Friday, September 28, 2007

september 28, 2007 - ...and the most important of these is love

top of the evening, friends....

hope you got out and enjoyed the beautiful fall weather today! two friends and i took chrissy and amy to deer creek for a nice hike this afternoon. boy, the leaves are really falling quickly.

when we got home, i CAREFULLY climbed aboard my riding tractor, with the intention of simply starting it, as it was in the shop this and last week for repairs. when the engine cranked, it sounded so good, i decided to try and mow my lawn - and i did!!! i only rode in 2nd gear and took it very slow, but i have to admit, i did a respectable job on the lawn. and it sure felt good to have a "mission." my friend and caretaker, trish, was NOT happy with me. she read me the riot act when i finished! i didn't have to bend my leg, and it didn't jar me any more than the wheelchair, so i figured no big deal. boy, was i wrong!!!

i wanted to take this opportunity to thank several people who have planned a very thoughtful benefit for mary and me. dianna white, don and ty grimwood, steve and lori click, and ron kuszmaul (those that i know of) have spent countless hours working out the logistics of this event, and have contacted vendors for door prizes and raffle items. the benefit breakfast/bike ride is scheduled for october 6, 2007 at quaker steak and lube at 8:30am. everyone is welcome. mary and are are both humbled by the incredible generousity of our many friends. we will both be there and look forward to seeing each and every one of you who have supported us with thoughts, prayers, visits, cards, etc... a copy of the flyer has been posted on the blog and it can be enlarged and printed.

lt. colonel finamore called today to see how i was doing, and major mark atkeson called yesterday. major chris minter left a message on my machine yesterday. i really appreciate these guys checking on me.

the dr's appt. went well. the dr. feels that i should begin hand therapy and continue to go to therapy to help break down the scar tissue and improve the range and mobility in my ankle and knee. he wants to see me again next week. but things are progressing.

my dad and brother, allen are delivering a new treadmill tomorrow morning. while i know i can't use it yet, i want to have it on hand for when i learn to walk again. i'm not sure i will be able to use my eliptical at first.

i think my sister, terry is on her way up now. her husband is looking for his missing

terri west - what are you talking about???? me??? instructing another law enforcement officer to drive through the apple festival???? are you kidding me? unless you have photographic proof, this discussion is OVER!!! when are you ever going to believe that when dianna's lips are moving, a STORY is about to occur????

mike hunter - i may take you up on the 4-wheeled motorcycle, unless of course, my dad loans me the harley trike with a hand shift conversion kit!

dan richhart - i dunno....what do you get when you cross a turtle and a porkupine? you know, i really miss your BAD jokes!

tina phillips - no...the graft didn't take, but my knee is healing on it's own. the dr. thinks i'm probably 4-6 weeks out from the bone surgery. good hearing from you today! give me a call later.

wendy forbes - you're an angel! thanks for all your encouragement!

enough for now, blessed!

lisa - 1095

Thursday, September 27, 2007

september 27, 2007 - He is omnipotent...

top of the morning, friends...

had a very nice evening last night. went to applebee's and met colonel butch collins, his wife, s/lt. brenda collins, captain dave dicken, s/lt. carl roark, christy clark, my "retired bud" elzie fish, carla inglish, and kathy and bill mccarthy. food, beverages, and fellowship were abundant! it was great seeing everyone. kathy and bill even brought me some homemade beef stew and sweet cornbread! they really are taking the challenge of fattening me up! you should have seen carl. he had wing juice from ear to ear and all the way up to his elbows!!!!! it was a bit embarassing.

i also spoke with retired major fred goldstein, who is recovering from a knee replacement. if any of you OSP folks haven't called him yet, please do. i know he'd love hearing from you.

i also spoke with reverend ellsworth our OSP chaplain. his wife linda is recovering from either hip or knee replacement now and is scheduled to come home today. again, if any of the OSP folks can call and check up on her, it would be great, as well. the ellsworths have been absolutely wonderful to all of us.

i return to the plastic surgeon today so he can evaluate the graft (that in my opinion didn't take). so...we'll see.

i heard that gina herbert's benefit raised $2500! that should help gina with some of the medical bills! thanks to all the folks who planned and worked it, as well as the ones who supported gina during her time of need!

the tractor repair shop just delivered my tractor. maybe my hysterical neighbor -sam marino can get some more pictures of me trying to teach my friends how to properly manicure my lawn! lol

please continue to pray for cory winfield. brenda collins told me that he has been moved to a rehab center and is showing signs of improvement, however hasn't regained full consciousness yet. also pray for his family. i understand that he and his wife are coming up on their 4th wedding anniversary. reminder - cory is a law enforcement officer from the marion area who was hit by an impaired driver as cory was driving home after work on his motorcycle.

scottie borden - i am going to try and attend the d9 retirees luncheon, but i may have one or two people with me, as i can't drive yet. will that be a problem? i also called ernestine, and will try to visit her soon. thanks for the update on her. she is a dear friend.

kevin burchett -thanks for writing! give me a bit of time and i'll come down and have a cup of coffee with you. we can talk "motorcycles...."

