Monday, September 17, 2007

september 17, 2007 - we are highly favored......

top of the evening, friends.....

let's see....where did i leave off?

like i said earlier, the surgery went well, although the dr. actually sewed what looks like a wad of cloth on top of the wound. it's the most bizarre thing i've ever seen. i suspect the "package" is filled with antibiotics, but my dr. is not the most talkative guy i've he kind of reminds me of the dr. on "house." i return to the dr. on thursday to see how it's taken. please continue to pray for healing!
i have posted a pretty graphic picture of my left leg (above) after 7 surgeries. i rather look like the bride of frankenstein, but i don't care as long as it works! obviously the staples, stitches and drains have been removed, but it's still not a pretty sight.

saturday - terri, trish and dianna and i went to the logan flea market. i think di and trish bought a few treasures. i didn't find anything! the antibiotics i'm now on are a bit rough on my stomach, so i got a bit sick while we were there, but nothing major. that evening, the movie nazi's then made me watch "red eye." i have to admit that it was pretty good - and I STAYED AWAKE!!! lol

sunday - again....i missed church. i have to get back! i'll try again this week. these meds are killing me! dad, my stepmom, mary and terry visted and we went to cracker barrel for breakfast, then we met di and the "retired bud" elzie down at capital city motorcycle club to show support for the "kids & kamp" benefit for kids with cancer. they had a great showing and raised about $1,800 for that cause! elzie, of course, kept repeating how 'nice' and how 'refreshing' the motorcycle ride was. just wait...he'll get his! he's just hateful sometimes.....

today has been eventful!

mark atkeson called to check on me....jeff shane rode his bicycle over and visited....dave dicken, carl roark, and jan lawrence also visited. boy, jan was the prettiest out of that group...let me tell you!!! the retired bud elzie stopped by just to harass carl for skipping the charity ride yesterday simply to watch the bengals get beat. carl sheepishly admitted he should have utilized his time

took the dogs to deer creek again to let them run. they enjoy that almost as much as i do! funny thing....while i was there riding around the campground in my wheelchair, some camper came up and asked me what happened to my leg. i told him i was hit in WV on my MC by a drunk driver. he then asked me if i was mary pfeifer, the marietta post commander??? lol i told him "no, but she was with me....." small world! mary...i knew you'd get a kick outta that.

bob & cheryl - thanks for the notes and visits. you guys have been wonderful friends. the cat pics are coming!!!!!!!

terri west - thanks so much for the massage info! i very well may take you up on it as my recovery continues. i have experienced the healing effects of massage and appreciate your offer.

bells in the woods - thanks for the wonderful words of encouragement! you and mark have been great friends through the years. i appreciate you keeping in touch. you have no idea what that means. PS...terry still LOVES chocolate covered cherries, although she has given up sugar until i walk again. she is offering that up as her personal sacrifice. GOD...i LOVE my sis!!!

kim s. - thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. while we have not met, i really appreciate how "a friend of a friend" prayer chain works. mary is very fortunate to have you as a friend. please continue to support her!

mary - i pray that your healing continues. you'll be back before you know it! don't get too impatient, friend! we'll complete this journey - no matter how difficult!

bob & mildred - thanks for the call, card, and picture of ollie! i don't believe for one minute that he's a bit ornery! looks like a good playmate for chrissy!

seattle deb - looking forward to - i'm waiting with great anticipation for what you're going to send. can't wait! should i be "skeert?"

colonel collins & brenda - i really appreciate your notes and support! brenda...the foot graft comment was a bit much. there is a 12-step program for the problem that you obviously have. the first part in the healing process is admitting you have a

heidi ho & shazam - you guys are welcome any time. one condition, however....NO NURSES UNIFORMS! you guys crack me up!


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Wow! Bless your heart (and leg)! The picture really puts in perspective the physical mountain you are climbing. With much grace, I must say. You are amazing and God will continue to bless you. You are wise to focus on what is good and what you have to be grateful for.

It was mentioned at church Sunday that the website now has the entire Sunday services (music and everything) that can be viewed online ( So you can view it at your leisure. I'm sure that God's presence will be just as evident in your home as it is in His. I, too, love the service and hope to see you there soon.

Still in our prayers,
Stephanie and Keith Albert

Anonymous said...

