Wednesday, December 5, 2007

december 5, 2007 - it is through Him that we've received grace (romans 1:5)

top of the afternoon, friends....

what a beautiful first snow! i have to admit, it's much prettier when you don't have to go and handle accidents in i always worried about getting hit while working the road in bad weather....i never imagined i would be hit by an impaired driver, while off duty, on vacation, at 2:30pm in the afternoon! how ironic is that? anyways, it was breathtaking when i woke up this morning.

my left leg isn't giving me much trouble, other than it doesn't want to bend beyond 49 degrees. my good leg, however, is still extremely sore. i was told by my bone dr. that the reason it's so sore is that the surgical team inadvertently poked a hole in my right femur as they harvested bone and marrow. he said that because they were so aggressive, it occurred, but they needed to get as much as they could to repair my left leg. unfortunately, i can't exercise as much as i did prior to the surgery yet, as i can't get down on the floor to work out. what exercise i do has to be either from the bed or wheelchair. to compound the issue, i pulled a muscle in my lower back a day or two ago. it makes getting around a bit challenging, but it will be okay. otherwise, i feel great....i'm eating good....and putting on a little of my weight. another victory!

retired major fred goldstein called me this morning. he's been so faithful about checking on me! he now works for public safety.

major peyton watts also called from the academy. i spoke with both him and captain andy stritmatter. they updated me on the upcoming graduating class. boy, time flies!

mike & connie hunter - thanks for the blood! you just never know when you'll need it! i appreciate your thoughts and prayers as well.

elzie fish (my retired bud) - i think the budweiser just may have affected your mind! i'll admit the restaurant i chose in tennessee was less than desirable, but if you'll remember correctly, no one, other than me, would "step up to the plate" to choose a place to eat. just because they served "tofurky" and bean sprouts didn't make it all bad, now did it???? besides, the soy burger you ordered looked edible. furthermore....the goldfish in the fountain were alive and well when i left. that's my story and i'm sticking to it! one more thing....christy clark and i are the best thing that's happened to capital city motorcycle club in years! it's about time you got some good looking women on board!

quote for the day:

"If you observe a really happy man you will find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias in his garden. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that has rolled under the radiator."

W. Beran Wolfe

prayer requests:

terry salyers (my sister) - her mammogram came back abnormal and she goes in for more diagnostics on monday. she's very nervous about this, as our mom's sister has battled breast cancer. terry is not only my sister, by my very best friend!

laura pascuzzi (my motorcycle friend from iowa) -her mammogram also came back abnormal and she goes in for more diagnostics tomorrow. laura's mom died from breast cancer, so you can imagine how concerned she is. laura was behind me on her motorcycle when i was hit in july. for years, we've taken a big, yearly motorcycle trip together. i suspect we've seen 1/3 of the country via motorcycle together.

trish scarberry (ironton post) - her mom passed away unexpectedly. she was one of my many great secretaries in district 9.

mary taylor (my stepmom) - as i stated earlier, she had a knee replacement a while back, then recently fell and broke her hip. the dr's were concerned that she had had a stroke and possibly broke her ankle. praise God, she didn't have a stroke nor did she break her ankle. they believe she may have a significant b12 deficiency, which could have caused some of her symptoms. she is preparing to enter rehab.

woody triplett (trish's grandfather) - he is suffering from melanoma in his lungs and is going through chemo now.

vicki moreland (my friend from middletown) - her knees are deteriorating and she needs knee surgery. she is concerned that she can't be off work for that long, as she's a single mom raising 2 teenage kids. she is such a good person who is experiencing some pretty tough times right now.

more later.....continue to be blessed!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from you, was starting to worry. Accidently poked a hole? How does that happen? Leaving for Key West Friday, we are planning on toasting you at several "classy" joints. I believe that is an oxymoron, well that should fit right into our trip. A current Lt., and retired Sergeant are going with us, so we should be able to take care of each other and shouldn't have to call you to bail us out. Hang in there next week and I will call upon our return.
Your WV Friend

Anonymous said...

