Friday, April 11, 2008

april 11, 2008 - "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:5-6)

top of the afternoon friends....

i hope this blog entry finds you all well.

things are great here. i am putting a little more weight on my leg each day. of course, i'm still using crutches, as my left leg won't yet totally support me, but i've been walking 1-3 miles each day since being told i can start weight bearing. it's slow and certainly not pretty, but i'm doing better every day!

we went to yet another pretrial yesterday. while the lab results stay in, they will be redacted to exclude the illegal drug metabolite that showed up in the suspect's blood. during the testing, the lab ran out of blood. they could show that the illegal drug was there, but unfortunately, could not quantify it. the judge did not want to unfairly prejudice the future jury with that information. go figure. there will be another two pretrials before the case goes before a jury. will be alright, not matter what.
the picture is of my friend, sgt. scott rike. as i said before, he has been such an inspiration to me during this ordeal. scott had some significant health issues a while back and had to also retire. fortunately, he fought against the odds and is now back at work! i'm glad to see he's doing well these days.

the MBA continues. i had forgotten how much research goes into this! carl, dianna and i have been putting a tremendous amount of work into this. we all hope - no....we know it will pay off in the end.

quote for the day:

"the place to improve the world is first in one's own heart, head and hands"

- robert m. pirsig -

glenda woodgeard - we're all praying for your mom, who remains at OSU. we are confident she will make a complete and speedy recovery!

tina & beth - thanks again for your concern and hospitality in WV. you guys are the best!

gina herbert - we're praying for your recovery as well...please keep your chin will get better - i promise!

cindy kollin - congrats on your new place....can't wait to see it!

scott rike - we're continuing to pray for you and your family. we are trusting that your father is healed and that the baby is doing great!

until next time....continue to be blessed!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Major,Glad you are doing well and are back in school.My couple of months with Motorcycle Ohio is finished.Imagine getting paid to work on motorcycles. Took the rear of my blue Harley apart Saturday and spent $120.00 for a new tire.When I get it back together I'll start on the red bike. Spred the word our (Capital City M/C)first ride will be May 4th.Sign up starts at 11 first bike out at 12:30.I'll get some fliers down to you as I just received them.See you soon.

Your once again Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...


Your news is always inspiring. We are so happy to know you are progressing and will be starting therapy soon. Getting outside and enjoying the nice days in the Springtime always seems to bring a little light back in our mood.

Peace be with you,
Butch and Brenda

Anonymous said...

As always, Lisa, your ongoing faith and encouragement are a beacon for others. Keep up the efforts at recovery and one of these days in the not too distant future you will be able to walk without the aid of those crutches. Just don't overdo. May whatever happens in the West Virginia court system be just and right. The other driver was in the wrong and needs to face that truth every day. May he turn his life over to God to overcome his dependency upon drugs legal or illegal and may he step up to face his responsibilities like a man. The good Lord knows the other driver can never repay what he has taken from you, but perhaps he will somehow make amends to you and the others he has hurt by his poor choices of the past.

Be strong, my dear, and remember that you have many people praying for you.


Brenda Pahl said...

Hey Lis, just looking through the blog as I have been weekly for some time now. Your strength and inspiration is remarkable. I enjoyed so much the visit Chris and I had with you a while back. Since then situations have kept me from responding but did not keep me praying for you daily. I hope this finds you well and strong. You're a fighter girl and I know all this choas, court, appointments, pain, financial, everything will be repaid to you in 10-fold, you're a special individual who deserves right. Hopefully when times are tough you can remeber times like when (at the time) Sgt. Howard threw the trucker on the hood of my Patrol car and said "Now I want you to respect my Troopers they are very fine young woman." I think I softened it up a little. I'm sure you rememnber just as well as I do. (Such Language from a good ole boy.) Take care and call if you need to know if there is an end. I promise it will get better. Cherish everday as you go. This blog is wonderful because you can see the progress you have made.

You are in my thoughts daily,
Take Care

Anonymous said...


Good luck with the MBA...I finished mine last May and my brain still hurts!

1-3 miles a day on crutches! Great job!

Larry B

Anonymous said...

As always, you and your blog are so inspiring! It always makes my day start off better when I read the blog and see how "Mighty Mouse" is doing! And I see, as usual, she continues to chug along full steam ahead! It makes me smile every time I think of your being able to finally put some weight on that leg, as you've wanted to for so long! You will get there girl, and the light at the end of the tunnel is now DEFINITELY not a train! :)
Keep on truckin', and remember even though you're going great guns not to overdo! Take great care to listen to that body of yours and what it tells you, especially if it's telling you it's tired and needs a little nap maybe!
You are truly an inspiration to all who come in contact with you, girl! Me definitely included!!!!
Pike Co. Woman