Monday, July 30, 2007

july 30, 2007 - take My burden, for it is light

top of the afternoon to you, friends....

praise GOD i'm being released today after 18 days in the hospital! my first dr's visit is thursday. hopefully being home with chrissy, amy and sissy will do me worlds of good. thanks again to my family and friends for helping me out in so many ways during this horrible ordeal. i keep thinking that this is a dream from which i will wake. but the reality is that i am in for months, if not years of therapy--but if GOD brings me to it, HE will bring me through it.

please keep us in you prayers, as that's the absolute best medicine out there!


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Great news, being home is a medicine that hospitals do not have access to. Thinking of you two.

WV Protector

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I am so happy for you. You have been so strong and a real "trooper" (forgive me) through this process.

You and Mary will both continue to be in my prayers.

Stay strong in the Lord.

Anonymous said...


Very pleased to hear you're going home. You are the bestest. Keep the faith and remember anyone or anything you need is just a phone call away.

Lin Herd

Anonymous said...


Great to hear your going home today. Continue to fight the fight, you will recover, and be back soon.

Jim & Carol Holt

Anonymous said...

Major Lisa,

YIPPPEEEEE!!! So glad to hear that. There's nothing like being home and with family.

Always in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

Major: I knew that they could not keep you down! You just make sure that you take it easy when you go home and do not over do it ! But being home will make you feel better and will help the healing process speed up !!
Trust me I know,

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

Yeah! You will feel so much better just being in your own surroundings with the people and creatures you love. There is nothing like critter kisses and smiling faces to give you unconditional love and understanding. Take care, Lisa. Although it is good to get home, the getting there can really tax your strength. Rest up and let your body heal. Take time to be still even though it is terribly difficult for an active person like you to do. Thinking of you. Cindy

K.McCarthy said...

Good afternoon Major,
this is fantastic news and your babies will be ecstatic to see you !! It sure will be good to be back in your own home.
Please take it easy and I pray the the medication will keep the pain under control so you can heal.
I will come down and fire up that stove (thats never been used LOL :-)and cook you dinner when you feel up to it.
Love ya girl and I will talk to and see you soon. Remember we are all out here praying for you and Mary and will get you through this.

Anonymous said...

We are so happy for you, your girls will be so excited to see their mom!
Like Lin said, we are all just a phone call away!
Love, Tom, Wendy and Alan

Anonymous said...

One tough lady you are, I am still praying for you. Congratulations on coming home!

Anonymous said...

Lisa, Great news that you are now going home....Simon and I have been thinking about you and its great to hear you are progressing. Our thoughts have been with Mary too and we know that you are both strong.

We look forward to seeing you both again at an IAWP conference,

Love Jane & Simon Townsley Leeds, England.

Anonymous said...

Once you are up to it, you should ride an atv - no foot action needed, its on in the hands

Gentle Ben said...


We are glad to hear that you get to go home. Another goal met. Congrats, and we are all still thinking of you and Mary.

Mike & Connie

Anonymous said...

Hello Lisa,

The staff of Mt. Zion Animal Clinic & Boarding and I are sending you a little sunshine. Hope you feel better soon.

Cindy Kidd, DVM

Anonymous said...

Great, Great News!!! Continue getting better and stronger every day! You are amazing! Be good and feel well! Hope to see you soon. Susie and Mark

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear you are going home. You are in mine and my wifes prayers. Don't hesitate to ask me for anything you might need.

Jon and Kim Cross

Stephanie Atchison said...

Hi Major I wanted to let you know that you have been placed on the prayer list at church and I am praying for you. God has already prepared you for this season of your life, and he never allows things to happen to us that He can't get us through. Continue to be encouraged, even when you are down, and always stand on the word that is in your heart. I appreciated telephone calls, prayers, and words of encouragement that you gave me while I was sick. Now it is my turn. So hold on I know God to be a healer, a comforter. If we do not go through anything, we never know for ourselves what he can do.
I know from experience he can and He will. Just wait on the Lord.

K.McCarthy said...