mike hunter - the blue ridge???? you're breaking my heart! that is my absolute favorite place on earth to ride motorcycle!!! sounds like you enjoyed it as well. can i "borrow" your 4-wheeled motorcycle...? lol

lin herd - thanks for your kind words. i miss all of you more than you know. i'd come back today if the patrol would let me. there's NO PLACE LIKE (MY OSP) HOME!

lance mathess - thank you so much for the heartfelt note! it means alot, lance. i appreciate it.

tim from d9 - thanks for the wonderful, musical card! it absolutely cracked me up!

enough for now...i'm just enjoying this well-needed thunderstorm!


lisa - 1095

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

september 25, 2007 - prayer works!

top of the morning, friends.....

let me give you a visual from yesterday.....

as i sat in my living room on monday morning, staring at 4 walls, i decided to get outside, get my hands dirty, and enjoy the beautiful weather.

first, i sat on a blanket on my driveway and re-potted several of my indoor plants. then, my friend trish, who was with me at the time, asked me what type of yardwork i'd like done. after thinking a bit, i asked her if she had ever "edged" a yard. she said no, but was willing to learn.

so, i told her that i would demonstrate it for a bit (as it can be tricky) if she would push my wheelchair. she obliged. unfortunately, this "kodac moment" was captured by my fun-loving neighbor sam marino. of course, trish and i were unaware of this photo until sam's wife, amy emailed it to me yesterday afternoon. funny, sam....very funny! unfortunately, i tried to post the photo, but it kept coming up blank. i'll see if one of my techy friends can help later.

don't forget that tonight is gina herbert's benefit at planks on parson's avenue. this is a very worthwhile event to support an outstanding cause. gina needs all the help she can get! pizza and pop for a nominal cost.
good news! mary's leg is not broken in an additional location! there is considerable swelling, but no more damage! she was able to make it through therapy yesterday. prayer works!

michael from D-9 - thank you for your very nice comments! i appreciate the fact that you took the time to write as well as share your faith. i wish you the very best in your career goals. in my humble opinion, the OSP is the absolute best in law enforcement! the people and the mission make it an outstanding career choice. because of these things, i will do everything i can to return to full duty, as it is my passion. few people can say that they love what they do and enjoy going to work everyday - but i can! may God bless you in your efforts to become an ohio state trooper. i look forward to seeing you in a "gray shirt" someday if you are trooper material! please keep me posted on your progress. PS...i too attended and graduated from O.U.

amy marino - funny....very funny!

terri west - thanks again for the massage information and invitation. i may very well take you up on it down the road, however, i think i'm still a bit sore to do it yet. i probably can't even consider it until well after my 3 bone grafts are completed and mending. please don't forget me, however. i DO know the healing benefits of therapeudic massage!

missy altier standley - good hearing from you, missy! once an OSPer, always an OSPer! we do need to grab a cup of coffee once this nightmare is over - OR have another "ladie's night out" again over in the P-5 area! i'm sure mary will appreciate your blog entry too.
have a blessed day!
lisa - 1095

Monday, September 24, 2007

september 24, 2007 - He is the great physician...

top of the morning, friends....

i hope you had an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful weekend. both days were extraordinary!

the apple festival was fun, although, i was a bit disappointed that i didn't see my old church family - Church of the King, as they traditionally always have a booth. either they didn't have one this year, or i missed it. i did see a few of my old rotary friends, as well as a few others from the community. i so love jackson! that is one of my very favorite places i've lived in my career. we grabbed a bite to eat on the way down, so i didn't partake of the fair food like i normally do. i think the only thing i had was a lemonade - which was probably good, since my stomach has been so out of whack.

sunday was uneventful. terry cleaned house and organized my cupboards to better accommodate short people (lol!). she is the absolute best sister i could have ever hoped for. she has supported me through thick and thin! i think i watched a "lost without a trace" marathon! lol later, we walked the dogs....and BOY - did it ever cool down. i contemplated building a fire on the back deck because i just couldn't get warm!

please pray for gina herbert again. her homecare nurse inadvertently damaged one of her halos and flaps last week, and unfortunately, she has to go back into surgery today to repair the damage. as a result, she may very well miss her benefit tomorrow. she was pretty devestated when i talked with on on the phone. she is so discouraged! she and i both have the same plastic and orthopaedic surgeons.

also continue to keep mary pfeifer in your prayers. the dr. plans to read her xrays today. she is so hoping that there is not additional, undetected damage to her leg.

i have therapy and my weekly plastic surgeon appts. this week on tuesday and thursday, respectively. as you can guess, i continue to be impatient. i want so badly to have my bone surgery so i can start to learn to walk again. it's amazing how your muscles atrophy so quickly when you don't have the opportunity to use them! i do what i can to work out from the bed or chair, but it certainly isn't the same.

no matter what....God is good EVERYDAY, and i must continue to trust in Him that he will take care of me. remember - He never closes any door unless he opens a better one!

laura pascuzzi - thanks for the friendship and for cheering me up when i need it. i also hope you fared well at the casino yesterday! we'll be back on bikes next year!

terry (sis) - thanks for being you and helping take care of me! you are the absolute best.

trish & di - thanks again for all you guys do to help me out. your friendship has been a lifesaver!

