Saturday, January 5, 2008

saturday, january 5, 2008 - "teach us to number our days..." (psalm 90:12)

top of the morning, friends....

i hope this finds you all well on this rainy saturday morning! i'm just trying to get some "odd jobs" done this month before my return to work in february. there's always something to do, isn't there?

last night, wendy and alan forbes came over for pizza and a movie. we had a great time watching "karate kid." wendy was kind enough to pick up the DVD and we ordered the pizza. wendy looked absolutely fantastic. she's lost over 30 lbs!

i also bought a new vehicle last night. my old explorer had 134,000 miles and has been "put to pasture." i ended up buying a toyota tacoma p/up truck so that i can still haul my dogs around, as well as get my mulch and stuff in the spring and summer. i should get it sometime this week. i've never had a pickup, but i was quite attached to my SUV, so i think it will be comparable. the picture above is a truck similar to what i bought. the dealership actually had a salesman come to my house to do the paperwork. now, that's service! (thanks lew karbler!)

the above picture is of my dad and me. he's sitting on his 1998 harley davidson road king trike, with a lehman conversion kit. i bought it on ebay for him about a year and a half ago and he just loves it! he let me borrow it last summer and i took a 2 week trip out west and up into canada with my "biker chick" what's interesting is that we all went through customs together and i was the only one detained. what's up with that???

i talked with mary last night. she's enjoying being back to work and is feeling better each day. she wanted me to thank you all again for the calls, cards, and visits while she was off.

quote for the day:

"courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear"

ambrose redmoon

elzie - thanks for always coming to my rescue when i need something. i appreciate your willingness to help me find a new vehicle, even though you voted against me joining capital city motorcycle

jean myers - thanks so much for the candy! i'm not sure if i ned to gain weight now, or not...but your contribution will certainly help! lol i'm so glad you're enjoying retirement. you deserve it, my friend.

toni roach - thank you for the lovely card and thoughtful words! your note was very heartfelt and appreciated. i know mary really loves you guys and is thankful to be back to work. she always brags on her "crew." i hope i get the opportunity to come back down and visit with you folks soon.
brian bender - please see a psychologist about the delusions you are having about beating me in a wheelchair race, my friend. either you need psychological help or you need to get off the drugs you're using! you're going DOWN! name the time and place - and have an undertaker on standby to dispose of your defeated self!

until we talk again, be blessed!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that Mary is back to work. One more to go. Another chapter is over and another gets started. This has been a long book but I am so looking forward to the inspiring ending. Ever thought of writing a book?

Hope your holidays were good, nice truck.


Anonymous said...

Great talking with you today. Looking forward to Feb. and your return to the Shipley.

BTW, that's a nice looking pick-up truck.

Anonymous said...

Sure I was scared of voting you and Chrissy in as members of the Capital City M/C. However,judging from what you said in the blog they apparently didn't want you in Canada either.

Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

Nice ride, Lisa. It will be even better when you can really put the foot to the medal and take off for a long weekend. I miss you a bunch, gal. You are never far from my mind and I check the blog daily. I'm always happy to see an update from you. It doesn't take much. It is a great day when people you really care about are feeling better with each passing day. Keep up the good work, and GO BUCKS!!!! Love you, Cindy

Anonymous said...


My computer has been down for awhile, but I just caught up on all your blogs and it sounds like you're making great progress. You and Mary both are in my daily prayers. The best to both of you. Kathy McKinniss