Good evening Major,
I am so happy you were able to come home today, I hope that you are all settled in and hopefuly resting a bit. I pray that your pain is ceasing a little more every day.
Please take it easy and let us help you!! its ok. No one thinks you are stubborn or anything.. whatever !!! LOL
Your girls have to be ecstatic!!
Let me know when you want me to come down and use that stove of yours!!!
Now is the time that you will need all of us out here the most and we will all be here to see you and Mary through this difficult time.
Love you girl, rest easy tonight and do what the doctors tell you to do!! You will get a little stronger every day.
Talk to you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

so glad for you that you got to come home. I know you and you're worrying about the animals even though it sounds like they are being well cared for. I'll be up to see you now that maybe you are up to it. If you need anything call me and I'll get it to you. Miss you a lot and think of you and Mary all the time. Ginny H

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finally coming home. Now the hard work really begins! I was leaving on vacation the day of your accident and only knew that you and Lt. were badly injured. Tina called me and gave me some updates. I have been keeping both of you in my prayers.

I am thrilled that you are making such good progress. The only problem about being home this time of year is not being able to go out and really enjoy the weather. You should have planned this for colder weather, then you wouldn't have minded being cooped up inside (at least I didn't when I was recovering from my back surgery).

Keep the faith! We are all praying for you!

Nancy H.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are getting back to the girls. Many folks asked about you the past week at NAWLEE and you will also be in their prayers. Keep fighting the good fight. My thoughts and prayers to both you and Mary. God Bless you and keep you.
Kathy (

Anonymous said...

Major, I hope they had your house all cleaned up after all the parties that went on there while you were in the hospital. And no need to worry about the one I had scheduled after Wednesday's Bike Night at Quaker Steak and Lube. I'm sure I notified everybody....I think.

Your Retired Bud.

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
Hey top of the morning to you and are you still hanging out in bed already??? geez, what do you think you are back in the Academy again ???
We have already made arrangements with the local paver in Groove City as they will need to put a couple more layers of tar on your road in front of your house to handle all of the traffic that is going to be headed your way. How was Chrissy? they never forget who their parents are even when you are away !!!
Talk to you and see you soon!!!
Love ya girl, sun is shining and its another new day for healing :-)

Anonymous said...

So glad you are home with your 2 and 4 legged friends.
I'm ready to fix anything you'd like to eat! Remember my speciality is downhome (Jackson/Gallia Co) cooking. I have plenty of fresh green beans in my garden that I'd love to fix for you and your caregivers.
Rest when you can and try to keep up with your therapy. I'm only a phone call away!
Love & Prayers,
Nurse Paula

Anonymous said...

Peace, Mercy and God's Blessings to you. I'm so glad to hear that you are home. It was certainly good seeing you last week, even though the circumstances in seeing you in the hospital were not. I know that you are a lady of great Faith, so you know there is nothing too hard for God. I believe since you are a child of King that he will heal your body. Keep the faith and continue to be an inspiration to all that comes in contact with you. You and Mary will continually be in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

That is great news, you have both been in our thoughts and prayers. You have such a strong will and so many people cheering for you!!

BJ Hodson & boys

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear that you are home! Of course you know that there will be NO SLACKING OFF, just because you are there, right? :)

Remember to pace yourself, a day of overdoing it will not be worth the payment you will make the next day!

Patience is a _______!! right??

Keep smiling!
Karen Morefield

Anonymous said...

Been out of town a few days soooo glad to hear you got to go home. Being home is even better than just being back in the buckeye. I should have known you always want to be ahead of the game in everything, even getting better. Glad to here Mary is doing well also.

Anonymous said...

Boy, is it wonderful to hear your at home, that is always the best medicine a person could ask for. At least now you can wear something a little more stylish, that gown just was not color!!! It was a little airy in the rear as well, HA! Love ya and take care. Talk wo you soon.

Glenda and Jason

Anonymous said...