OSP family/friends - thanks for all you folks do to keep me lifted, involved, and informed. i'm so fortunate to work for such a fantastic organization!


lisa - 1095

Saturday, September 22, 2007

september 22, 2007 - patience is a virtue...

top of the afternoon, friends....

another beautiful saturday - in the 90's - and yet - I'M NOT ON A MOTORCYCLE!!!! this is killing me!

the swelling in my ankle seems to be less today. i hope it stays that way! i'm still having a bit of trouble keeping food down these days, but i'm trying a new nausea medicine that i hope will help. i'm still holding at 100 lbs - but i can't afford to lose any more!

i just finished my workout this morning, and am contemplating going to the jackson apple festival this afternoon with terry and friends. terry came up last night and stayed over. we had wendy's chili and baked potatoes last night after a long stroll in the neighborhood. the dogs loved it.

i am expecting a friend in a bit. she's a nurse that i met at buckeye girls state many years ago - julie broughton. it will be good to see her. after she leaves, i'll probably head south.

i met carl roark and kathy mccarthy at the rice bowl yesterday. it was a nice surprise to see major john born and his crew from OSS (shawn davis, toby smith, melva dodd, tony bradshaw, etc...) as well. they sat at an adjoining table.

while we were at the rice bowl, i received a call from the retired bud "elzie" and captain dave dicken, who had ridden down to the athens harley dealership. on their way back, they had stopped at my house and vandalized my flowers. what friends!

mary called me yesterday and may have had a little set back. she went for therapy yesterday and her foot was swollen and discolored when they removed her cast. they believe she may have another fracture. they took additional xrays and will find out monday. please keep her in your prayers.

terri w - okay...i didn't call the cops on christy! since i haven't heard otherwise, she must have done the law-abiding thing and returned the mustang. if anyone hears otherwise, let me know.

well, enough for now....i must get ready before julie arrives. have a blessed day and enjoy this wonderful "motorcycle" weather we're having!

lisa - 1095

Thursday, September 20, 2007

september 21, 2007 - there is a time to heal....

top of the (very early) morning, friends....

well, the dr's appt. yesterday was a bit disappointing. the dr. took the dressing off and discovered only a small portion of the graft actually took. the wound appeared bigger and deeper than before he did the surgery. his best estimation for the bone grafts is still 6-8 weeks out. it was not good news, but he did take me off the antibiotics that were tearing my stomach up. thank goodness for that.

i want to take this opportunity to thank tom reffey, a lifelong friend, who i've known my entire career. he has made generous donations to both gina herbert's and our benefits. tom never ceases to amaze me with his kindness and generosity. when i was in the hospital, tom visited. during our conversation, i unfortunately, found out that his father had just passed away and had not yet even been buried. but tom - being the wonderful friend that he is - was worried about gina, mary and me! and more incredibly, he has never met gina. tom is one of those people in my life that no matter how long it's been since we've talked, we can just "pick up" where we left off. i will always cherish his friendship.

carolyn (cuz) - it was great seeing you on the blog! i'm glad that rikki was able to assist a fellow computer illiterate! hope all is well with you. we WILL ride in the future, when we return out west, as we've always talked. just give me a bit of time to heal!

bernie - thanks so much for the quote - and how true! we have alot more control over our destiny than we think. the only two things in life we control are our attitudes and effort - i've borrowed this quote so many times from my good friend scottie borden!

brian - i'm so thankful you are now wearing a helmet! you know, there was a time i didn't always wear one, but now i'm a believer! if it weren't for our helmets, armor, gloves, and boots, my injuries and mary's injuries would have been so much worse! once you get used to a good fitting, comfortable helmet, it's really not too bad. now i won't go around the block without one! hope your trip to the canyon was great! wish i could have been there.

mark f - good seeing you at the clubhouse too. i hope all is well with your new job, family, and Christian rock group! keep the faith, (and the shiny side up) my friend!

terri w - you never cease to bring a smile to my face. i so appreciate your friendship and cheer you bring to the blog.

i have posted a picture from my ride with christy yesterday - what a great, great, great day! i probably should have checked to see if she actually returned that rental and went to work yesterday. i may have to put out an APB!

well, i return to the plastic surgeon again next thursday, and to physical therapy tuesday. i'll keep you all posted.

God bless...

lisa - 1095

september 20, 2007 - He answers prayer

top of the morning, friends....

yesterday was another beautiful indian summer day, wasn't it?

a few weeks ago, one of my friends, "christy" and i were talking about motorcycling, as she shares that passion as well. i told her that i was contemplating buying a little, cheap, used convertible just to enable me to "get some wind in my hair and some sun on my face," until i am able to ride again. well, i never thought much more about it, other than checking out a few cars on eBay and well, a few days ago, christy called and wanted to schedule a lunch for yesterday. i, of course agreed (as you all know how much i like to eat!).

to my surprise, she showed up in a rented, black, Ford Mustang GT convertible! i won't explain how i had to contort myself into all kinds of olympic gymnast positions to get in the back seat, but i did it! (just kidding - kinda!)

we had a gorgeous day and 300 miles to eat up! wow! she took us down through hocking hills, where we ate at a BBQ place in logan, then up through a bunch of back roads to buckeye lake, where we stopped for an ice cream. what an unexpected treat, that resulted in an outstanding day! we ended the day with a "campfire" on my back deck. i have to admit, that's been one of the best, memorable days i've ever had. thanks, christy, for lifting me up and giving me a wonderful day!

