Tuesday, July 24, 2007

JULY 24, 2007 praise HIM in the storm......

top 'o the morning to everyone!

you folks have no idea how you've lifted me up over the last 2 weeks!

your thoughts, prayers, words of encouragement, cards, gifts, and visits have touched me to the core.

i can't believe that God has continued to bless me so much, even during this difficult time.

my family and friends make these trials and tribulations so worth any pain i may experience.

please keep me in your prayers as i continue to make a COMPLETE AND SPEEDY recovery.




K.McCarthy said...

Top o' the morning to you too Major,
Wow, you can type really fast with one hand !!! If you were here I would bring you a cup of coffee (as I always do LOL :-)
They say that mighty things come in small packages. (that would be you :-)
Hopefully you will have an uneventful day today with no surprises even though I can't imagine how painful just the slightest of movements are for you right now.
I say a pray for you everyday girl, so hurry up and get well soon because the big guy said that I am reaching my prayer limit for the year already!!
Love ya and see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Top of the morning to you!

You have lifted all of us more than you will ever know.

We love you and the prayers are being said on a daily basis!

Love you,

K.McCarthy said...

Hey Major, I forgot to ask you if Grant was going to possibly move you into a bigger room??? GEEEEZ with all of the cards and gifts you are gonna need it, there is hardly room for your bed and the medical staff to move around !!!! SMILE GIRL it will help you heal.

Anonymous said...

What was it, the 6:00am vital check that got you going so early? We talked about that sunday:) It's great to "see" your sunshine coming through. Can't wait for you to get home. Here is your daily quote:)

Character cannot be developed in ease and quite. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
"Helen Keller"
Love to you and yours.
See you this week:)
Give that earth angle of yours a hug from me:)

Anonymous said...

That's the spirit, Lisa! You have the will, determination and the grace of God to heal you. May your light continue to shine and may each day bring you a day with healing and renewal and a little more relief from the pain. Love you, girl! Cindy

Anonymous said...

Yes, Yes! This morning's news sounds uplifting. Sorry you are in so much pain though. Major (Lisa), you are so strong that is why I admire you so much. You rest and I will see you soon. Love You.


Anonymous said...

And a good morning to you too Major Lisa. We're so glad to hear about your progress and are still praying for a successful and safe recovery for you. Do you have plenty of white tea?

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Miss Lisa! It is wonderful for us to read words that have come from your heart. I keep thinking about coming to see you, but know that too many visitors can wear you out, so I'm holding back until you get stronger. Still praying for you, though and will continue until you're all healed! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

God really IS bigger than the Boogieman!!!

I've said my prayers much more since your accident, as I KNOW how important receiving prayer is when you are in the hospital and on your back with wires and tubes all over. I (and SO many others) are praying for you daily...and thinking of you even more times than that!!!

You are a someone that I have MUCH respect for....and have always enjoyed being with and talking to.

Please get better real soon!!!!

Mark A. Fellure

Anonymous said...

Good Morning to you Major Lisa!!!!


I agree with Kathy when she said mighty things come in small packages. (that be you)

You are in my prayers and thoughts.


Anonymous said...

I check your blog everyday to see what progress you've made and obviously your guardian angel continues to stand guard every step of the way in your recovery. I've always believed that a positive attitude CAN make a difference and you're living proof of that. Take care and as always God bless you and watch over you. You are in my prayers daily. Kathy Imhoff

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Major: Sounds like things are getting better everyday!you keep doing what the doctors say, and before you know it you will be back home soon.....I will have to contact that Fish and have him help you out ..since he is always just "hanging out" ha,ha,!!
As always take care and keep smiling... we really miss that around here !!

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, we check your blog everyday to see your process, sounds good, I know god and his angels are with you and you are blessed. Love Uncle Sonny, Lee and Boo "we love you" xoxo

Anonymous said...

Greetings, Miss Tough as Nails!
Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that even though all your family and friends don't feel the physical pain, we go through every surgery with you. It's always such a relief to read that you came through o.k.
Sure will be nice when you can go home... when you are laid up in the hospital after surgery, nothing feels as good as coming home does! You keep on progressing like you are, and you will be there in no time, girl!
Hang in there! We're all with you all the way!

Terri (aka Pike Co. Woman)

Anonymous said...

Hey Major Lisa,

I hope this note finds you feeling better than the day before. I was happy to see your entries to the blog and figure that must be a good sign. I tried to pry the location of the candy drawer out of Kathy (for those night shifts here at the Shipley), but she "says" it is probably empty by now;) Sounds to me like you have been in Great Hands from the very beginning and just know you will continue to be in my prayers. I really miss seeing your smiling face around here. Take care!

Teri Bridges
P-98/ Shipley

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon Major,
I have been on vacation since the day of your crash and just got back to work today. I am SOOO sorry for what you and Mary have gone through. It sounds like you got the worst of it and are very luck with all things considered. Why is it that bad things happen to good people. Oh well, it could be a lot worse, right ??

