Thursday, December 27, 2007

thursday, december 27, 2007 - God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:21)

top of the morning, friends....

i hope that you all had a great Christmas and will have a very happy new year!

i spent Christmas eve at my sisters, where "controlled chaos"

the many kids make it so much fun! they had a great time and it was so enjoyable to watch them open their gifts. i came home later on Christmas day and have yet to put my stuff away! and i might add....i got way too much stuff for Christmas! my family and friends were way too generous! as of now....i'm planning a quiet new years eve at home.

i continue to get better with each passing day, thanks to all your prayers. i'm hoping that by january, i can actually get back down on the floor to resume my exercise program. it's a little difficult to do it via wheelchair. since my last surgery, i've been unable to get onto and off of the floor by myself, as the healing of my good leg has been slow. i did, however, walk 1.6 miles with my crutches yesterday, but boy...did it wear me out!

well, providing that my doctor releases me after my appointment in late january, i'm planning to return to work in early february and will return to my master's program in march. carl roark, dianna white and i only have four classes to complete for our MBA' we're very excited to get those goals completed.

i got a great surprise on Christmas eve - julie smith from our fleet section came to visit and brought along a lovely gift basket from her and my other friends at fleet. i was honored that she spent her lunch hour visiting with me! we had a chance to catch up and chat a bit. while she was here, my retired bud, elzie fish showed up as well. he always brings some "spice" to the conversation. lol we all had a great time!

quote for the day:
"the strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home"


elzie fish - dianna says, "no" to the dancing in front of matter how good your costume might be!

terri west - thanks for the gluten free website! actually, we've been trying to new recipes that aren't half bad! the homemade stuff is certainly better than the store bought stuff!

dan richhart - i can't wait to hear your new material. it gives me something to look forward to!

to my "favorite all-time secretary-" i have been blessed with GREAT one are you????

ginny higginbotham - it was great hearing from you both by phone and on the blog! i hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season! don't spoil the grandkids too much! i don't know if i ever told you or not, but i really cherish our friendship and i appreciate how you always kept my fat outta the fire!

colonel butch and s/lt. brenda collins - thanks so much for the update on cory! what a wonderful Christmas present for him and his family! we'll continue to keep them in our prayers.

retired lt. rick imhoff - thanks for the offer! you've been a great friend over the years, so it's no surprise that you offer to help! if i can do anything for you....let me know as well.
you continue to be in my thoughts too.

retired lt. colonel gil jones - we are all praying that your daughter recovers from her recent illness. the "prayer warriors" are at work! we will continue to keep her and your family in our thoughts.

until we talk again....continue to expect God's best!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Well I have been saving up some of my stories. It's nice to know that someone appreciates true tallent.

Dan R.

Anonymous said...

You walked HOW far on your crutches?????? Geesh, girl, you're going to have upper body development like a pro bodybuilder, using those crutches that much! Next thing we know, you'll be on ESPN Strongmen Competition, pulling a CAR while on your crutches! Hee hee hee...
Hang in there, kiddo. Soon you'll be able to do the things you want to again. I (along with everyone else) am just constantly amazed at your progress. I know for you it seems painfully slow, though.
Glad you had a great Christmas. I think I agree with you about a quiet New Year's this year... nice way to wind down 2007 and contemplate the upcoming year.
And in your upcoming year, you will be back to work, back on your bike, and back to doing all your favorite things. So try not to despair, girl... much better days ahead! You can bet on it!

Hang in there!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

I know you want to go back to work but have you thought of starting your own web site. Over 22 thousand hits, I know you would be successful..... Happy New Year..Glad your Christmas was good.

WV (ready for retirement)

Anonymous said...

Major, It was certainly good visiting with you and Julie. It brought back the fond memories of being tied to the whipping post those years having her as a supervisor.HA-HA-HA! I sure hope she doesn't read that......NOT!
Well, be ready for another visit New Year's Day provided no snow or ice on the roads. Yep,its time for our annual First Ride of the Year. Tell Trish to have the Bud....I mean hot chocolate ready. Should you talk to Chrissy, ask her if she plans to ride? Provided she's not to "CANDY" of course.

Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...


Your enthusiasm is astounding yet nothing less than I would expect of such a determined individual. Go with God and keep up the great work. You are loved and cherished.
Kuddos to you for pushing yourself, just don't overdo. I'm glad you had a great Christmas and wish you the best in the New Year.

Gentle Ben said...


We wish you a happy 2008. In spite of all the pain, I think you have become aware of all of your blessings - the friends who track you daily, those who make you laugh, bring you cookies, send messages, call, visit, encourage you and those who just say a prayer. Still, I'm sure you don't want to do it all over again, so may 2008 be a better year for you.

1.6 miles on crutches. Makes PT in the Academy seem like a breeze now, doesn't it? It seems to me you could hitch those wagtails to a wagon and just ride along behind. Actually they would probably bail onto your lap and wonder why you were there, wouldn't they?

Happy New Year!

Mike and Connie