with each passing day, i am humbled even more by the love and support i've been shown by my family and friends.

colonel collins & brenda - thanks again for the update on cory. i know that prayer works and that with Him on cory's side - cory cannot fail!

gail - i will most definitely pray for your cousin. please let me know his name and i'll post it on the blog so we can be specific in our prayer requests.

becky p-84 - thanks so much for the blog entry! mary and i appreciate all your thoughts and prayers. i know mary is so anxious to get back to work with you guys & gals. she always talks so highly of her "team." our "patrol family" has been tremendous!

i'll update you folks when i have more information.


lisa - 1095

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

september 19, 2007 - seek first the kingdom of God....

top of the morning, friends....

i sure hope i didn't gross you all out with my first "progress" photo, but i thought i would give you a visual of the progress i'm making.
the picture i posted today should have actually been posted first. this is a picture of my leg after 3 surgeries. the photo i posted yesterday was after 7 surgeries. the difference between the two photos is nothing less than miraculous. and the good news is that my leg looks much better now and improves with each passing day. if i post future photos, i will place them in more sequential order.

my therapy was canceled yesterday due to my new knee graft. they rescheduled me for next week. i'll keep you posted on how that goes.

i go back to the plastic surgeon tomorrow to see how my graft is taking. wish me luck!

i had a pretty eventful day yesterday....even went shopping at wal-mart!

tanya benner - thank you so much for the beautiful flowers! they really brighten things up! i tried to call and thank you yesterday, but you were on the phone.

wendy & alan forbes - thanks for your visit and thoughtfulness! the gifts were unnecessary but very appreciated. alan even helped us carry in the groceries! thanks buddy!

brian & sherena landis - thanks for the visit, fellowship, and explanation of my benefits. your help in this area is invaluable, as i know this is certainly your arena. may God bless you guys. our friendship goes WAY back!

colonel collins & brenda - thanks for the update on cory! we continue to pray for his recovery. i'm confident that he will be up, healthy, and back to what he loves doing in no time. please keep us posted! colonel - i don't think brenda is giving you the "full scoop" on the whole foot thing. she needs help!

please pray for fred goldstein (retired major with OSP) as well. he is recovering from knee replacement surgery as we speak. i learned volumes from fred when he recovered from cancer a few years ago. he taught many of us to NEVER to give up! he persevered and won when most people would have surrendered. thanks for the very valuable lesson, friend.

i talked with mary again this morning to check on her progress. other than being bored out of her noggin she's doing well. she's very determined to return to work as soon as possible.

elzie aka "retired bud" - thanks for the lawn mower comment! it must be great to have nothing more to do in retirement than to point out deficiencies of the handicapped! nice going! lol

thanks for reading & writing on the blog. it continues to bless me more than you know. i'll write more later.
lisa - 1095

Monday, September 17, 2007

september 17, 2007 - we are highly favored......

top of the evening, friends.....

let's see....where did i leave off?

like i said earlier, the surgery went well, although the dr. actually sewed what looks like a wad of cloth on top of the wound. it's the most bizarre thing i've ever seen. i suspect the "package" is filled with antibiotics, but my dr. is not the most talkative guy i've he kind of reminds me of the dr. on "house." i return to the dr. on thursday to see how it's taken. please continue to pray for healing!
i have posted a pretty graphic picture of my left leg (above) after 7 surgeries. i rather look like the bride of frankenstein, but i don't care as long as it works! obviously the staples, stitches and drains have been removed, but it's still not a pretty sight.

saturday - terri, trish and dianna and i went to the logan flea market. i think di and trish bought a few treasures. i didn't find anything! the antibiotics i'm now on are a bit rough on my stomach, so i got a bit sick while we were there, but nothing major. that evening, the movie nazi's then made me watch "red eye." i have to admit that it was pretty good - and I STAYED AWAKE!!! lol

sunday - again....i missed church. i have to get back! i'll try again this week. these meds are killing me! dad, my stepmom, mary and terry visted and we went to cracker barrel for breakfast, then we met di and the "retired bud" elzie down at capital city motorcycle club to show support for the "kids & kamp" benefit for kids with cancer. they had a great showing and raised about $1,800 for that cause! elzie, of course, kept repeating how 'nice' and how 'refreshing' the motorcycle ride was. just wait...he'll get his! he's just hateful sometimes.....

today has been eventful!

mark atkeson called to check on me....jeff shane rode his bicycle over and visited....dave dicken, carl roark, and jan lawrence also visited. boy, jan was the prettiest out of that group...let me tell you!!! the retired bud elzie stopped by just to harass carl for skipping the charity ride yesterday simply to watch the bengals get beat. carl sheepishly admitted he should have utilized his time

took the dogs to deer creek again to let them run. they enjoy that almost as much as i do! funny thing....while i was there riding around the campground in my wheelchair, some camper came up and asked me what happened to my leg. i told him i was hit in WV on my MC by a drunk driver. he then asked me if i was mary pfeifer, the marietta post commander??? lol i told him "no, but she was with me....." small world! mary...i knew you'd get a kick outta that.

