Saturday, July 28, 2007

july 28, 2007 - Ask and you shall receive

top of the morning, friends!

well, i'm entering day #15 of my total recovery. it doesn't appear that i will be released today, but possibly tomorrow or monday. they want to take me off my morphine iv for a day to see how i'll do without it, as well as give me a little more physical therapy provided by the physical therapy terrorists/nazi's (lol). there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

mary continues to progress well. she is still convalescing at her parents. while i haven't seen her since the crash, i have spoken with her almost every day. she reads this blog and so appreciates the kind words of encouragement that you have sent her way.

please continue to be the prayer warriors that we still desperately need you to be -- God often works through His people to accomplish great things.


1095 - lisa


Anonymous said...

Well I see you are up early. Bummer that you are not going home today, but it will be soon, and yes there is a light at the end of this long tunnel. You and Mary keep your heads up and let all your loved ones take of you for once. Yes, they are Nazi's. But they mean well and are very successful, So try to do all they ask.
Hope to see you soon,

WV Protector.

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl, so glad the surgery went well. You are are one tough biker chick!! It was very humbling visiting you. You are a very strong inspiration to me. I've know that since Girl's State long ago. I've been keeping you in my thoughts daily and know you will be back in the sadle. Keep your chin up and re-hab will go by quickly. Glad you will being going home soon. I'm sure your four legged friends will be glad to see their "mom".

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Major:

Sorry to hear you're not coming home today, but hopefully soon. Good luck without the pain meds, but I'm sure you'll do just fine without them. I've learned personally that physical therapy is an excellent recovery tool so keep up with it and continue to do as they ask. Prayers continuing for both you and Mary.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your surgery went well. I know there's no place like home, but I'm sure that morphine drip has been your best friend at times. You and Mary continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Kathy Imhoff

Anonymous said...

Great to hear those therapy terrorists are hurting you. That just means you can feel them which is a good sign. Mary answers her phone as often as she does her emails. I know she can feel we are all thinking of her too. You continue to amaze me. Enjoy the good drugs while you can get them. I'll put a dime in the machine for you should I happen to pass one.
Keep smiling

Anonymous said...

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, home is right around the corner. You and Mary just continue to follow the orders of the doctors and you'll be home in no time. We will keep praying for you both!
Love, Tom, Wendy and Alan

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major, even through this trying time you continue to totally amaze me!!!!
Im sorry that you are unable to get out of jail today, but keep your head up because its right around the corner.
Your babies at home wanted me to tell you that they love all the new stuff that Grant sent to them at the house. NEW CHEW TOYS !!!!! LOL!! we still love them anyway, as they love us unconditionally and are always happy to see us.
You and Mary will continue to be in our prayers daily (now the big guy is charging me for my requests :-) :-)
Listen to those therapist Nazi's (want to know what they call them in Wva??) I'll tell you l8tr :-)
At least our Nazi's have all of their teeth :-)))) ok, I even laughed at that one. I have to keep in mind that Bill was born in Wva. hhhmmmmm I think that I am on to something here LOL.
I miss you so much and our pick me up sessions, those are good times and we will have many more.
I think that Im reaching my character limit on this comment section so I'll go and let you rest.
Coming down to see you today girl, so you had better be ready !!!
Love ya and I know that there are healing hands holding you and Mary right now.

Dale 7121 said...

Hi 109'er5,

I am glad you are doing better. But, I want you to know you scared the stuff out of me. I know you will be back to your old self ASAP. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend. I only wish I had your strength, not only now but always. You are the best. By the way, What a dad you have....He is a true blessing....We love you, but you already knew that anyway......See you soon......

Dale and Naomi

Anonymous said...


Hello from Susan and Lee Hubbard of Jackson. We just read about your accident in today's local newspaper. We are both in shock that this happened to such a wonderful person.

At the same time, we are happy to read about your quick recovery. And, wow, you have soooo many friends who are praying for your successfull recovery. You are such a lucky person to have so many who care so much about you.

We both miss you - as we have since you moved away from Jackson. We so enjoyed seeing your smiling face at the Tuesday Rotary club lunches. And we enjoyed the fellowship shared with you during those times.

We haven't seen you in how long - a few years anyway. But for some reason we were just talking about you within the past few weeks. I (Lee) can't explain it - just one day recently I thought about you and mentioned it to Susan. We both wondered how you were doing and what you were up to these days.

We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Knowing you.....a tough as nails will resume a normal life in no time.

We will both keep checking this blog for updates on your condition. Once you get settled back home and are ready for some visitors, please let everybody know. Once we figure out where you live, we'll be there to see you. Hey, you can't hide from your friends! LOL.

With love from Jackson,

Susan and Lee Hubbard

Anonymous said...

Our friends here in Iowa, Laura and Jules told us of your accident. We have had you in our prayers and are hoping for your fast recovery. Sounds like you two have had lots of love and prayers. It's such a blessing to have so many good friends.
Becky in Iowa

Anonymous said...

Hey there, girl!
I am SOOOO pulling for you to get to go HOME soon! I know it will make your recovery come along more quickly... something about being home in familiar surroundings with all the things (and people and pets) that you love--sure does make it seem better!
Am still praying for you and Mary every day (along with all the army of others who are praying right along too). It is such a miracle that you both are still here, and we are all so grateful to have you both still with us.
I know what you mean about physical therapy (Nazis) hee hee... while I've never had such horrendous injuries as you, I've had quite a few surgeries and injuries where I've had to have many visits with them--they sure do help, but it sure ain't FUN, is it? All that pain is very exhausting, so you make sure you get PLENTY of rest. If any of us stays too long visiting, you feel free to tell people that you need to get some shut eye--we'll all understand, believe me!
Hang in there girl! Your HUGE band of family and friends are pulling for you and with you all the way!

Have a good Sunday!
Terri (aka Pike Co. woman) :)

Anonymous said...

MAJOR, If you need pain medication after you get home just let me know. I'll bring you an order of Rooster's "SUPER KILLERS" hot wings. That should help you forget about the pain in your leg for a while. Of course you'll need a six pack of BUD to put the flame on your lips out.
Now, how's that for a prescription.

Your Retired Buddy

Anonymous said...

What an inspiration you are to everyone who reads this, your positive attitude should be a lesson for all of us! Stay strong and see ya soon!
Glad to hear you are doing well also, I will keep praying for both of you. Showalter sends his best to ya.

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major, we worried about you last evening as to if you were able to rest due to your pain level.
Today is a new day and maybe you will be able to get out of jail and go home to your babies waiting there.
You know that they are using their new Grant "stuff" that was delivered as chew toys. cool !!!!
This morning at mass I prayed for you and Mary extra hard and so did
Bill. (we can only hope that the Big Guy grants our requests)or at least helps ease some of your pain and worry.
Love ya girl and we will anxiously await the morning blog update on your condition.
Talk to and see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey Coz' I know you will have down days, you're only NORMAL, but you're so right with the love of friends and family, we'll do our best to keep you lifted Uncle Sonny and Babe (my other sister)ha ha are spending the wk. with us, I'll do my best to keep him out of trouble, we love you, hang-in-there, I hope if you're ready you get to go home, we love you, Coz' Boo,Lee, and Uncle Sonny xoxoxo