Thursday, September 20, 2007

september 21, 2007 - there is a time to heal....

top of the (very early) morning, friends....

well, the dr's appt. yesterday was a bit disappointing. the dr. took the dressing off and discovered only a small portion of the graft actually took. the wound appeared bigger and deeper than before he did the surgery. his best estimation for the bone grafts is still 6-8 weeks out. it was not good news, but he did take me off the antibiotics that were tearing my stomach up. thank goodness for that.

i want to take this opportunity to thank tom reffey, a lifelong friend, who i've known my entire career. he has made generous donations to both gina herbert's and our benefits. tom never ceases to amaze me with his kindness and generosity. when i was in the hospital, tom visited. during our conversation, i unfortunately, found out that his father had just passed away and had not yet even been buried. but tom - being the wonderful friend that he is - was worried about gina, mary and me! and more incredibly, he has never met gina. tom is one of those people in my life that no matter how long it's been since we've talked, we can just "pick up" where we left off. i will always cherish his friendship.

carolyn (cuz) - it was great seeing you on the blog! i'm glad that rikki was able to assist a fellow computer illiterate! hope all is well with you. we WILL ride in the future, when we return out west, as we've always talked. just give me a bit of time to heal!

bernie - thanks so much for the quote - and how true! we have alot more control over our destiny than we think. the only two things in life we control are our attitudes and effort - i've borrowed this quote so many times from my good friend scottie borden!

brian - i'm so thankful you are now wearing a helmet! you know, there was a time i didn't always wear one, but now i'm a believer! if it weren't for our helmets, armor, gloves, and boots, my injuries and mary's injuries would have been so much worse! once you get used to a good fitting, comfortable helmet, it's really not too bad. now i won't go around the block without one! hope your trip to the canyon was great! wish i could have been there.

mark f - good seeing you at the clubhouse too. i hope all is well with your new job, family, and Christian rock group! keep the faith, (and the shiny side up) my friend!

terri w - you never cease to bring a smile to my face. i so appreciate your friendship and cheer you bring to the blog.

i have posted a picture from my ride with christy yesterday - what a great, great, great day! i probably should have checked to see if she actually returned that rental and went to work yesterday. i may have to put out an APB!

well, i return to the plastic surgeon again next thursday, and to physical therapy tuesday. i'll keep you all posted.

God bless...

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Aw, come on! Give Christy a break! Since she was nice enough to take you for such a nice ride, wait at least another day before you call the law on her about the car! Hee hee...
I'm so sorry to hear your disappointing news about the graft, but keep the faith, girl! As I said before--I'll have to come by, and we'll start doing some massage above and below your wounds--get the blood flow pumping better through the area. I'm sure it definitely would help the healing. Anytime you bring nutrition into an area and take waste and toxins out of an area, it's good.
That's a good picture of you both in the convertible! I used to joke with my mom after some of my surgeries when I would finally get to go outside and go for a ride, I felt like a dog with its head hanging outside the window, just happy to have the wind blowing in my face and my hair! So nice to get out into nature like that while recovering. Very good for the soul, which helps the body as well!
Have a really great day, both you and Mary! You both deserve to have a wonderful weekend!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

That is a great picture of you and Christy! I too am sorry about your docs visit, but definitely keep the faith, and we will send more prayers yours and Marys way my dear. Have a wonderful weekend, and looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday!
Love, Wendy

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major, I am so sorry to hear the news of the latest skin graft from your doctor. Maybe it just hasn't had enough time to take yet, afterall its only been just a week, right???
I love the pic of you and Christy in the vertible!! Christy is such a nice person and a good friend. Of course you were probably trying to drive from the back seat LOL !!!! or did you fall asleep like you always do when 904 is driving!!! At least that is what he always tells me... hhhmmmm
I can't wait to see you today, I have really been looking forward to it and what a beautiful day outside too!!! Have you and the dogs been outside doing wheelies around the block making motorcycle sounds ??? If not, you should be girl.
I will send more prayers out for you and Mary as you both continue to heal. I told you that the big guy is tired of hearing from me these days. You know I have been praying alot more than NORMAL LOL!!!!!
Love ya !!!

Anonymous said...

A Hillbilly Story

In the hill of Kentucky sat on old woman (Grace) in her rocking chair, gazing out at the beauitiful mountains God had created.

Grace had spent many years scraping out a living on that old mountain top. She tended to her family and she never once complained of the hard life she lived. She raised several children and made sure thay had a proper education, after all, all she wanted for them was to have a better way of life.

As years passed and her children grew up and moved away. They returned to vist as often as they could.

As her children became sucessful in life they began to ask her to move off of the mountain top and come and live with them. Grace would always say, look at this beauitiful view I have, my wonderful home and my flowers. Each child would argue that they only wanted her quality of life to improve and give her things she could never afford and wanted her to live in comfort.

Grace would respond each and every time. It is by the grace of God that I was blessed with a beauitiful and healthy family and it was God that gave the strength I needed when times were hard! So, I will remain on this mountain top and continue to draw on from the strenght of God and know he will comfort me when needed and ease the pain in these old bones and continue to provide me with this beauitiful old mountain top to gaze at every day! So, needles to say, Grace is still living on that old mountain top and she continues to draw her strength from God!

I hope you have a great day!

Anonymous said...

What a perfect idea to rent the convertible!!!! I have eaten a sandwich or two at the same BBQ place (right off 33 at the Old Man's Cave exit?) and they were wonderful. Good choice! What a positively wonderful way to spend the day: )

Sorry the graft news was not what you wanted to hear, but we know who is ultimately in control. Keep improving every day. You've come a long way Baby!

Austin told me a joke last night... Know what the fish said after it swam into the concrete? ..... Dam! I know, he's warped too!

Have a good weekend!
Laura Mourne

Anonymous said...


Minor setbacks will happen. They seem like big things at the present time, but use them as a learning tool. Your body can only heal so fast. It is bound to have some fits and starts. All things considered, your recovery up until now has been nothing short of miraculous.

Wanted to let you know my uncle came through the surgery okay and is bouncing back pretty quickly at the moment. God is good!

I'm glad you got to feel the breeze in your hair and the sun on your face. That was an absolutely brilliant and great thing for Christy to do. She got you as close to heaven as you could fly right now. You must have felt freedom for the first time in months, relative freedom anyway.

773 asked me to check with you to see when it would be a good time for us to come by next week, only if you are up to it, though. You are never far from our thoughts or prayers. You can give me a call at the office 799-4645 if you like or reply via e-mail.

Thanks for your courage, Lisa and for Mary's courage as well. For anyone who has never had to face the adversity you have, they can never know how they would react, but at least they have your examples. May God be with you and heal you as quickly as He will.

Lots of love to both you and Mary.


Anonymous said...

Major,WOW! That Christy is special.Renting that Mustang convertible and you guys driving all over like that.She's also been coming to Capital City M/C for two years and both of those years has raised the most money for the "Kids'N'Kamp" charity. What a GAL!

Just so you know, if you get the urge to ride in the open like that again,to feel the wind and sun on your face and in hair.All you need do is call and I'll jump in my pickup truck and come right over.

Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

HI 109'er5,

Hope this finds you feeling well. Sorry to hear about the skin graft, but it will be just fine. It just might take a little longer than first thought. You look great in the back of the Mustang. I just hope you didn't hit any BIRDS.......I can't wait until you are up and doing just what you want to do, which will not be long at all. I really miss our wonderful chats from a few years back. But, most of all I miss our daily contacts. You are a wonderful friend and a true inspiration to all who are blessed to know you. Naomi said to tell you hello. We love you.....

Dale and Naomi