bob & cheryl - thanks for the notes and visits. you guys have been wonderful friends. the cat pics are coming!!!!!!!

terri west - thanks so much for the massage info! i very well may take you up on it as my recovery continues. i have experienced the healing effects of massage and appreciate your offer.

bells in the woods - thanks for the wonderful words of encouragement! you and mark have been great friends through the years. i appreciate you keeping in touch. you have no idea what that means. PS...terry still LOVES chocolate covered cherries, although she has given up sugar until i walk again. she is offering that up as her personal sacrifice. GOD...i LOVE my sis!!!

kim s. - thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. while we have not met, i really appreciate how "a friend of a friend" prayer chain works. mary is very fortunate to have you as a friend. please continue to support her!

mary - i pray that your healing continues. you'll be back before you know it! don't get too impatient, friend! we'll complete this journey - no matter how difficult!

bob & mildred - thanks for the call, card, and picture of ollie! i don't believe for one minute that he's a bit ornery! looks like a good playmate for chrissy!

seattle deb - looking forward to - i'm waiting with great anticipation for what you're going to send. can't wait! should i be "skeert?"

colonel collins & brenda - i really appreciate your notes and support! brenda...the foot graft comment was a bit much. there is a 12-step program for the problem that you obviously have. the first part in the healing process is admitting you have a

heidi ho & shazam - you guys are welcome any time. one condition, however....NO NURSES UNIFORMS! you guys crack me up!


lisa - 1095

Saturday, September 15, 2007

september 15, 2007 - His plans are better than our plans...

top of the morning, friends....

oh, my! where the heck has the summer gone?! what a beautiful, cool, crisp, fall-like day!

well, my surgery occurred yesterday, as planned. it was moved up to 1:45 pm instead of 4:00 pm, which was a blessing, because it is so difficult for me to wake up from the anesthesia. i was in recovery for over 3 hours. the surgery went well, however, thanks to everyone's prayers and well-wishes.

dr. wells took a 3 inch by 3 inch section of "donor" skin from the upper thigh of my injured leg to cover my knee (the "recipient" site) on the same leg. he said that he wants to see me wednesday to see how it looks. once again, we'll discuss the next bone surgery. i have to change the dressing daily on both areas, so i'll get to see how it looks today. terry and trish escorted me to the hospital. those guys are lifesavers!

i had lunch with mary on thursday. she looks good, but to her dismay, the dr. has put her off
for another month because her foot is virtually locked into place and needs significant therapy to get it moving again. please keep her in your thoughts. bless her heart, she is so anxious to get back to work.

gina herbert is home from the hospital - praise God! i know she's been in alot of pain, but she really appreciates everyone's thoughts and prayers. please consider either attendng or supporting her benefit. she's a single mom who needs all the support she can get.

bob booker - thanks so much for the call and for stopping by. i'm so sorry i missed you, friend!

scottie borden - thanks so much for the letter and inspirational book! you are best "wingman" anyone could ask for, buddy! i heard about the particular "moment" you mentioned in your note. what a piece of work! we'll talk more about that topic later.

i'm going to try to make an appearance at the capital city motorcycle club tomorrow for their "KIDS & KAMP" ride. it helps kids with cancer attend camp. obviously, i won't be able to ride, but i do believe that my "retired bud," elzie, christy clark, and my dad, ross are going to ride. i'm sure they'll rub it in that my butt's not in a saddle! lol

speaking of riding, my nephew, michael (terry's oldest son) wrecked his harley motorcycle this week. he has only had it for 4 months and unfortunately, did about $2,500 in damage. the blessing is that he, nor his stepdaughter were not hurt! terry is not happy with motorcycles these days, to say the least! i think she's ready to sell them all on our behalf.

to my IAWP friends (janet, deb, laura, terri, etc...) thanks for the thoughts and prayers. hopefully, mary and i will be attending a conference in the near future, once we're able to walk comfortably. we always look forward to the education and fellowship!

well, i'll write more when i have additional information. you guys and gals have no idea how much i look forward to your blog notes. they truly are my "window to the world."


lisa - 1095

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

september 11, 2007 - He is my everything....

top of the evening, friends....

i hope this finds you all well and blessed on this important day. we all need reminded from time to time how precious our freedom and safety really are. i pray and thank God for our men and women serving our country right now.

yesterday's therapy session wasn't too bad. the therapy nazi's simply wanted to measure my range of motion on my knee and ankle. they indicated that it was obvious that i'm working both joints on my own and they were pleased. i was encouraged by that! my next session is next week.

today, however, was a bit more challenging. i didn't sleep well because i threw up my oxycontin last night. i couldn't take more because i didn't know how much was in my system (which, friends....couldn't have been much!). i think the amount of oxy the dr. gave me for nightime has been a bit much and has been making me sick again. he lowered my dosage today. by the way....don't ever cut oxy in half to reduce your dosage....they are time-released and you could easily overdose. i learned this today - fortunately before i did such a thing!

furthermore...the plastic surgeon has decided that he wants to do another skin graft on my knee this friday. he apparently doesn't feel that it's healing quickly enough on it's own. another surgery - oh, joy! although it will be outpatient surgery, i will be completely "out."

