Friday, January 11, 2008

friday, january 11, 2008 - "...I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made" (psalm 139:13-14)

top of the morning, friends....

i hope this blog entry finds you all well.

i don't have a lot to report today, but wanted to check in and again thank you all for your kindness and for being so attentive to mary, me and the blog.

because of God's grace and your prayers, however, i continue to improve with each passing day. i'm very excited to visit the doctor at the end of this month to determine if i need additional bone grafting (i pray not...), and to see if i can soon bear weight on my left leg. both of these will help decide if i return to work in february. i can't wait to actually walk again! it's been 6 months since i have worked, walked, and driven. my last surgery has had 2 1/2 months healing time, so i'm optimistic that i'll receive good news. please keep me in your prayers....those have kept mary and me both going over the last few months.

my new vehicle has not arrived yet, as there's been a bit of a delay with the delivery. hopefully, it will be in columbus the first of next week. i guess patience is a virtue. i've learned a lot of patience over the last

the above picture is of my dad and me in tennessee. we were doing our best to impersonate motorcycle outlaws. i think he kinda resembles willy nelson - but don't tell him i said so!

i'm heading out now to run some errands prior to the weekend, as there's always something to do.

quote for the day:

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.

Jim Rohn

major mark atkeson - thanks for the call, friend. you're always so good to check on me.

woody triplett family - i'm so sorry for your loss. woody was such a blessing. hopefully, time will heal some of your hurt.

captain tina phillips - thanks for the call yesterday! it's always good to hear from a great friend. you've been nothing but extraordinary during this whole process. it's nice to have a "protector" in WV! i hope i can someday repay you.

major bob booker - hey buddy, i appreciate your call this week. it's always good to hear from you. we'll have to meet over coffee when i return!

elzie fish - "apparently canada didn't want me either???" what exactly did you mean by that? sounds like maybe you had a little negative experience at the border as well. i'd love to hear those stories!

kathy mckinnis - good hearing from you! i hope you'll not be a stranger from the blog again! i always enjoy your entries, and hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

lydia wagner - i hear congratulations is in order for your new promotion! i wish you only the best in your new position. maybe you can keep dianna in line now that you'll be in the same building. God only knows everyone else has

julie smith - you have no idea how much i appreciated your call. when i've long-retired, you will be one of the people i miss most. i appreciate your hard work, professionalism, and friendship.

captain dave dicken - thanks for the visit and updates, my friend! i so miss working with you. we have the ability to accomplish so much, yet have fun doing it. i hope i can return soon to lighten your load.

terri west - you and i have similar political

s/lt. kim campbell - thanks for your call and invite, although i'm going to have to take a raincheck for now. i do appreciate your thoughtfulness!

until we talk again, expect to be blessed!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

As always....SO glad to hear that you are in great spirits and are moving forward!!!

I read your Blog every's actually how I start EACH day!

It is a good reminder of how much we ALL are blessed....even if we don't "Feel" that way!!!

I look forward to riding with you again some day.

Much love to you.

Mark A. Fellure
"The Drifter"

Susie Q said...

I am so impressed with your progress. Our God is so good. It is amazing that you will be going back to work next month. Keep on hanging in there. Your blog is so inspiring.

Sharp truck!

Love & Prayers

Anonymous said...


With much delight your name came up in a work conversation today and i was told about your blog. (I must admit I had to ask "whats a blog") I think about you often and have wondered where and how you are. After reading the wonderful things posted here...As my mother used to say "what a nice person she is" My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Paul Hamm

Anonymous said...

Major, Impersonating outlaw bikers?
I ask myself what is an "outlaw biker"? So I dusted off the old Webster and looked it up. Sure nuff,there was you picture!!! Oh and by the way, I've never had problems with Canada. I once was threatened with removal from a COTA bus though.
Born to be wild.

Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that your vehicle hasn't arrived yet! Darn... hope you get it soon and will be tooling around town in style!
I am also keeping you in my prayers and crossing my fingers that you get good news at the doctor!!!! After all that time, I'm sure it will feel strange at first to start walking again. But knowing you, I know you'll be RUNNING before long and be back to kicking butt form in no time at all!
Hope you had a good weekend and got all your errands done. It's Sunday, and I still haven't gotten mine done yet--have a bad cold that just seems to keep hanging on, darn it!
Have a great week girl, and hopefully you will be getting only good news in the near future!!!!!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Hey coz, We were kidding I love your new truck.(sharp) Keep me informed, we love you!

Anonymous said...

Sounds Like you are continuing to have great success.I hope it continues for you buddy.

Kevin B

Anonymous said...

How is everything? Did you find out any more information about work? Hang in there and don't hesitate to use all the resources available to you.... I will check in with you this week.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa

Hope all is well with you. The guys at Wyandot Co SO miss you.

Dick Krider