Major, thank you guys for coming down to support the charity ride Sunday. It was great today when you told Lt. Roark you couldn't believe he'd watch a football game before riding his motorcycle.As the saying goes "some own 'em,some
ride 'em". However, can you explain how folks mowed your lawn this summer with a walk behind mower, but now with summer ending you're having the riding mower repaired? Hey, got a snow blower stashed anywhere? Don't worry I won't say anything to your Dad about this......NOT!

Your Retired Bud.

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
Looking forward to seeing you on Friday, RICE BOWL !!!! woohoooo. I know how much you hate that place. LOL !!!
That picture does put things into perspective and it is a true testament to your faith about how strong you have been to get this far. You are truly loved!
I continue to pray for you and Mary and wish I could get down to see you more often than I do !!
Love you and Mary, and talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

Nice Picture, Major...If you click on it the picture gets REALLY close up! We were inspecting the doctor's work. We hope the second skin graft takes hold and you can get on with the reconstructive surgery soon. You should post pictures of your progress.

We thought we might give you an update on Cory. They moved him from Grant into an extended care facility. He has not came out of the comatose state fully, but continues to improve every day. He is breathing on his own, yet they still have a trach tube in to keep the moisture in his lungs good. When we visited on Saturday, he opened his eyes half way...which was the most he had them since the crash. God continues to heal his body and guide the doctors. Someone made a prayer quilt for him, in which visitors are to make a know in the string each time they say a prayer for him. It is at the end of his bed. We appreciate the continued prayers.

Continue to be positive and heal!

The 12-step that a new aerobics program? Are you saying Brenda needs to exercise more? LOL

Peace be with you,
Butch and Brenda

Anonymous said...

Oh my God... after looking at your poor little legs girl, it is even MORE miraculous to me that you continue to sound so cheerful on a regular basis. I also can't help but be filled with rage at the driver who hit you both, causing you both all that pain.
Please do take heart that no matter how bad scars look, they always improve greatly over time. My older brother went through a windshield and was basically "scalped"--his scars were SO horrible, he was in tears frequently thinking he would always look like Frankenstein (it did look horrible). But now, it is actually difficult to see his scars from that awful accident. And while my surgical scars have been nothing like yours, I did have a couple that were mighty ugly that now I barely even notice.
I am definitely serious about the massage helping you heal. Any time you can both bring nutrition into and toxins out of an area, it is beneficial. As soon as your surgeon is done with his handiwork and clears you, I will be more than happy to work on you, woman. And Mary, getting some massage work might also help free up your foot. There is a guy named Earl Timberlake down in Logan, OH who performs miracles. You might try contacting him (if you do, please tell him all the circumstances of your injury and that I asked you to call him. I don't have his number handy with me, but you can find him under Timberlake Massage Therapy, I believe).

I hope both of you have a wonderful day!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Hi 109'er5,

I am just overjoyed to hear the surgery went well. You are a true fighter, and things will be back to normal very soon. Each day that goes by is one day closer to a complete recovery. Keep your wonderful attitude going, and remember all of us are thinking about you. Our love and prayers are with you every single day. If you need a laugh or just want to talk to someone please call me. Just remember God will take care of you every single day of your life, and He has much bigger plans for you......Naomi said hi and wishes you the very best. We love you very much......

Dale and Naomi

Anonymous said...

You are amazing, gal. You certainly put it into perspective for people. I've always had a healthy fear of motorcycles, but know the freedom you must feel whenever you ride. This should be a reminder to everyone who rides to wear protective helmets and long pants and leather to protect their limbs. You know in the scheme of things, it's remarkable that you are healing as well as you are. I know the progress may not be as speedy as you'd like, but attitude and prayer have brought you farther in two short months than many people have managed in 3 or more months.

You are an amazingly strong woman in a petite package. I can only hope to have as much strength of character as you if I have to face anything similar to this.

May God continue to bless you and Mary. You are both in my thoughts and prayers. :) Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hey girlfriend...The leg is looking good..Maybe not what you pictured but with care and prayer you'll be up and walking in no time. We'll get your treadmill oiled up and ready to go. I've been thinking..I know it is always dangerous.but...I'll bet you won't have to shave your leg any more..UHH did you before the crash? LOL - " first the kingdom of God and his righteousness all things will be provided for you. Don't worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about itself" As always keeping you in my prayers. Mary

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers have been with you since day one. Why do you feel a need to post these pictures?