while this will be my 8th surgery thus far, it will prepare me for my bone surgery i've been waiting to have. the dr. believes that he will see me in 5 days after the graft and discuss the next surgery. hopefully that will occur in the next month or so. please pray for quick healing!

but....i keep reminding myself that the important things are:

- i still have my leg
- God still has a greater plan
- i have a great support system of family and friends
- AND i still have 3 other motorcycles to ride (lol!)

i think that one of my classmates (mark perez) will be visiting tomorrow, then mary on thursday. she sends her regards. she's splitting her time between her parents and her home until she's able to return to work.

oh, yeah...i ate at frisches tonight and had a big boy! more importantly....i've kept it down! also walked the dogs in my neighborhood. i'm getting to be a pro at the "hover-round" electric wheel chair! good thing grove city PD wasn't in the area....i might have gotten a speeding ticket! lol

i thank each and every one of you who keep blogging, calling, visiting, etc.... mary and i are so grateful for the family and friends who keep us lifted up. you guys are great!

connie - i hope you can make it, but i know you'll be there in spirit if not in flesh!

mccarthy - tell 904 to take it easy on you...we all know how fragile you are!

wendora - thanks so much for the blogs and're so thoughtful!

essie - you're the best! when is MY secretary coming home???

ginny f - thanks for the very nice card and heartfelt letter. you touched my heart!

ps...i'm trying to get trish to download the cat pics.....i'm not that computer savvy yet!!!!

be blessed - not distressed...

lisa - 1095

Sunday, September 9, 2007

september 7-9, 2007 - 2 sets of footprints in the sand....

top of the afternoon, friends...

well, i pray that this writing finds you well. i haven't written for a couple of days because i have little to update.

i feel pretty good and am sleeping well. my ankle tends to burn alot in the morning and right before bed, so keep ice packs on it during those times. but otherwise, my pain is manageable.

i go in for therapy tomorrow at a rehab place here in grove city. please wish this old ankle and knee luck, as they aren't moving quite as good as i'd like them to. hopefully, they'll help me get a bit more range of motion than i have now.

my sis, terry came over friday night and we all watched the movie, 'fracture' with anthony hopkins. good movie! we even made kettle corn.

on saturday, we went to breakfast, to the 'mini' casino in circleville (where we LOST! lol), then watched another movie, 'disturbia.'

right now, we made turkey sandwiches and potato soup for lunch. terry is snapping green beans to put in with a roast that's cooking in the crock pot. she takes such good care of me! i think she'll be leaving soon, however. her husband is looking for his

this evening, one of my friends, raejean and her son cooper are coming to visit.

please continue to keep my friend glenda woodgeard in your prayers. she goes in again tomorrow for tyroid cancer surgery. she will be going to the James Cancer Center at OSU. she and her husband have 2 small children.

also pray for linda ellsworth (wife of Reverend Ellsworth - OSP chaplain), as she goes in for hip replacement surgery tomorrow as well. rev and linda have been wonderful supporters of the division. rev was one of the first to visit me after my crash.

well, i'll update when i have more info. please be blessed!

thoughts & prayers...

lisa - 1095

Thursday, September 6, 2007

september 6, 2007 - forgive us our trespasses....

top of the evening, friends...

well, today is an anniversary of sorts for me. 22 years ago today, i graduated from the patrol academy! boy, that was a life-altering, but wonderful event! before that, i dispatched for over a couple of, i've been with the patrol now for over 1/2 my life! what an experience it has been. i've been able to travel around the state, work with some tremendous people, and hopefully have made a difference in the communities in which i've lived. who could ask for more?

the doc has told me he wants me to start bending my left knee, so we started taking "baby steps" to do just that yesterday. while it's going to be a long process, i was very pleased to see i had about 1/3 range of motion with only moderate pain. God is good. i will start therapy monday for some non-weight bearing passive physical therapy here in grove city. i want to be a limber as i can, as i've seen how scary physical therapists can be!! lol

today, i had a visit from the "retired guy," elzie. he reminded me about a gazillion times that he's retired. he said he almost pulled his harley in front of my front door and gunned the engine, just to make me jealous. that's just hateful. i think he's trying to rub it in! we checked out some convertibles on ebay to temporarily replace my totalled motorcycle. i think he approved of a few i picked out. nothing definite yet. he wanted me to admit to you all that HE DID NOT RIDE THE CHICKEN.

i also received a visit from sue rance-locke and michelle henderson. they brought us all lunch from sonic - coney footers and iced tea! they have me almost talked into going to the argosy tomorrow! what bad, bad, they know how much i hate gambling. i may, however need to go just to keep them in check. i'm only thinking of them, of course.

seattle deb - good hearing from you, friend....hope all is well with you and that you are staying on two wheels! hope to see you at a future IAWP conference.

please continue to pray for gina herbert (the one i mentioned previously - she was hit by an uninsured, illegal alien about 2 weeks before our crash). she has to go back to grant tomorrow for another halo on one of her feet. i talked to her on the phone, and she's pretty bummed out about it. she needs our prayers now more than ever! i did hear that her friends are planning a benefit for her september 25, 2007 at planks on parsons. i'm told it will be pizza & pop for $10. if anyone has any questions, please call wendy forbes at the governor's hwy safety office at DPS (hope that's okay wendy!!!)

