Wednesday, January 23, 2008

january 23, 2008 - “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him” (I Corinthians 2:9)

top of the evening, friends....

i hope that this blog entry finds you all well! things are good here because God is good every day!
the above picture is of the car that hit mary and me on friday the 13th. a combined minimum speed of approximately 66 mph does a significant amount of damage, as you can see.

well, my new truck came in and i couldn't be more pleased with it. i still need to get seat covers installed so the hounds can once again ride with me. they sure don't appreciate being left behind. mary, trish and i broke it in last weekend and took it down to hocking hills to have lunch with raejean and nancy. we all had a great time, and what a beautiful day it was for a drive - although COLD!

i'm still anxiously awaiting the next dr's appointment to see if i can bear weight on my leg or if i have to have additional surgery. my plan was to return to work 2/4...but we'll see.

there is a pretrial (the 3rd thus far) in early february in wheeling for our case. we both plan to attend. this will be the first one we've been able to be there for.

quote for the day:
"Man, alone, has the power to transform his thoughts into physical reality; man, alone, can dream and make his dreams come true."

Napoleon Hill

colonel paul & margie mcclellan - thank you so much for the "sturgis" hat and shirt! you guys shouldn't have done that, but you know i love them both! i will cherish and proudly wear each! i pray your travels are safe and enjoyable. please keep in touch.

colonel butch & brenda collins - i appreciate your call last weekend. i also appreciate your concern for me and my situation. you have no idea how much that means.

wendy forbes - thank you so much for the great pictures and cards! i also always enjoy having you and alan over for movies, etc... i hope your new position is going well too. you've got all it takes to be greatly successful!

mark fellure - buddy, i'll be back on the road in no time. we need to hook up at capital city motorcycle club. with guys like elzie around, they really need us to "class up" the joint! lol

paul hamm - my goodness! it's been better than 20 years since i've heard from you! time flies, my friend. i still remember us tooling around in my 1972 ford pinto! i appreciate your blog entry and hope you continue to write and keep in touch.

captain tina phillips - thanks again for your help in many arenas. i'll be in touch before the pretrial to set up a meeting place with one of your guys. you, my friend, have been a God send.

dick krider - wow...another blast from my past! some of my fondest memories are working in wyandot county. we always enjoyed such a great working relationship and friendship with you folks. i miss you guys more than you know and appreciate your note on the blog. please keep in touch and tell everyone i said hello.
elzie fish - COTA still has you banned, if you weren't aware. "born to be wild??????" dad said doesn't appreciate you harassing me....or something like
captain dave dicken - thanks for the "care package" you left for me today. i'm sorry i wasn't here to visit with you. i appreciate you keeping me apprised of what's going on.

i'll update you when i have more information. thanks so much for reading and caring!
until then, be blessed!

lisa - 1095


Gentle Ben said...

Hi, Lisa.

A new truck, eh? That old beater would have fit in too well in SE Ohio. Now they'll think you are putting on airs! Glad to see you continuing to make progress.

Mike & Connie

Anonymous said...

Wow! You and Mary shouldn't have KICKED that loser's car so darned hard! Man... just shows how amazing it truly is that you are both still with us when you look at all the energy you both absorbed with your bodies in that crash... I know none of us will ever forget being at work that day and hearing the awful news. It sure got quiet around GHQ in a hurry... you could FEEL the prayers going up.
Even though it was sounding bad, I couldn't help but have a good feeling deep down that both of you would be all right and come back to be with the rest of your OSP buddies. You know, how you just instinctively "know" something will happen? That's how I felt when I heard the news. Glad that feeling was right.
And so glad the army of prayer warriors did their stuff! You two are both truly amazing!!!!
I sure hope the judge puts that horse's butt away for a while to keep him from hurting others at least! He has no business driving a vehicle!
Please keep us informed and let us know what you hear at your doc's appointment, o.k.?

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Lisa Taylor HOW ARE YOU????
This is the other Lisa in your graduating class of 82 from Madison High School. (Lisa Terrill)
Just thought I would say Hi. Hope you get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Hiya Lisa and Mary....

Just checking in from Seattle again. Good to hear that things are still moving forward.....I know I don't write a lot but remember you both are in my thoughts.


Anonymous said...

Hi from Seattle, just wishing you well,you guys are in my thoughts alot. You are truly remarkable, strong women! The power of positive thinking is a wonderful thing...all the best, Deb N.

Anonymous said...

Hey Major,riddle me this. Do you know what me and your Dad have in common?
Harley Davidsons,we both give you
a bunch of crap and just in case you may have forgotten, we're both RETIRED!!!!

Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to read the various posts from your friends. All good stuff.

'bout time for another "breakfast at the barrel."