I heard about your crash the day I left for the airport and have prayed for you and Mary everyday while in Mexico. (Which by the way is the sickest my wife and I have ever gotten.) Anyway, your attitude through all this is inspiring. You are an amazing person and friend. I will continue to pray for you and hope you get back to on you feet soon and back to work.
Please take it a day at a time and stay in touch.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

I miss the days of dispatching at p-5 and knowing you were on post when the only thing I could see was your stetson moving on the other side of the counter :)

I know that much of recovery depends on a positive attitude, so I know you'll be back to yourself in no time!!

Get well soon!!!!

Missey A

Anonymous said...

I was very relieved when I saw that you had posted your own entry. Lift more weights, get thicker bones ;-)! Now its time to start planning for the Appalachian Trail. I look forward to working with you again when you get back.

Tony Leo

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I am so glad that God is taking good care of you. Sorry about the ton of pain pills, comotose drugs, and others. David is doing much better. He has been home from 2nd heart surgery 4 weeks today. He is really doing well, as are you. Yes, I know the pain is very bad, but if you can laugh at yourself and others, Glory Be! You let those Angels all around you give you comfort. You are on a long journey, so you do really need to learn to deal, and make life out to be full of butterflies, and candy apples. With God in the middle of it. Marlene

Kim Sherfield said...

Hey Lisa,

You are in my prayers and Our God is a Mighty God and He does heal.

I hope to be up there to see ya soon when you're further along in your healing process. I praise God that you're still here with us. He's not through with you yet! You have His work to do here. Stay strong, Lisa and in the power His might!

Love you!


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
So glad to see your message today!! I'm headed to NAWLEE tomorrow, to hang with the ladies for a couple days. Promise we will hoist a cool one for you and your speedy and complete recovery. It won't be the same without you, but you will be in all of our hearts, thoughts and prayers.

Love, Julia

Anonymous said...

As usual, you're kicking it in the butt!! I know you'll keep fighting, because that's just the kind of person you are! Glad to hear all is going well, not so glad to hear about the pain. Hope to see you soon!!


Anonymous said...

II Corinthians 12:10

Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Major Lisa Taylor
So sorry to hear about your awful
accident.I don't know if you know us but we were neighbors of your Dad Ross when he lived at 2002 Wilbraham Rd. in Middletown.we were made aware of your situation
by Michelle.my wife Patty & I have
put your name on The Poastown Church of GOD'S prayer list.HE DID THEN HE WILL NOW HE WILL ALWAYS be with you.
Please Lean on HIM.
Get Well Soon
Pat & Jon Haney

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa:
You never cease to amaze me! I'm glad to see you and God working on this hand in hand. Keep the Faith and know the prayers are continually being said!

Chris Laner

Unknown said...

Dear Major Lisa Taylor,
We have never met but you were very kind and caring when my son was killed in his motorcycle accident. Your cards of caring meant so much to me too!
I was so surprised but relieved to hear you were ok and that you are letting God and his wonderful helpers AKA Doctors,nurses and therapists do their work on you!!
Please know you are in my prayers and I will be sending you the cards of care and support now!
Loads of God's Blessing to you and My Love and Prayers,
Carol Rohr Wooster Exam Station

Anonymous said...

Hey Ole D-9er,

It was good to see you and witness the "upbeat attitude" today. Hang tough and know that there are a lot of folks thinking of you and keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. BE STILL AND KNOW.

Semper fi

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, it is so good to hear(in my mind) and read your actual words. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I do have to tell you though, that you need to speed up your recovery. I was driving home the other day from Charleston, and as always I wanted to call you as I was traveling through your "fine" state, but I could not, so get better. I miss talking with you.

WV Capt.

Anonymous said...

Major, After you're all healed up, should you leg begin to ache while on another one of our motorcycle adventures. Let the rest of the group know. It may be a sign of rain and we might be able to put on rainsuits before we get wet.

Your Retired Buddy

Anonymous said...

Knew it would take more than a bit of ashphalt and iron to keep you down. Good drugs and speedy recovery. Keep some of those drugs for when you get home. Mary will need them...

Anonymous said...

Major- Read your latest and I am glad to hear that you are doing better. We are all thinking about you and praying for your continued improvement. Keep up the posisitve attitude and know that so many care about you. Anne- Post 84

Anonymous said...

Hi Major, I just got back from vacation and heard about the crash. God is good! I pray for your speedy recovery. Take care!

Your driving Cub
Tony Stephens

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major, so I hear that you are still in that bed. Those doctors just don't know who they are dealing with, do they ????
Guess what? the BIG GUY really knows who you are now... his emails are overloaded too and he said to tell you he can't keep up. LOL!!! But we all know that he has you under his angels wings to make certain that you heal.
Love ya girl and see you very soon.

Anonymous said...

Get well Major! My wife and I appreciated the note you sent after our daughter was born, and now you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Hope to see you back soon!

Jim and Christina Thompson

Anonymous said...

Major...Sorry just now sending you get well wishes. Hated hearing about this, but hope all continues to go well for you. There's a saying you can't keep a good woman down and you are here proving that for sure.
Hope you're up and out of there real soon and tell Mary we're thinking of her also.

Bob & Kim Knauff

Anonymous said...

Major Lisa,
Glad to hear you are willing your way to better health! We think of you often.
Watched a spiritual motivation piece recently about a rose and a rock--strong symbolism for much of life's journey.....
God Bless and see you soon!