patty (p-96) - thanks for the very appropriate latin quote. while i will probably never be able to recite it exactly right, the acronym may be short enough to

janet w - thank you for your kind words too. we've really been blessed to be around terrific people! hope to also see you at future conferences.

terri west & cindy kollin - you guys never fail to put a smile on my face. thanks again for your faithfulness!

well, enough for now, as i must get up a bit early. i've got a heating & AC guy coming tomorrow to look at why it's 80-something degrees in my house!!! lol - wish me luck! besides, trish the medical-nazi is pushing more pills at me. i think she feeds me around 52 pills a day...just kidding!

may God bless you all....

lisa - 1095

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

september 5, 2007 - though we are weak, He is strong...

top of the evening, friends...

first of all, mary and i would like to thank dianna white and don grimwood for the previous posting and for planning the october benefit breakfast and ride for us. we can only surmise the time and effort it took in planning such an event. we would also like to thank quaker steak & lube, as well as the blue and red knights motorcycle clubs for their assistance.

i have been a member of the blue knights for over a year now and although i've not had the opportunity to ride alot with them due to working on my master's degree, they have been great! the blue knights was one of the first to send prayers, cards, flowers, and even a visit by our chapter president, jim rose.

while most people know that mary is a lieutenant and post commander at the marietta post, few know that over the last few years, she has worked diligently to first earn her EMT certification, then her FIREFIGHTER'S title. also, while mary is not currently a member of either organization, she often rides with others who are, and greatly supports their initiatives. mary and i have been friends for about 20 years now and both share a passion for motorcycles and for riding.

throughout this terrible ordeal, mary and i have learned many things. we have learned that:
  • even though we don't always understand why, things often happen outside our control
  • things happen in His time - not ours
  • again, even though we don't always understand why, things happen for a reason
  • patience is sometimes a hard pill to swallow
  • sometimes our goals must take a backseat to His
  • the only 2 things we really control are our attitude and effort
  • faith will sustain us

but we believe the most important thing we've learned is how many wonderful friends we have and how humbling that can be. we cannot place a value on the calls, visits, cards, prayers, etc... that we've received. we've received numerous gifts of food and service from friends who just wanted to make sure we've been OK. that, friends, is why we've not only survived, but thrived in such terrible circumstances.

it is often said that law enforcement and firefighting is a "calling," - and i believe it is true. these types of careers are as much a calling as the ministry. most of us do what we do in order to help others - it's that fundamental. so, i guess, it shouldn't be a surprise that when one of our own goes down - the calvary comes to the rescue. we do this daily for everyone else, then we do it for own.

i guess my point to all of this is to thank everyone (family, friends, co-workers, etc...) who has been helping us in any way. we are thankful, grateful, and humbled by all of your support.

sue rance-locke - thursday / noon is fine!

may God bless you and yours,

Lisa - 1095 / mary - 709

September 5 - Benefit Motorcycle Ride


Benefit Motorcycle Ride & Breakfast for Lisa Taylor and Mary Pfeifer

Come join us at Quaker Steak and Lube on October 6, 2007 (Sat) - Polaris Parkway.

Breakfast Buffet @ 8:30am - 10:30am $5 per person
Poker Run - First Bike Out @ 10am $20 per bike
Last Bike In @ 3pm
Benefit Auction @ 3pm

Promotional assistance by the Blue Knights & Red Knights Motorcycle Chapters of Columbus. Door prizes for riders.

The proceeds will be provided to Lisa and Mary to help with medical and miscellaneous expenses.


Any questions contact Dianna White at (740) 974-9511 or Don Grimwood at (614) 774-9358.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

september 4, 2007 - you cannot serve two masters...

top of the evening, friends....

i hope you got to enjoy another wonderful day! the sunset tonight was breathtaking!

my sister, terry got me hooked on free computer slots last night. thanks to her, i'm now enrolled in gambler's anonymous' 12-step program....! lo.l

my plastic surgeon wants to wait another 2 weeks for my leg to heal. i will see him again next tuesday, but thus far, i've been given a reprieve on the skin graph (yeah!!!). as much as i want the bone surgery, i really don't want another skin graph. so... that was good news...i think.

the dr. did, however 'up' my meds at night in an effort to help me sleep a bit better. i sure hope it works. my leg "buzzes" and thumps alot after dark. wish me luck!

went out to lunch after my appt. to the longhorn steakhouse with 2 friends. their trout was out of this world.

later, we went to deer creek to run my dogs. boy, do they enjoy being off the leash! it brings me alot of joy just watching that fuzz-faced schnauzer and beagle butt run! lol chrissy, being the hog that she is, walked into a great big mud hole and laid down. i swear if she was a person, she'd be smoking smelly cigars and wearing dirty, white, wife-beater tank

brenda collins - i believe i smelled you

dale - you'll always be one of my best buddies - ever!

mccarthy - are you out there??? hello???? do i still have a procurement manager?????

