Tuesday, September 11, 2007

september 11, 2007 - He is my everything....

top of the evening, friends....

i hope this finds you all well and blessed on this important day. we all need reminded from time to time how precious our freedom and safety really are. i pray and thank God for our men and women serving our country right now.

yesterday's therapy session wasn't too bad. the therapy nazi's simply wanted to measure my range of motion on my knee and ankle. they indicated that it was obvious that i'm working both joints on my own and they were pleased. i was encouraged by that! my next session is next week.

today, however, was a bit more challenging. i didn't sleep well because i threw up my oxycontin last night. i couldn't take more because i didn't know how much was in my system (which, friends....couldn't have been much!). i think the amount of oxy the dr. gave me for nightime has been a bit much and has been making me sick again. he lowered my dosage today. by the way....don't ever cut oxy in half to reduce your dosage....they are time-released and you could easily overdose. i learned this today - fortunately before i did such a thing!

furthermore...the plastic surgeon has decided that he wants to do another skin graft on my knee this friday. he apparently doesn't feel that it's healing quickly enough on it's own. another surgery - oh, joy! although it will be outpatient surgery, i will be completely "out."

while this will be my 8th surgery thus far, it will prepare me for my bone surgery i've been waiting to have. the dr. believes that he will see me in 5 days after the graft and discuss the next surgery. hopefully that will occur in the next month or so. please pray for quick healing!

but....i keep reminding myself that the important things are:

- i still have my leg
- God still has a greater plan
- i have a great support system of family and friends
- AND i still have 3 other motorcycles to ride (lol!)

i think that one of my classmates (mark perez) will be visiting tomorrow, then mary on thursday. she sends her regards. she's splitting her time between her parents and her home until she's able to return to work.

oh, yeah...i ate at frisches tonight and had a big boy! more importantly....i've kept it down! also walked the dogs in my neighborhood. i'm getting to be a pro at the "hover-round" electric wheel chair! good thing grove city PD wasn't in the area....i might have gotten a speeding ticket! lol

i thank each and every one of you who keep blogging, calling, visiting, etc.... mary and i are so grateful for the family and friends who keep us lifted up. you guys are great!

connie - i hope you can make it, but i know you'll be there in spirit if not in flesh!

mccarthy - tell 904 to take it easy on you...we all know how fragile you are!

wendora - thanks so much for the blogs and cards....you're so thoughtful!

essie - you're the best! when is MY secretary coming home???

ginny f - thanks for the very nice card and heartfelt letter. you touched my heart!

ps...i'm trying to get trish to download the cat pics.....i'm not that computer savvy yet!!!!

be blessed - not distressed...

lisa - 1095


Gentle Ben said...

Here I sit at midnight in restaurant-challenged SE Ohio and you are talking about eating a Big Boy and I am starving and the nearesr Frisches is somewhere in your neighborhood. Rats. Oh, I guess that's better than getting a skin graft, and you have already had more than your share. I liked your points. Keep your chin up and keep healing, and I didn't know that about oxy. Hopefully never need it either. - Mike

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major, I love Big Boys!!!!! LOL !!! ok sorry but I couldn't resist that and I am certain it brought a smile to your face.
Lisa, I am sorry to hear the news, but you know what ?? its ok because us prayer warriors will just pray extra hard for you and Mary. We are all here for you two!!!
I can't believe that I miss seeing you, I am starting to have withdrawals, and S/Lt. Roark isn't in office to give me my daily lashing :-) geezz!!! I will check in and see if you can put me on your dance card sometime next week after work so I can spend some time with you- that is if you can handle it :-) LOL... there is no one on earth like you girl. NO ONE !!!!!!!!
Mel always told me, whenever you feel like crying, look up (remember I showed you this before) and it will stop the tears. Always works, but sometimes it just feels good to get a good cry on too, especially when you can do it with your friends. So feel free, we all have big shoulders for you and Mary.
Will write and see you soon. LOVE YOU SWEETIE. Kath.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to here about the delay in your recovery. Remember people are think about you even when it doesn't seem like it and you are alone. Never quit.

Dan R.

Anonymous said...

Hey, woman!
That's awful about not being able to sleep because of the oxycontin making you sick, poor girl! And I also am sorry that you have to have another skin graft (at least it is out patient!) As someone who has had several surgeries, I know how much "fun" it is to hear you're going to have another one!
But thank God that you and Mary are still here!!!!! That's the most important thing. Because of the crash, you have gotten to find out all the people who love you both... kind of like Jimmy Stewart in It's a Wonderful Life--get a small glimpse into how you both have affected so many lives around you and how important you are to others! It's awful you both had to go through so much to find it out, but wow! Every day when I pull up the blog, it still impresses me how many folks care about you ladies--and it is also totally understandable as you both are such class individuals and so good to others.
Hang in there, kiddo, about the skin graft. At least you get to come back home to the "kids" and don't have an extended stay at the hospital this time.
And it is great that the bone surgery will be soon (AND that you are doing so well in therapy! Awesome!)
Hang in there and have a great day!
By the way, a Frische's Big Boy???? Haven't had one of them for years--they are great! I just hope you didn't try to load the Big Boy statue in your hover round and take him home!
Have a great day, ladies!!!!

