Friday, July 27, 2007

july 27, 2007 - the patience of Job

UPDATE / 430P:

the surgery went well! the skin and muscle grafts appear to be taking as hoped. the dr's will determine whether i get released tomorrow, but the prospects look promising. my equipment has been delivered to my home, so my house looks like a Grant substation! lol

while i had a bit of a rougher day today...tomorrow is a new day--with new beginnings. please hang in there with me, because i need all the moral support i can get. you folks have been wonderful. two weeks down....


lisa - 1095

top of the morning to you!

i'm preparing for surgery and am confident that the skin and muscle graphs will be fine. the surgery may be moved up a bit, so i'm not exactly sure what time i'm going. it appears sometime between 945a-1245p. i hope to be home this weekend, providing the surgery goes well. please keep mary and me lifted up in your prayers, as i am absolutely sure that the only reason that we have done so well is that you have been such great prayer warriors! GOD is good everyday.


lisa -1095


Anonymous said...

Hey good luck today and keep that great smile going. Things are going to work out. The man has many more plans for you. FYI I am going back to work today and working the weekend. So I will check in later about your successful surgery. Tell Mary and your family that they are all in my thoughts also.

Take Care
Your protector in WV

Anonymous said...

Good morning Major (Lisa) Taylor, You are such an awesome Woman. I just wanted to tell you I miss you and a lot of your friends have been keeping me updated on their visits. I want to see you but I know you have so many visitors and a person can get tired. I love you and I will see you soon. I know it is hard for you, probably missing out on all your snacks. One day, you and I will sit and catch up on all those snacks you are always sharing with all of us.

Love Essie....

Anonymous said...

If you need help at home, remember home care nursing is my first love! If I can do anything to help you, just let me know.

Love & Prayers,
Nurse Paula

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I prayed for you last night and just added a PS for today's surgery. How awesome it would be for you to go home this week-end. I need to find out about these sweets and snacks everyone is talking about so I can bring you some when I come to visit. You keep your little chin up, honey and we'll see you real soon. We all love you.

Anonymous said...

Major: hope that all goes well today and you get to head for the hacienda this weekend...Sounds like you are getting plenty of help (at least you were able to get Fish working again) ha,ha,
Be good and we will keep you in our prayers each and every day! Stay strong, keep smiling, and keep the faith !

Kelley & Glenna Williams

K.McCarthy said...

God is good and he will be guiding the surgeons carefully this morning to make sure OUR GIRL is taken care of.
I know that you are doing everything that your medical staff is telling you to do. (even though its hard for you to do LOL !!!!
I am praying extra hard for your safe return home this weekend, it will feel really good for you to be in your own home again.
I just hope that the mailman and the delivery guy know what their in for. We all may have to chip in and build a waiting area outside your front door with one of those "grab a number" devices.
Our prayers are with Mary and her family as well for a speedy recovery, please let her know we are all here pulling for her too.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Lisa. Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I pray you will be able to go home this weekend. I look forward to visiting you at your house.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know I am checking on your status everyday. Hope you and Mary are doing well. Thinking about you here in Canton.

Your friend,
Pam Gowen

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor, A big hello from Mansfield. We just wanted to say that we are all still praying everyday for a speedy recovery for you.

Thoughts and Prayers from:
Mansfield P-70

Anonymous said...

Good luck today Lisa. I'm sure everything will go well. We can't wait to see you at home again. We can make all the kids wait on you for whatever you need! We can hook up a bell system - you ring it and I gurantee they will all come running! ;-) Take care and please let us know if there is anything you need once you get home. You can probably throw a stone at the house to get our attention! Hope to see you soon!
Heath, Stacy, Blake & Conor Hix

Anonymous said...

Good morning Major! You are truely an inspiration to all of us!! Your strength, courage and positive attitude proves that you can overcome ANY obstacle that comes your way. Good luck in surgery today. I hope you get to go home soon!!

Your in my thoughts and prayers,

Anonymous said...