7'bn09 -hope you're in better spirits.....the folks mean well!

please continue to pray for my friend glenda (thyroid cancer), dale's dad (colon cancer), cory winfield (motorcycle wreck), scott rike (on his return to work), as well as others. sometimes we don't even know what to pray for, but if we ask Him, he will show us.

anyways...more blessed, friends!

lisa - 1095

Monday, September 3, 2007

september 3, 2007 - i was blind, but now i see...

top of the afternoon, friends....

well, here is another beautiful day - a holiday - and yet.....I'M NOT ON A MOTORCYCLE!!!! what is wrong with that picture??? people are continuously taunting me by riding by and gunning their i PROMISE you this - i will never, i mean NEVER take another beautiful day for granted. okay...i'm done complaining about not

otherwise, my lovely sister is here, we're chatting it up, while we're both on our laptops. i so love my sis!

trish left to get some things done at home and to hopefully do something fun.

last night i got to go to peyton watt's cookout. it was great seeing alot of the guys and gals from work! the food was also very good. brenda c - do you smell something?? lol oh, yeah...dave dicken had to call me for directions to peyton's house. once again....i pulled his fat outta the

i received an email from scott rike today. he's been given a "return to work" date - praise God! please pray that he does well on his GXT (physical) upon his return! he's been very inspirational for many of us and is so anxious to get back to his career.

i cannot believe that elzie fish left my "riding the chicken" comment alone. disappointed me, my friend. lol

well, i'm going to continue watching "the closer" marathon today and commune with terry rae. we'll probably eat all

i'll give you an update on my dr's visit tomorrow. thanks for your continued prayers!

have a blessed day!

lisa - 1095

Sunday, September 2, 2007

september 2, 2007 - i once was lost...

top of the afternoon, friends...

once again, even though i had the best intentions...i failed to get to church today. the meds i'm on make it very difficult to get up before 8am or so. i will try again next sunday.

i worked out with light weights to work my arms and good leg for about an hour this morning. even though i'm very thin, i can tell a difference, particularly in my arms. i want to get back into shape so i can start walking as soon as i can after surgery. i've been using strap-on weights for my injured arm and my good leg, which i think helps alot. i'm up to 125 sit-ups (in my hospital bed, of

i'm going to try to make it to peyton's house today for a cookout, if i can. it's always good to get out of the house. it would also be good to see everyone again.

afterwards, i plan to do some grocery shopping. i am out of about everything!!! i guess my appetite has

i'm scheduled for an appointment with my plastic surgeon on tuesday. cross your fingers....i hope he'll tell me that my knee is healing satisfactorily and that i'll be ready for the next bone surgery.

otherwise, things are good. each day gets a bit easier. the pain is usually pretty tolerable with the meds i'm on. some nights are better than others, but everything is OK.

squeak - thanks for the email was good hearing from you. you - retire???? no way!

anonymous - "inky" information has been compromised?????? is nothing sacred?

colonel b and brenda - thanks for the words of encouragement and i'm glad you got to spend some time with my friend, kathy mckinney. she's 'good people.'

hope all is well with you and yours and that your sunday is filled with blessings....

lisa - 1095

Saturday, September 1, 2007

september 1, 2007 - how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me....

top of the evening, friends....

i can't believe it is already september! what a beautiful day it has been - not a cloud in the sky and a nice breeze! it would have been a great day to ride and find a new restaurant to try out somewhere in our great state! its amazing how we take for granted such things as a summer day.

rode down to the caesar's creek flea market today. didn't buy much other than an American flag for when mine wears out. also picked up some fresh veggies for supper. i snapped some 1/2 runners and plan to put them in with a ham hock, potatoes, and onions. also bought some bread & butter pickles, as well as a yellow pepper and a watermelon. dinner anyone?

what a small world....i ran into a couple from the grove city church of the Nazarene this afternoon! had a very nice visit. the gentleman actually sings solo pretty often.

the ride down there was a bit rough, as that's the farthest i've ridden in a car. i was pretty sore by the time i got home. right now, i'm relaxing before dinner.

dale & naomi - it's great news your dad's surgery went better than expected. you give me way too much credit, friend. you simply reciprocate our wonderful friendship...for that i'm very grateful. you guys have been more of a blessing to me than i could ever have believed. your dad will stay in my prayers....i'm sure he'll be out of the woods in no time.

elzie - the first part of healing is admitting that you have a problem. its OKAY to have an affinity for chickens. we all acknowledge and accept your addition to riding chickens. we still love you anyway. what's this about hogs?????

shazam....if you bring out the old post 39 scrapbook regarding "inky," i believe there will be serious repercussions! don't make me come up there!

mary....thanks for the kind words of wisdom! hope your hotdog on the grill is as good as the dinner i'm getting ready to have.

david lear - thank you so much for the very heartfelt letter! while we haven't worked together for many years, i cherish the times we worked together, backed each other up, and had an opportunity to break bread together. you wyandot county guys are such a special breed!

i think i mentioned having 'breakfast at the barrel' yesterday...i've posted a picture that major bob booker took with his cell phone. okay....i know i'm thin, but i'm working on that!
i also posted a picture of my dad and my stepmom, mary getting attacked by 3 vicious dogs - chrissy, amy, and mary's dog, kelsey. i think he'll recover from his wounds

enough for now....i hope you have had a blessed day, friends.....

lisa - 1095