Saturday, September 15, 2007

september 15, 2007 - His plans are better than our plans...

top of the morning, friends....

oh, my! where the heck has the summer gone?! what a beautiful, cool, crisp, fall-like day!

well, my surgery occurred yesterday, as planned. it was moved up to 1:45 pm instead of 4:00 pm, which was a blessing, because it is so difficult for me to wake up from the anesthesia. i was in recovery for over 3 hours. the surgery went well, however, thanks to everyone's prayers and well-wishes.

dr. wells took a 3 inch by 3 inch section of "donor" skin from the upper thigh of my injured leg to cover my knee (the "recipient" site) on the same leg. he said that he wants to see me wednesday to see how it looks. once again, we'll discuss the next bone surgery. i have to change the dressing daily on both areas, so i'll get to see how it looks today. terry and trish escorted me to the hospital. those guys are lifesavers!

i had lunch with mary on thursday. she looks good, but to her dismay, the dr. has put her off
for another month because her foot is virtually locked into place and needs significant therapy to get it moving again. please keep her in your thoughts. bless her heart, she is so anxious to get back to work.

gina herbert is home from the hospital - praise God! i know she's been in alot of pain, but she really appreciates everyone's thoughts and prayers. please consider either attendng or supporting her benefit. she's a single mom who needs all the support she can get.

bob booker - thanks so much for the call and for stopping by. i'm so sorry i missed you, friend!

scottie borden - thanks so much for the letter and inspirational book! you are best "wingman" anyone could ask for, buddy! i heard about the particular "moment" you mentioned in your note. what a piece of work! we'll talk more about that topic later.

i'm going to try to make an appearance at the capital city motorcycle club tomorrow for their "KIDS & KAMP" ride. it helps kids with cancer attend camp. obviously, i won't be able to ride, but i do believe that my "retired bud," elzie, christy clark, and my dad, ross are going to ride. i'm sure they'll rub it in that my butt's not in a saddle! lol

speaking of riding, my nephew, michael (terry's oldest son) wrecked his harley motorcycle this week. he has only had it for 4 months and unfortunately, did about $2,500 in damage. the blessing is that he, nor his stepdaughter were not hurt! terry is not happy with motorcycles these days, to say the least! i think she's ready to sell them all on our behalf.

to my IAWP friends (janet, deb, laura, terri, etc...) thanks for the thoughts and prayers. hopefully, mary and i will be attending a conference in the near future, once we're able to walk comfortably. we always look forward to the education and fellowship!

well, i'll write more when i have additional information. you guys and gals have no idea how much i look forward to your blog notes. they truly are my "window to the world."


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Good Morning to you my friend, so happy to hear surgery is done and you sound great! So many prayers afre being said for you and Mary! I hope you do get to go to the benefit ride today, remember you'll be coming on wheels too, it may be a wheel chair but it is still on wheels!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things went well and that you continue to be "on the mend". Prayers are abundant from all of us for you and Mary.

Does Terry still like chocolate covered cherries? Found a cheap substitute...chocolate covered cherry flavored Hershey Kisses. Knew she'd want to know.

Check your email for more inspirational information.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your surgery is over and the results look promising. Take it one day at a time. I hope you are feeling well enough to make it to the club to send off the Kids & Camp ride, send my thoughts to all, I won't be able to attend this year. If your retired Buddy is leading the way you could probably go on the ride, you will be able to see them the whole ride around the block-LOL Maybe you'll feel up to left right center while they are out riding. You might have a chance to win if Terri M. isn't there to sweep it away from you. LOL Continue to keep you in my prayers for a quick recovery. Mary

Anonymous said...

Hi Coz' We're so glad to hear about your surgery going well, uncle sonny and Babe are here and can keep up with your blog now. We love you and keeping you, Mary and your friends in our prayers, Love Coz' Boo and Lee xoxo

Anonymous said...


Great to read everything went well Friday. Hope you had a good weekend and we're looking fwd to Sept 25th for Gina and Oct 6th for you and Mary.

It's been a summer for friends, support and courage. You, Mary and Gina are in our thoughts and prayers.

PS. Enough is enough..where's the cat? CB

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, glad to hear your surgery went well. My thought are with you daily in your recovery. I have something special to send you and your motorcycle partner from Seattle. I will get it to you post haste! You will be missed in Denver...start planning to come to Seattle 2009! Take care, Deb

Anonymous said...

Hey, girl!
I look forward to your comments (and everyone else's) on the blog daily as well. It always gives me a smile and warm feelings every day to read it.
As for not being able to "ride", I think one of your biker buds needs to put you and Mary in side cars and take you all along!
Glad to hear you came through surgery o.k. and are mending once again. Just a little suggestion that might help the healing process--if there is any way that a little gentle massage above and below the graft site can be done, it will stimulate the blood flow and help the healing process (just a little thought from your friendly neighborhood massage therapist). When you are finished with your bone surgery, that also will help as well. Helps both tissue and bone heal up more quickly. Just a suggestion--nothing vigous (with your injuries)--just some very, very gentle massage. Will have to come and see you and show you what I mean :).
By the way, I'm with C.B.--enough is enough--where's the kitty pictures?????????????
Have a great day!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Good Morning,
Hope you had a great rest of your weekend, been thinking about you a lot today. I just want you and Mary to know you are thought about a lot.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

So glad to read your procedure went well. Now onto the leg surgery! You'll be good as new here before too long. I like Terri's idea about the side car. Maybe one of your pups could ride too!

Take care : )
Laura Mourne

Anonymous said...

Hey there, thinking of you and Mary. I know the struggles seem long and tedious, but take time to reflect on all the beauty the Good Lord has created for us, whether it is in nature, music, laughter, the wonder of a small child, or the adrenaline that revs your engine when you think of those shiny bikes. The sunrises and sunsets are my two favorite times of the day. It reminds me of "The Little Prince" by St. Antoine Exupery. The other bit of wisdom from that is you become responsible for those you love. God loves you and Mary, and He is responsible for your care and recovery. How can things possibly go wrong when He is your most tender Physician. God bless you, gals. I know that the setbacks are frustrating, but take comfort in knowing that you are lifted in prayer every day, every hour, every minute by someone who knows of your plight. Lots of love to you both. Cindy

Rochelle said...


I am glad to hear that your surgery went well. I will keep you and Mary in my prayers... Take care of yourself and I will talk to you soon.

Rochelle Turner

Anonymous said...

Thank you - for your thoughts and prayers you have all extended mountains of care, compassion, time and energy. Don & Di thank you for all of your hard work in organizing the ride at Quaker. Look forward to seeing you all there.

Deb - Hope to make Seattle 2009..Mary

Anonymous said...

Hello Lisa,

Jim and I are riding in the Florida Keys. As you might imagine, it's beautiful. We were thinking of you and are always including you in our prayers.

Hoping you have received my earlier thoughts - we've been with you from the start.


Julia Grimes