Hello Lisa: Just wanted you to know that David and I are keeping up with all that is going on. So happy that you are in the center of Christ our Precious Lord and Saviour, and like Job, you need to have all the patience in the world, and not ask "Why me Lord". Just take it and have a party with all those Angels around you with the Holy Sprit. People don't often know what good parties we can have with God on our sides. You take care, and we are hoping and praying that you will get to go home this weekend. We are thinking of you daily, along with prayer as well as Mary, and thank you for the update on her. Talk with you later ................ Marlene

Anonymous said...

Hi Major, I hope you are in good spirits and minimal pain. I look forward to seeing you again soon. Love Eric Erlanger

Gentle Ben said...

Going home is a step forward. A small but significant step forward. Bravo, but don't over do it. Still thinking of you and lots of people you don't know in Athens are also sending their best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

Mike & Connie

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you & Mary, Major Taylor. Wishing you the best today in surgery. Take care and relax.

Maureen 'Scooter Trash' Grandon

Lancaster Patrol Post said...

Major Taylor,

The Lancaster post is praying for you and your speedy & COMPLETE recovery. Stay focused on your recovery and keep trusting in the Lord. Everything will work out just as he's planned.

You will stay in our thoughts and prayers!!!

From everyone at Lancaster Post

Anonymous said...


I just heard about your ordeal! I am so sorry that you have to walk through this valley. But God and your friends are there beside you to lend comfort, support, and carry you if we have to!

Your upbeat attitude will serve you well in the times ahead. You are showing God's face to the world.

God bless you and keep you. I will keep checking on you and praying for you and Mary. If there is anythig that I can do for you, just let me know.

God Bless!
Anne Milliron

Anonymous said...

Hey Major Taylor,

You and Mary ARE in my prayers. I don't know if you recall the conversation we had in the elevator about a week ago about you going for your Master's Degree, but it's me, Vickie Arter, from OIS Squadroom. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor, I am so happy to hear you will be home this weekend! You are one amazing person! I knew you were tough when you told me the story of going through boxing in the academy with broken ribs, but to be going home already after what you have been through?...I have to party with you cowgirl! I will stop by to say hi as soon as you are settled and up to it. Keep the faith and strength.
Your friend, Mark P.

Anonymous said...

Hey Major Lisa,

Hopefully this time tomorrow you will be all nestled in at your own home. I've been praying a lot:) I just needed to let you know I was thinking about you. Still missing your smiling face. It just isn't the same Shipley without you.

Teri Bridges

Anonymous said...

Alan is standing with me and is sending a great big hug, prayers are still being said and hope you have a restful night.
Love, Tom, Wendy and Alan

K.McCarthy said...

Good evening Major, we are right here with you and love you !! We can't imagine what you must be feeling but you must know that we are all here to support you and Mary through this trying time !!!
Your Patrol family are not fair weather friends, we are here for you 110% !! Do not ever forget that !!
We will try to see you in the morning and check in to see what your status is.
Rest easy and well tonight sweetie, and tomorrow is another day of healing and recovery. You have come a long way and Im certain that you are beating the odds. Look how far you have come with your recovery in just a little over 2 weeks. We are all here with you and will help you with whatever you might need.
Love you !!!!

July 27, 2007 7:58 PM

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

Just wanted you to know that our family has been praying for you since Wendy told us about the accident. I have just read through your blog, and am so amazed by your trust and faith in our gracious God! What an awesome and inspiring testimony of faith! I know that you know that He will work through you to use this experience as a witness to others. Stay strong in Him, and know that we continue to lift you in prayer!

Jennifer Patterson and family
Orient, OH

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
Great seeing you today. C'mon home to G.C. Looking fwd to breakfast at the Cracker Barrel with you and the gang.

Bob Booker

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things are looking brighter ever day(not that I doubted that). Praying that you get to go home tomorrow. You are amazing girl. Keep that postive attitude and you will be back to normal in no time.

Jerry and Gail

Anonymous said...

Major -
I just want you to know what an inspiration you are to me, and my entire family with how you are doing. While my back injusry was nowhere near anything like what you are going through, I understand the ups and downs of medical procedures and hopefulness for recovery. I kow you will overcome any obstacle God puts in front of you and will continue to serve Him in the valuable role He has for you! Remember that God is always with you, and you are in the prayers of our family every day...Jeff Grayson