Saturday, September 22, 2007

september 22, 2007 - patience is a virtue...

top of the afternoon, friends....

another beautiful saturday - in the 90's - and yet - I'M NOT ON A MOTORCYCLE!!!! this is killing me!

the swelling in my ankle seems to be less today. i hope it stays that way! i'm still having a bit of trouble keeping food down these days, but i'm trying a new nausea medicine that i hope will help. i'm still holding at 100 lbs - but i can't afford to lose any more!

i just finished my workout this morning, and am contemplating going to the jackson apple festival this afternoon with terry and friends. terry came up last night and stayed over. we had wendy's chili and baked potatoes last night after a long stroll in the neighborhood. the dogs loved it.

i am expecting a friend in a bit. she's a nurse that i met at buckeye girls state many years ago - julie broughton. it will be good to see her. after she leaves, i'll probably head south.

i met carl roark and kathy mccarthy at the rice bowl yesterday. it was a nice surprise to see major john born and his crew from OSS (shawn davis, toby smith, melva dodd, tony bradshaw, etc...) as well. they sat at an adjoining table.

while we were at the rice bowl, i received a call from the retired bud "elzie" and captain dave dicken, who had ridden down to the athens harley dealership. on their way back, they had stopped at my house and vandalized my flowers. what friends!

mary called me yesterday and may have had a little set back. she went for therapy yesterday and her foot was swollen and discolored when they removed her cast. they believe she may have another fracture. they took additional xrays and will find out monday. please keep her in your prayers.

terri w - okay...i didn't call the cops on christy! since i haven't heard otherwise, she must have done the law-abiding thing and returned the mustang. if anyone hears otherwise, let me know.

well, enough for now....i must get ready before julie arrives. have a blessed day and enjoy this wonderful "motorcycle" weather we're having!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Hiya Lisa and Mary....

Just expect your ears to be burning for the next week as many of your IAWP sisters gather in Denver....We will miss your smiling faces and positive attitudes and will keep you in our thoughts and hearts all week (and beyond) I'll take lots of photo's (as usual)

Anonymous said...

Major 1095 - WOW what an awesome ride you must have had! There is nothing like the hills and curves in southern Ohio. It is a blessing that you are off the meds that were upsetting you. Throughout life we come across many paths, roads and bridges, we do the best we can to make the right choices and experience life to it's fullest. There will be times when we feel that our prayers are not answered as quickly as we would like but it is all in his time. There is nothing that we can't overcome when we have faith and leave it in his hands. - Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. - Mary

Anonymous said...

Becky-I hear nothing but good things are going on at the post! Awesome. I caught a ride to the Sternwheeling fireworks and saw Luke working hard at the NoZone..nice job! Toni - hope you get out of cast soon. (We're not getting any younger!)I always have "speeders" on my street,- Thanks Chip for hammering away. Sgt. Anne enjoyed Applebees -Sgt. Matt - hang in there brother. Mary Lou - Thank you for the flowers they are beautiful.

I had my first therapy Friday, I was there about 5 minutes and the PT Nazi decided that my leg needed re-x-rayed it looked pretty bad. They will read Monday I will find out if there is a break that was missed. I'll let yo know what I find out. I really miss everyone. Stay safe - Keeping you all in my prayers.

Carolyn - Dance on at least one speaker for me and have a great time in Denver, hope to catch you at the next conference. My sister -Teresa had such a great time at the Boston conference, she had planed to fly out this year and sight see with us she sends her thoughts-maybe next year..Miss ya'all.

I will miss seeing all of my IAWP sisters (& brothers - Yonkers -Tom) this year..take care stay safe..Safe travel to all of you. Mary

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei seu blog pelo google está bem interessante gostei desse post. Gostaria de falar sobre o CresceNet. O CresceNet é um provedor de internet discada que remunera seus usuários pelo tempo conectado. Exatamente isso que você leu, estão pagando para você conectar. O provedor paga 20 centavos por hora de conexão discada com ligação local para mais de 2100 cidades do Brasil. O CresceNet tem um acelerador de conexão, que deixa sua conexão até 10 vezes mais rápida. Quem utiliza banda larga pode lucrar também, basta se cadastrar no CresceNet e quando for dormir conectar por discada, é possível pagar a ADSL só com o dinheiro da discada. Nos horários de minuto único o gasto com telefone é mínimo e a remuneração do CresceNet generosa. Se você quiser linkar o Cresce.Net( no seu blog eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. (If he will be possible add the CresceNet( in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
hello !!!! I am so sorry to hear about the report on Mary. Please keep us all informed on her status, WE WILL PRAY HARDER FOR HER TOO !! I have to say I enjoyed our get together last Friday, but I don't know about S/Lt. Roark. That is a little iffy. LOL !!! You know you should have put out an APB on flower nazis too !!!!!!!!!!!!
I will be bringing over a treat for you this week and will let you know when, to make certain you are home.
Good pic of the cat, poor thing all of the puppies get the fame!! Hey can she sing like Chrissy? Sissy probably looks at Chrissy and thinks YOU FOOL, THOSE HUMANS ARE LAUGHING AND YOU JUST KEEP MAKING A FOOL OF YOURSELF WHEN YOU HOWL TO THE HARMONICA. LOL !!!!!!!!!! Aren't animals great!! Did you make it to church yesterday ??? Love ya and gotta go !!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

Been awhile since I last wrote. Have been in Africa for the past month visiting my sister Joan and my new niece, Naledi. Traveled around Namibia, Zambia and Botswana for three weeks and the fourth week was sight seeing in Windhoek, Namibia which is the city Joan works in. Had a wonderful time and learned lots about the country and the long way it has to go as it develops.

Keeping up with your progress by reading your blog and like to say, keep up the great spirits and work. All will work out I'm sure of it.

You take care now, bye for now

Jan :):)