All right! The woman gets to finally go home! Hallelujah!
Yes, being home will definitely make a WORLD of difference in you, both mentally and physically. Any time I've been hospitalized for injury or surgery, it was almost magical coming home. Felt so cozy and comforting--and you "buddies" will be so glad to see you too! They also help SOOOOOOO much when you are feeling down or blue, and I'm sure they'll be right by your side the entire time, protecting you and willing you to get better day by day.
I'm so happy for you, girl! Don't let too much company wear you out, o.k.? Don't hesitate to tell people that you need your rest, because you DO need it very badly; and they will understand. Take extra good care of yourself--your body has been through such major trauma--any trauma at all is so hard on the body and so exhausting, and what YOU'VE been through most definitely has. So don't overdo. Just relax and rest and concentrate on only one thing--getting Lisa better!!!!!! O.K.?
Again, so glad you get to go home! Enjoy!

Terri (Pike Co. woman)

Anonymous said...


It is truly good to hear that you are home. It is the second best being the first.

Continue the fight.

Tom and Tricia Gwinn

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I just today heard about your accident. Although you have a long road ahead of you, with your strong faith, you'll get through it. As we both know, God does hear the prayers that are lifted up on our behalf and he answers them, many times with miracles. You will now be remembered in mine as you remembered me so often in yours. Continue to keep the faith, my friend.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

My husband, Keith Albert, works with you and you and I have met at church a few times. I have been praying for Mary and yourself each day and share your belief in God and his power.

Please know that God is using your situation, your trust in Him and your willingness to share to touch lives and potentially change them forever.

Even as my 4 month old spits up (or down) into the creases of the furniture, my 3 yr old declares 'no!' as often as possible, one dog limps and falls with a bad back, the other dog runs frantically in an allergy attack, and the family of flies in my house seem to duplicate themselves by the minute, I am still spiritually moved and emotionally 'stopped in my tracks' as I read your blog each day. It reminds me of God's handywork and how awesome our bodies really are. Because of you I am grateful to be able bodied and blessed with the ability to maintain my family and home.

In time you will return to your daily grind and this will be a small blip on your life radar. I know that then (if not beforehand) God will reveal to you just how he used you and your situation to build his kingdom. What a full heart of pleasure that will bring you!! You must be a warrior in our Lord's eyes for him to use you in such a huge way. How sweet it is that you can be doing the Lord's work as you heal your body.

I will continue to pray for a speedy recover for Mary and yourself and continue to be in awe of your faith and perserverance.

All the best!
Stephanie Albert

K.McCarthy said...

Good evening Major, Hey your adoring fans have been waiting for an update. What gives ???
LOL :-) I hope that you are settling in at home. I hear that your family and your babies are happy to have you home again.
Please don't push yourself (yep you heard me) relax and let us do the work for you.
I will see you soon.
Love ya, Kath.

Anonymous said...


I knew nothing about the accident until Dad called me in WV (I was white water rafting) to tell me!! I read through your blog to find out what was going on...I'm glad to know that you (and Mary) are doing better!! I sounds like you still have a way to go...We both know who is in control and that you need to "Keep On Keeping On!!" Give Crissy and Amy hugs for me...and I guess Sissy??? I miss you guys!!

Love and Prayers,
Your Old Jackson Neighbor!!

Anonymous said...

There is no place like home and we are glad to hear you are finally home. It sounds like you had a royal welcome home by the ones that really love and miss you! We continue to pray for your continued improvement for both you and Mary. Don't push it and give yourself the time needed to heal well. Keep the Faith!
Chris and Brent

Anonymous said...

Major, When I stopped to see you tonight it was great to see you doing so well at home. What a pleasant visit. Well, except for that part when your sister Terri offered me a Diet Coke instead of a Budweiser. Thanks for straightening that one out. Do you think if I told your Dad it could get her grounded or something?

Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

What a relief to know that you were able to get home. When I got the email about the accident I was numb (ok, nothing like you were, but shock, anyway.) Hope your healing is swift. Many thoughts and prayers are being sent your way and Mary's way from NJ and the Florida Keys. Marilyn