Tuesday, January 29, 2008

january 29, 2008 - “the mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps” (Proverbs 16:9)

top of the evening, friends....

i hope that this entry finds you all well. you folks have been so incredibly inspirational to both mary and me! we thank you again for that.

i finally have an update on my situation. i went to the orthopedic doctor yesterday and he said that medically, my leg is healing quite nicely. he indicated that while the graft is taking and i'm progressing very well, he still wants me to be non-weight bearing on my left leg for another two months. my lower bone has healed sufficiently to walk, but my femur still needs some time to mend. he said that while the metal plate on the front of my bone helps stabilize it, he didn't want to put a plate on the back of the bone because it would inhibit the blood supply. without additional support, the new bone could be damaged...so, the moral of the story is that i need to continue to be patient. that, of course was not the news that i wanted to hear.

i also write this with a heavy heart because i now know that i must file for disability retirement very soon. i had planned to return to light duty on february 4th, but will be unable to do so because my doctor cannot definitively say that i will be prepared to return to full duty in 90 days. while bargaining unit employees enjoy the benefit of a year of transitional or light-duty, exempt officers do not. we are only entitled to 90 days of transitional duty because parity has not been extended to us - forcing my untimely departure. i have great love and passion for my job, as i have given almost 25 years of my life to the OSP. it disheartens me that i will be leaving this great organization and its great people this way. one good thing is that i have 5 years "come back" rights. so if i can progress and heal, my hearts desire is to return to full duty as soon as possible. with God's grace and mercy, i hope to make that happen. please continue to pray for healing, as i really would love to finish my career the way i intended.
one thing i do know is that God is in control and that everything will be okay. He doesn't close one door unless he opens another. my finite mind doesn't understand why things happened this way, but i have to believe that there's a lesson or a purpose here. i just need to be sensitive to His plans. in the meantime, i plan to work very hard at rehab and finish my MBA.

quote for the day
"just as storms in life are a certainty, so is the provision of God for every storm we will ever face. life can be messy and bad things will happen, because every crisis and every storm is an opportunity to trust God. He calls us to a heavenly perspective when facing challenging times. He calls us to see them as He sees them - opportunities for His power and purpose to be illustrated in human terms."
- crosswalk.com -

wendy forbes - thank you again for always checking on me. your cards and calls are greatly appreciated!

steve belyus - thanks for the call on tuesday. i treasure our friendship more than you know, buddy. call me when you're back in town i'll buy you that lunch i owe you!

to my friends at OFLS - i will miss you folks more than you know. a person could not ask for a better group of talented people to work with. please keep in touch, as i'd love to hear from you all.

colonel butch collins - thank you for all you've done to assist with my situation. you, sir are a gentleman and i regret not having the opportunity to work with you longer.

lisa terrill rowland - oh, my goodness! it's been 25 years since i've seen or heard from you! thanks for writing in on the blog. i'd love to get together for coffee sometime when i visit my family. i hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

elzie fish - well, friend....it sounds like i too may be the "r" word as well. maybe we ought to build that motorcycle we've talked about?

janet & deb from seattle - it was great hearing from both of you! mary and i truly cherish our friends from the international association of women police. you have all been great about checking on our conditions. maybe we'll see you at future conferences.

reverend ellsworth - thank you so much for lunch last week. you too, are a gentleman and a friend. i'm so thankful that we have such a class act as our chaplain. next time, however,the lunch is on me!
mark atkeson & bob booker - thanks for the call today. you guys always know when i need encouragement the most. please let me take a raincheck on the visit...i'd love to see you guys.

things are as they should be......until next time, be blessed!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

My dear Lisa, your news is indeed not what we all hoped for as we prayed you would be back with us in the near future. Do not be discouraged. Know that God has a plan that you may just not be aware of yet. Keep your chin up and continue to pray for recovery. We will all keep you in our prayers as well. I hope you will continue to write to the blog to keep us updated on your progress, and I hope to see you real soon. He said, "Be still and know that I am God" and he knows your every need. He loves every hair on your head, He will continue to be your rock and your salvation. May God be with you and bless you, dear. Love you, Cindy

Anonymous said...

As I read your entry, I immediately knew what pain you must be in...not phyical but emotional about the news from your doctor. I thought of the followng words from a song by Fr. John Foley: "The Lord is dawn in darkness, he is light for day. He knows our weakness, yet He walks our ways, He is steady love to every creature that lives, He is mighty Lord." Just believe in those words and know that the Lord is walking your way and will guide you in what is before you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Major Taylor
I know how disappointed you must be
about your latest setback but continue to place your life in HIS
hands and you will have other doors opened for you.your ex stepmother Michelle wanted me to tell you that she would love to send you cards and such but she doesn't have your address.she asked me to see if i could find it.she really is worried about you.
May GOD continue to watch over you.

Anonymous said...

After all you have faced and overcome I am confident that you will find a way through, around, over, under (you get the point) this new challenge with the same strength and poise that has gotten you this far.

I know it is no consilation but, there is a significant price break for the IAWP Seattle 2009 conference for retirees! Planning on seeing both you and Mary there! As an added incentive....the Oyster Run (biggest PNW motorcycle rally you can find clips on youtube) is the Sunday after the conference in my town....the guest room has your name on it. If you are up to it by then, you can even take my Virago and I don't let just anyone ride my bike!


Susie Q said...

Just keep hanging in there girl. God has a plan. Continue to be patient and trust Him. You are in my prayers.


Gentle Ben said...


Finish that Masters (Like I know you are going to do) and put it to work. There are people out there who need you, and a lot of them are worthwhile. While it won't be the Patrol, you will always be one of the elite - one of the privileged - who were honored by God and allowed to serve together for a cause greater even than any one of us. No one can ever take that away from you. It was like reaching for a star and catching one, wasn't it? Who ever dreamed up such a noble profession and then got someone to give us money to go have such fun? Wow, what a ride - better than any bike or BMW. (Plus the folks still there always like it when come back and visit too.)

Connie sends her best wishes (either that or she told me to do the dishes). I think the first.


Anonymous said...

Lisa, I have just a glimmer of how you must feel. I know how much my heart ached for Eric when he was forced with the same decision of retiring. Life doesn't always seem fair, especially when we're thrown curve balls we're not expecting, but us strong ones always survive. God watches over His children and He will take care of you. You will always be in my prayers. Once things settle down for you, please let me know and I'd love to stop over and visit. Kathy McKinniss

Anonymous said...

I thought we took your blue pinto every place because it looked better than my Mother's green Ford station wagon. I asked that you be added to our prayer list at church, so you can add another 300 or so people who are praying for you. I do wish you the best no one deserves it more. Your Friend

ps I would love to take you and Mary out for lunch someday..

Paul Hamm

Anonymous said...

Major good evening,

Hope you are doing well, Annette and I are still riding this winter Sometimes she will not ride when it is really cold out, but I go any ways. We are awaiting your email so that we can get together for dinner or just come over and spend sometime together and share some stories. We are doing great and all five of our kids are doing great but getting big fast. We were sorry to hear the news about you leaving the patrol. My home email address is:
We look to hear from you soon.

Gary & Annette Humphries

Anonymous said...

Hey where are you and how are you doing? Good picture by the way...