Pike County Woman

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your other surgery, but like everyone says the prayer warriers are out if full force my dear.
I hope that the fix on the oxy works as it is horrible to be sick!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Major: Hooowww Yoouuuu Doooiinn ?
sounds like they are keeping you busy with all those surgeries..at least the leg seems to be working.You sound like you are in good spirits and that is half the battle. How is mary coming along ? is she any closer to returning to duty ? I still hope to get "Retired" guy to bring me down to your house for a visit.. of course he is always so "busy".. LOL! If you watch those Buckeyes this weekend.."no jumping around" LOL !
Well take care and hope to see you soon.. still keeping you in our thoughts
May God Bless....

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...


I haven't posted a comment for awhile, but am keeping up with your progress. I wish I was further along in my nursing studies to be able to understand more of what you're going through. I bet you will be able to become a doctor after this is all over! Mary too with her EMT background! Glad to read that your spirit and your eyes are still lifted upward.

Will you and Mary be able to make it to the benefit next month? I bet you'll have a lot of fans there! I will be in class 9A-3P that day, but will be there in spirit.

Take care, Laura Mourne

Anonymous said...

Keep lookin up Lisa your doin great you will be out on those bikes before you know it.

Still thinking of you
kevin b

Anonymous said...

I just read about your accident in the WomenPolice magazine. I was hoping to see you and Mary in Denver, maybe still will with the way you are progressing. It sounds like you will be the next poster child for helmet use on a motorcycle. I am just so relieved to read that you and Mary came out of the accident and are on the road to recovery.
Take Care

Anneva DeConto
IAWP member

Anonymous said...

Wishing you best of luck and hope you feel better.

Reitred Aux Major Bloom

Anonymous said...

You and Mary truly are blessed with great family and friends. I know God has a greater plan for both of you and He will let you in on it when His time is the right time. That is one of the most difficult lessons we all have to learn ... that things happen on God's time and not our own. Patience truly is a virtue. Take care and God bless both of you. Kathy Imhoff

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa. I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts & prayers as you go through tomorrow's surgery. I hope this will accelerate your healing & enable you to have your other orthopedic surgeries soon. God Bless!

Kim Smith

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Lisa:

We were disappointed to hear of the news that you will need to have another skin graft. We know how painful that was for you before. Hey, maybe they can take the skin from your feet and take care of two birds with one stone! LOL Seriously, we hope all goes well and you are able to have the reconstructive surgery soon.

Keep your thoughts positive, as we all know you to be. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and Mary.

Peace be with you,
Butch and Brenda

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you today while you are having your surgery, girl. Have you in my prayers and thoughts as always. Hang in there, kiddo! However un-fun it is, this is yet another of the many steps back towards normalcy (well, physical normalcy--don't know as they can do much about the mental thing! Hee hee).

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

You are on my mind today darling, prayers are being said as usual! We are all thinking of you and continue to be the positive self you are.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hi 109'er5,

I hope your surgery went well for you today. I hate it that you have to go through another surgery, but hopefully it will prepare you for the next step in your recovery. When you feel like it give me a call and we will catch up on things. It was nice to hear from you last Tuesday. Naomi said to tell you hello, and she wishes you the best on your surgery. I told my dad about the M/C ride when you both get the go ahead to do them......If you need me, day or night, PLEASE,PLEASE call me. Love ya......


Anonymous said...

Your site had been posted with the Blue Knights and then I lost it... I'd been meaning to send greetings and best wishes for your recovery.

Thanks for keeping us up to date on your site. It's obvious you're feeling the pain for a lot of other people (like Cory) at the same time you're dealing with your own recovery.

You know there's a plan out there and it's obvious a lot of your friends know there's a plan. Stick with it - with luck you'll start to see the writing on the wall and you'll know the direction you're going to take.

My thoughts and prayers for you and a special word to Him to keep you in His arms and to continue to nurture.


Ray Scharf
101st class (with Maj Watts and Maj Minter...)
Sgt (Ret) Dublin Div of Police

Anonymous said...

Lisa so good to see you yesterday Sorry you have another surgery to endure, wish I could take that away for you. I do have some "extra" skin for your graph, be glad to donate..I can stand to lose a few pounds..LOL. I hope they get your meds straightened out to stop the pain and nausea. I start therapy next week..about time! Good luck with your surgery today I know faith and prayers will get you thru this...everyday is one day closer to recovery. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Mary

Anonymous said...

Anneva - good to hear from you. I'm afraid Lisa and I will not make the conference this year needless to say we have had an eventful summer. While on vacation we were fortune enough to have one of our IAWP sisters with us. Thanks Laura!Her Sergeant stripes kicked in and she helped handle the scene which was comforting. We have both have been blessed with so many caring friends. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Mary - Austrailia 2008???

K.McCarthy said...

Good afternoon Major,
ok I don't know what time your surgery was today, but your WARRIORS need to know what going on? did everything go ok today?
I am so sorry that you had to go through another graft. Hey, remember I told you, I have plenty to donate to you!! LOL !! and I am not telling the reading audience from where:-) !!
I am so sorry to hear also about the meds girl !!!! They will get it regulated, but I am sure that you will need some pain meds from today.
Oh Lisa, I told S/Lt.Roark that I miss you so much. Its always been a pleasure working for you and beside you. So get with the program, OSHP needs you and Mary healthy again.
Love you both and talk/see you soon. Give your babies a big hug for me and a kiss ok XOXOXOXO

Anonymous said...

If not Australia in 08 you'd best plan for Seattle in 09!!!! I'll even let you take my Virago for a spin around the islands...and I don't let just anyone ride my baby!!! Prepping for Oyster Run right now....10.000 motorcycles invading our town of 16,000.....
