today. she is so hoping that there is not additional, undetected damage to her leg.

i have therapy and my weekly plastic surgeon appts. this week on tuesday and thursday, respectively. as you can guess, i continue to be impatient. i want so badly to have my bone surgery so i can start to learn to walk again. it's amazing how your muscles atrophy so quickly when you don't have the opportunity to use them! i do what i can to work out from the bed or chair, but it certainly isn't the same.

no matter what....God is good EVERYDAY, and i must continue to trust in Him that he will take care of me. remember - He never closes any door unless he opens a better one!

laura pascuzzi - thanks for the friendship and for cheering me up when i need it. i also hope you fared well at the casino yesterday! we'll be back on bikes next year!

terry (sis) - thanks for being you and helping take care of me! you are the absolute best.

trish & di - thanks again for all you guys do to help me out. your friendship has been a lifesaver!

OSP family/friends - thanks for all you folks do to keep me lifted, involved, and informed. i'm so fortunate to work for such a fantastic organization!


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Yea!!!!!! Finally a kitty picture! Your kitty looks like a short-haired version of my little Babe.
Sounds like you had a really great time! I know what you mean about Southern Ohio--it is so beautiful, and the folks down there are so nice! I'm so glad you got to go and be out in the beautiful weather and enjoy!
Poor Gina and Mary! It is so disheartening to have such set backs. Will be keeping both of them in my thoughts and prayers, as I do with you. I'm sure once all the prayer warriors band together and start praying hard, they will both be well on their way toward healing. It is also doubly frustrating when these things are caused by some thoughtless, inconsiderate person and then the good people have to suffer as a result. I know there is some reason why these things happen--although it sure is impossible for us mere mortals to figure out the "Master Plan"...
I hope all your appointments go well this week too, girl! Do me a favor, will you? Ask your doctor and physical therapist if it would be all right if I came over and did some gentle massage on the areas around the injuries to help get some blood flow/nourishment into those muscles that are atrophied and not being used. I would be glad to do that, and I know it would help you, o.k.? So ask the doc if that would be o.k.--tell him I would just work "around" the injured areas and be very gentle. It's also been proven that massage around a fracture site helps it heal more quickly!
Have a wonderful day, woman!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Hello! My name is Michael and I am simply writing to let you know that although I may not know you personally, I am praying for you.

I found out about this site through the OSP's newsletter. As a current stundent at Ohio University and an aspiring trooper, I think it necessary from time to time to let troopers or in this case Majors, know how much they are appreciated.

Major Taylor- the sacrafices you have made have imfluenced people greatly! Before your promotion to Major you were the distrcit commander for my district. I want you to know today, that you are valued.

I know it must be devastationg to face a horrific event such as what has happened to you. Especially for someone who seems so dedicated to their career, and that career hinges on being able to walk.

I am sure that I am telling you what you already know, but God is awesome. The Word says Jesus was given a name above every name. So that means he is Jehovah Jireh and more. He will provide for you a way to be rehabilitated. Not only that, I believe your leg will function better than it did before. That is the stance that I am taking. I refuse to believe anything else!

I too was happy to hear that you were able to return to this area to visit the Apple festival. The weather was indeed great.

God's Peace

District 09

PS I think it is awesome what you have accomplished in your career. I would love to talk more about it

Anonymous said...

Hey lady, Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend, and you so deserve it my dear. You take care of that leg, and that belly of yours!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you are recovering so quickly. Your faith in god and positive attitude have so much to do with your recovery.

I continue to keep you and Mary both in my prayers - hopefully the doctor will give her good news today.

I love all of the pictures of your animals. It's amazing how they can communicate to you without speaking. I've been working on my kids to get them to try it to, but no luck so far :)

Keep up the great recovery (Mary too) and please let me know if you need anything (P-5 can still find me)!

Missey (Altier) Standley

Anonymous said...

i bet i could woop you in a wheel chair race.

whats-a-matter? you scared?

-your old friend @ p-51