Sunday, July 29, 2007

july 29, 2007 - oh, Lord, my God, i called to you for help and you healed me....Psalm 30:2

top of the morning to you, friends....

here i am in day #16 in my recovery. the dr's are still trying to determine whether to release me today or tomorrow...but i'm sure it will be one of the two. the morphine drip and catheter have been removed in preparation for the move. they have been trying to transition me to all medications by mouth, with the exception of my antibiotic--which will be by iv, so the transition should be smooth.

while i certainly have my 'down' days, the majority of the time i'm extremely optimistic that everything will be just fine. whenever i have a negative thought, i simply remember God's promises and read the encouraging words you've written to both mary and me--and i'm uplifted and refreshed. so...thank you for providing that little kick we sometimes desperately need.


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...


Thats great news. I like your blog pictures. god bless.


Anonymous said...

Hope today is a great day for you. Stay positive, focused and let God guide you through your recovery. You'll be home when the time is right. I said some extra special prayers for you and Mary at mass yesterday. You both continually to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

I meant ... you both continue to be in my thoughts and prayers ... Kathy Imhoff

Anonymous said...

Of course you'll have your down days, but remember you have so many folks behind you and Mary. You still continue to amaze me on your strength and we are all here for you.
God bless you both
Love, Tom, Wendy and Alan

Gentle Ben said...

You know what they say about pain just telling you that you are alive? That's just one of those macho things we guys say sometimes to make us look tough. Forget about that! Use the morphine when you need it. You have nothing to prove as we already know you are tough - just trying to stop that drunk with your leg! You'll be home before you know it, and won't that be nice? Hang in there!
Mike & Connie

Anonymous said...


Your perserverance is an example to all of us. The power of prayer is an amazing thing isnt it?!! There is no doubt that our heavenly father has plans still for you. Remember 2 Corinthians 5:7, "For we walk by faith and not by sight." No matter what, faith will always be on your side. Psalm 91 - "He shall command his angels concerning you..."
No doubt his angels have been with you througout.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Lisa. Remember your healing process is in God's time and not your own. This is perhaps the greatest lesson He has to teach us all. I know when it is time, He will send you home on angels' wings. You may not be able to handle the flying right now and He knows it. You will be home soon, don't doubt that. You continue to have many prayers and thoughts sent your way, Lisa. All things in His time. May He give you the strength to accept the delays and road blocks. These too are His mercy and His grace. :-) Cindy

Anonymous said...

Before you know it you'll be turning the corner and catching sight of home. I can see the smile on your face already. Take care.

Bob B.

Anonymous said...

You will be home soon, listen to the doctors, they know what they are doing. Thinking of you today and everyday. Hang in there.

WV Protector

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa & Mary Ann,
I pray that your both comfortable and still wearing those smiles. I hear that a large number of CIA interrogators are retiring from Gitmo to take up occupations in physical therepy.
You are both in our thoughts & prayers.
Take Care & God Bless,
Steve & Sandy

Anonymous said...

Good evening Major,

You were missed at staff and Command. I know that you are the only one that stands during the meeting everyone else sits, yet no one can tell.( Tee-Hee)We are so proud of the progress you have made. Your faith, strength, and friends will get you were you want to be. Our prayers continue to be with you madam.

Jim and Carol Holt

Anonymous said...

Major, Rode 293 miles today.I went over to Greenville,Ohio to ride the Treaty City M/C event. On my way home I was actually passed by four Hell's Angels. Wherever they were going they must have been late(if you know what I mean).
Hey! That wasn't going to be your escort from Grant Hospital to your house was it?
Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I hope you rely on heavens angels and not hell's angels to get you home. (just messin with ya). You are made of tough stuff you will make it through this. Makes me think of how tuff your Mom was. She bounced back many times. Keep the faith and God will see you through. I have a picture of you waiting for someone to drive you home (a funny) but I can't paste it to the message. I will send it to Terry and she can pass it on.

Keep Smiling

Praying for you,

Gail and Jerry

Anonymous said...

Major: Hoooowww Yooouu Dooiiinnn? It sounds like you are getting closer to getting home, that is great news ! Like everyone keeps telling you just keep the faith , keep smiling, and this will all work out. We were also glad to hear that Mary was doing well. We were alos glad to hear that you could get that "Fish" working finally....LOL !!!!
Keep smiling and working with the doctors and you will be fine.

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

Lt. Mary and Major Lisa,

Lt. Mary,you don't know me, but I work at P96 - Fairgrounds. (I call the Post the "forgotten post.") Nobody seems to know we're here! Just to let you know that you and Major Lisa are never far from my thoughts and prayers.You are both encluded in my daily prayers.

I came across this in the newspapers and it came to me in a rough time of my life. I carry it in my wallet. It's so old that it's turning yellow. I think this applies to both of you: "You must be someone special for the Lord to have given you such a burden. He will not forsake you if you trust Him."

Patty Miller

Anonymous said...

Great to hear about going home this week. Many asking about you at Grove city Nazarene and praying for you. Your faith and positive attitude is an example we all can use daily.

Chuck Kathy Milam

Anonymous said...

I am so happy your surgery went well. Hang in there, with God's help you'll be just fine! You both are still in my prayers!!!


Anonymous said...

Great news that you be coming home!! Continue to keep your positive upbeat smiling self as this healing process continues. May GOD continue to bless and watch over you and Mary.
We are keeping you in our prayers.
Sending you a smile:-)
Tom and Brigette