Saturday, May 3, 2008

may 3, 2008 - a generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed - (Proverbs 11:25)

top of the afternoon, friends....

i hope this finds you all well!

well, my retirement is official, as of last sunday. thanks to dave and fran dicken for opening their home for the wonderful send-off!

also thanks to everyone for such kind words, cards, and gifts. i have been so blessed with wonderful friends. you guys and gals have been nothing but stellar during this ordeal.

the rehab continues with my leg. i continue to walk 1-3 miles a day either with crutches or cane, but i am working to put more weight on it each day.
i return to the dr. the middle of this month to determine if i can be placed in formal rehab. for now, i'm just trying to become acclimated to walking again.

mary is continuing to work light duty, but should return to full duty very soon. she thanks you all for your thoughts and prayers that have made her recovery much easier.
we have another pretrial toward the end of this month. there will be at least one more after that before the jury trial.

quote for the day.....

"a happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes"

hugh downs

colonel collins - thanks so much for the nice gesture this week. i enjoyed our visit.
OFLS friends - thanks again for your generosity! you guys and gals are the best!
i'll let you know how the rehab/dr.'s appointment goes. the progress is slow, but sure!
until next time,
be blessed....
lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Hey, woman!
I know that your retirement becoming official (for now, that is) had to be very sad for you... but I still believe you will be back. So try and keep that stiff upper lip, as I think you will be back and surprise everyone.
When your surgeon clears you for rehab, Dianna and I have JUST the right guy for you. His name is Mark Read, and he is the owner of Athletic Advantage. He is truly a miracle worker and the most talented/brilliant physical therapist I have ever met or been treated by. I have been telling him about your ordeal and your progress, and he said he would so love to be able to work on you, help you. He definitely has a God-given gift for what he does. I have really seen him work miracles with many people. So please keep him in mind when your doc tells you you can get into some rehab.
You are truly amazing walking that far every day, girl! I just got my boot cast off after a very long time; and even that has made it hard to walk in a coordinated manner again. So with your injury, the fact that you're walking just completely amazes and inspires me. You are Lisa, the Energizer Bunny... she keeps going and going and going and going...
Hang in there, kiddo. One of these days, this all will be behind you...

Pike Co. Woman

Gentle Ben said...


Cycling thru Pomeroy stopped for a sandwich and who is there but Kevin Teaford and wife. He said you had a nice little get-together to send you on your way. I know it was bitter sweet, but we were privileged to serve. And by the way, WOW! You are walking! Fantastic. You take the cake.

Mike H