Friday, December 14, 2007

december 15, 2007 - though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil; for You are with me (psalm 23:4)

top of the afternoon, friends....

it's saturday morning and boy, is the snow coming down! i think i'm in for the day...i sure don't want to risk falling again.
oh, friend laura pascuzzi wanted to know when i was going to post a picture of a "real bike" and a "real woman" on the's laura with her harley davidson road glide motorcycle. frankly, the color hurts my eyes...but to each her own! lol she was behind me on her bike the day mary and i were hit.

it's been a very busy week. i went to see a dietician and to therapy on wednesday. thursday, mary and i met with an attorney about our case and then we stopped at the casino in wheeling on our way back. of course, mary and trish ate ice cream while i lost money!!! on friday, i had "breakfast at the barrel" at 6:30am, therapy in the afternoon, and a holiday dinner in the evening.

i'm feeling better with each passing day. i still have alot of pain in my good leg, but it's much better than it was. as impatient as i was, i've learned more patience than i could have ever imagined. i've had to....otherwise i would have lost my mind. this time to reflect, however, has helped me realize what's really important in life and to develop some additional life goals.'s all good. as i've said before, many, many, many more blessings than "bad stuff" have occurred out of this ordeal.

amazingly enough, the blog site has over 20,000 hits now. i'm forever amazed that so many people care enough to check on our progress. we love and thank you all for watching out for us.

quote for the day:

"he who has no Christmas in his heart will never find Christmas under a tree"

Author Unknown

a good friend of mine, former trooper debbie (bragg) chapman sent this link to me and i wanted to share it with you. it really explains God's love in such a fundamental way. enjoy:

to the ladies and gentlemen from the "excellence" dinner - mary, trish and i want to thank you all for a wonderful evening. thank you for the invitation and a great time of fellowship. you folks truly do a wonderful job each year with this event. reverend ellsworth and colonel collins both did eloquent jobs speaking!

mary taylor - welcome home, stepmom! i pray that your rehab continues at home. we all know how important "home" is when you're away from it for so long!

the welling family - i'm so sorry about the passing of jimmy. my family and i will continue to pray for you during this terrible time.

mary pfeifer - i got from a very reliable source that today is your birthday!!! wow....45 looks good on you!

wendy forbes - thank you so much for the beautiful bracelet! the inscription touched me more than you'll ever know. trish is very appreciative of the lovely ornament as well. you're such a good and faithful friend!

jan (from aviation) - thank you so much for the very heartfelt letter! your words brought tears to my eyes. you, friend, are the one who inspires me! thank you again for taking time to write such as thoughtful letter!

laura & jules - thank you for the beautiful planter! i pray that laura's surgery went well and that she makes a complete and speedy recovery! have a very merry Christmas!

breakfast at the barrel folks - guys and gals, i had a great time friday! thanks for meeting me and sharing a meal. that time of sharing and fellowship means more than you'll ever know.
colonel & becky costas, major born, captain dicken, s/lt. roark, lt. white, wendy forbes, major booker, captain teaford and his wife becky, and son cody all showed up!

steve & sandy belyus - your crash reconstruction book was very helpful for the attorney. thanks again for all you two have done for mary and me after our crash. your kindness will never be forgotten.

dan richhart & the kelley williams family - i'm trying my best to come back quickly. i've heard you folks are starving without my endless supply of pretzels, licorice, and candy. kathy mccarthy told me that everyone's looking that true?

jon (neighbor) - thanks for checking on me. please tell michelle that i'm fine and will recover in time. God has a plan for me....i just need to listen and be sensitive to what He says. no matter what happens....everything will be A-OK!

elzie - dianna wants to know if you'll just give her the dollars rather than have her dance for them. please let her know. we'll all be anxiously awaiting your response.

until we talk again.....continue to be blessed!

lisa - 1095


Nurse Julie said...

Glad to hear that you decided to stay in today. I had to work and only went outside 4 times so that the smokers that need to be supervised could have a cigarette. And they supervised me going up and done the ramp to the deck so I would not fall AGAIN!! My right knee is still very painful to touch. The foot is good, back to work pushing the med cart. Discovered that I really did not miss that part of the job. Glad to hear the step-mom Mary is doing better, a big relief for your dad. Also great news about Terri. They have all been in my prayers.
Love to you
continue to do well

Anonymous said...

Major, Gosh, where is the fun factor in Dianna's request? Is her dancing so bad that it would less painful to give her dollar bills for not dancing than giving them to her to dance? Tell her that after a few Buds I think I'm freakin' Fred Astaire. Might work for her too.

Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

Another Saturday, another snowy nightmare on the roads. Be glad you could stay in and didn't have to go anywhere. It was the OH Creep out there, two miles per hour at times. I don't think it was actually that the roads were so bad but the people driving those roads were that bad and then some.

Keep up the good work and the positive thought, Lisa. Each day you are on this planet is a good day. Of course, I have nothing to compare it with as far as the afterlife, so we'll just have to enjoy what we have here.

Wish you and Mary the very best of Christmas and the New Year. Happy belated birthday to Mary. You are still a spring chicken and don't you forget it.

Love you gals,

Anonymous said...

Wow... you definitely have had a busy week, girl! And that's o.k. just as long as you don't fall down again!
Hey... your mentioning the dietician just reminded me... in the ads in the back of Prevention magazine, I remember seeing a website that sells gluten-free products. I'll have to find that magazine and pass along the website to you. I've been meaning to check it out myself, especially since some of the gluten-free things I've tried that they sell at the supermarket leave a lot to be desired (like taste! blech!).
And happy belated birthday to Mary--you are indeed still a spring chicken (or a winter chicken?)... age is just a number... although some mornings upon waking up, that number seems larger than at other times! Hee hee...
Hope you both had a great weekend and have a great week coming up. Mary, make sure you take it nice and slow easing back into work--don't let anyone or anything push your recovery along any faster than it should be!!!!
And Lisa, I think I agree with you on the color of that bike... yellow's pretty, but I think I might go with blue or red myself. And it sure is a blessing that she (and the others) were all behind you and Mary when the crash occurred. What a great group to have with you when something like that happened!
Have a great week... glad to hear from you on the blog again!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

P.S. Ref. the psalm quoted at the top of the blog page for 12/15/07--does fear no evil include KAILEE?????? Her and her knife STILL scare me!!!!!! Hee hee hee...

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

Major: I am not sure that we are wasting away to nothing here...although we do miss the never ending flow of "treats" that are located in your office.. LOL
I think with all the Holiday Celebrations coming up I will somehow suffer through it though !! ha,ha,!!!!
Hope that Santa is good to you this year and brings you all the
things you have wished for !!!
You stay safe and do not enter any marathons yet... LOL....

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to wish you a merry christmas.

Dan R.

Anonymous said...

Hea 109'er5,

It was really nice to talk to you on Tuesday. It is always wonderful to catch up on what we have been missing from both ends of the state. I'm glad you are doing better, and that you will soon be up and back to work. What a glorious day that will be. Sounds like a line from an old Hymn from long ago..........When you are up to it, we are coming up to go out to dinner.....My treat....How does White Castle sound?????????? JOKE........ I wanted to say I hope you have a Very Merry Christmas and a Healthy Happy New Year. I know this next year will hold many, many blessings for you......You are still my HERO......See you soon. I love you...