Hey there, little dynamo!

Tell the ladies to try not to worry TOO much about the abnormal mammograms yet (I know, easier said than done). I've had a couple, and they both turned out to just be benign cysts. So please tell them to try and hope for the best. Especially since now the prayer warriors will all be on the case for everyone that you mentioned. Having a biopsy was such a scary and unpleasant experience... I wouldn't wish it on anyone for sure. But tell them not to be too glum yet--there's a strong possibility it will turn out to be nothing serious. Especially with so many prayers going up about them!
I agree with you about the snow's being beautiful! Now if only I'd gotten all those leaves rakes up, etc. Oh well...
Stay in and keep warm, girl... and rest up and heal..

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Glad to see your doing better.
Us folks down here below the mason dixon still check your blog everyday to see how your getting along.


Anonymous said...

Hi 109'er5,

It is good to hear that you are doing well. What an inspiration you are to all of us who know you. It will not be long now until you are back to normal and doing just like you used to do. It is very pretty today here in
D-9, just wish you were here to enjoy it with us. We are still waiting to get you better so we can come and take you out to supper. We are going to go some place really nice, like White Castle, or McDonalds....Just kidding.....Keep up the courage and faith. I miss you very much....Naomi said to tell you hello. Tell you dad I said hea....Love you.....


Anonymous said...

Major,To reflect on the quote, a truly happy man is one astride his motorcycle, wind in his face putting the highway and miles behind him.
Then again it good be as simple as having retired from the Dept. of Public Safety about eight months ago.
HEY! I bet you hurt your back lifting one of those burgers from Thurman's.
Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

Good Sunny Morning, Lisa:

How true your statement is...the snow is beautiful when you don't have to go out and deal with the people who can't drive in it! We hope you enjoyed it from inside your warm house...not outside moving it from your driveway!

If you have not heard, Cory got to go home on November 30. He still has a long road ahead of him, but he will be attending out-patient therapy three times a week. They (Marion Correctional Institute - inmate program) built a (portable)ramp at Lindsey and his home. Like you, he is still using wheelchair to get around in. The driver that hit him was sentenced to five years incarceration and 10 year license suspension. He was also ordered to pay for all of Cory's medical bills. Just thought you might like to know. He and his family appreciate all of the prayers and good thoughts.

We hate to hear of your pain. The sound of "poked a hole in your femur" gives us chills! We continue to keep you and the others in our thoughts and prayers.

Peace be with you,
Butch and Brenda

Anonymous said...

My favorite scenes of winter are post cards, the real thing is nice, but you can't control where it falls, or that it eventually becomes ice because the apartment management fails to plow before the temperature drops below freezing. We have ruts in the parking lot.

I'm sorry to hear that you are having so much discomfort (pain to be exact), but hang in there my dear.

I will keep your sister and friend in my prayers. I have to be tested every year, sometimes every six months. I have had three biopsies over the years, but fortunately, they have all been benign. The new digital mammogram is quite a bit more effective in picking up any abnormalities early, but I must confess, it is terribly frightening when you get called back for more views. If all is well in February, I can go back to an annual mammogram. Anything not to qet squeezed to peppermint patty size.

Stay warm and enjoy the beauty from the warmth of your home. It's pretty unpleasant in the Arctic blast right now. Keep up the positive outlook. Remember outlook is everything, and when the outlook becomes foggy, look within to the source of your strength and He will bring you peace. Love you, gal. Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
I'll keep both Terri and Laura in my prayers. I know what they're going through. I hope and pray that it is just benign cysts or something of that nature. As always our prayers are with you and with your Dad and Mary. I just hope all of you can have a blessed holiday season. We all have many things to be thankful for in our lives. We have all overcome so much and the glory goes to God. He is awesome in his love.
Take care,
Shelly and Len

Anonymous said...

I will continue to pray for your full recovery and for your special people mentioned in the blog. Hang in there!!

Stephanie Albert