Wednesday, July 25, 2007

july 25, 2007 - HIS grace is sufficient

top'o the morning to you all again.

yesterday was such a humbling day. i received so many wonderful visitors and words of encouragement! i am amazed at the number of friends i have--for that i'm so very grateful.

while i won't be out of the woods for infection for 2-3 years, i'm told, the dr's are still optimistic they can save my leg. i'll go into surgery again on friday to see if the skin grafts have taken. if so, i believe that the dr's can then focus their energies on the orthopaedic side of my problems.

i'm not sure if they will replace my missing ten inches of bone with metal or a cadaver bone--who cares--whatever works is fine with me!

the dr's say i might be able to go home soon--possibly if i can become more mobile and with some assistance--so please continue to keep me in your prayers and keep your fingers crossed.

i feel compelled to remind everyone that your life can change in a second--as mine certainly did. so please life robustly and enthusiastically -- but be prepared for any 'curve ball' you may be thrown.

to my motorcycle buddies....i'll be back in the saddle in no time. but in the meantime, please wear helmets and body armor--they saved both mary and me! keep the shiny side up!


lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

I'll bet home sounds wonderful to you right now. I can't wait until you can get there. You are the inspiration to so many of us right now. God bless. See you soon.

Anonymous said...


So great to hear how well your recovery is going. My cousin just moved to Columbus and is due to have a baby in Sept...there is a new airlines out of Bellingham WA that is selling some tix out there for only $10 each way...Hopefully I can score one and come see all of you!

Thanks for the reminder that safety always comes first on two wheels!
Janet Wilson

Anonymous said...

Rock on Lady!!! It is so nice to hear the hope in your voice through your words!! I knew this wouldn't get you down. We are all pullin' for you, and hope to see you soon. Look forward to reading your next update and hopefully I will be able to come see you soon! God Bless you Lisa!!

Anonymous said...

Sittin here below the mason dixon line hoping to hear that your gettin well and ready to get back in the saddle ridin again.
I know you wont let this get you down.
Keep the blogs comin
Kevin B.

Anonymous said...

That will be great being able to come home with your girls! Tracey and I are coming to see you tonight, can't wait. You are so truly loved and admired, the prayers are still coming.
Love, Wendy

K.McCarthy said...

Hey Major, well its about darn time you woke up and updated all of your adoring fans out here !!! LOL!!! We have been anxiously awaiting your daily update :-)
Hey girl, you continue to amaze me. I always knew that you were someone very special.
God works his magic in mysterious ways!! Im sure that he will put his healing hands on you and with all of our help will get you through this time in your life.
We are all praying for you and Mary daily.
Love ya girl !!! see and talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...


Good to hear everything is going well. Just want you to know that Gerald and I are remembering you in our prayers. Stay encouraged, you have come a long way since West Jeff and you are not through yet. Hope to see you soon.


Anonymous said...

Wow, What a way to Say "THANK YOU" for the Get Well card you recently sent to me after my donor surgery. I just heard of the terrible accident today and I have to send my thoughts and prayers to be with you during this extremly trying time. May God Bless you!

Mandi Rodriguez P-39

Anonymous said...

Good morning Lisa, It is great to hear the positive in your comments. You are an inspiration to all who are fortunate to know you. God has a special plan for you, and your willingness to place your recovery and life in his hands has touched an untold number of people. Hang in there so we can get back into the air soon.

God bless you, in our prayers,

Mike and Sandy Stein

Anonymous said...

Lisa, my inspiration. You are the star everyone should look to when we think we are having a bad day. No one's days can be as filled with pain as yours, yet your outlook is wonderful. You just keep those postive thoughts coming, refusing to think negative. Although you and I have had a minimal number of interactions, I knew from the time I heard about your accident (within hours), that you would overcome any adversity and your faith would get you through whatever happens. I agree with so many others, that God has a plan for you. He knows you are one of his great disciples here on earth and he will take advantage of that, possibly with a new purpose. We continue praying for you and I look forward every morning to reading your words. Hang tough!

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to hear from you. Zoey and Bexley have been keeping in touch with Amy and Christy and WE ARE ALL anxious for your speedy recovery.

I hope you can feel the love, prayers and good wishes that we're all sending your way.

---Sylvia M.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear medically things are moving along and that would be wonderful if you could go home soon. I will be thinking about you on Friday when the doctors do the surgery for the best possible results.

Your upbeat attitude and enthusiam is contagious Lisa,......good on ya girl. That is definitely the best healing medicine of all.

As they say, one day at a time.

Talk with you soon


Anonymous said...

Major: see I told you to keep that smile on your face and things will work out for you.. I just know that with all the faith and prayers coming your way that you are the type of person who will overcome this and be back where you need to be soon...Then I can hear Hooowww Yooouuu Doooiiinn ! again real soon.. :)

Thinking and praying for you every day !!

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

It is great that you are getting positive encouragement from the dr's. You are in my thoughts and prayers, I hope to see you soon.

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful to hear that you're doing so well. Zoey and Bexley have been in contact with Amy and Christy. We're ALL praying for your full (and speedy) recovery. :)

--Sylvia M.

Anonymous said...

Major, I am rushing to leave work, had to tell you we can't wait until you go home, but the main thing was, I was glad to see your note to your riding buddies because I still want my ride. Love You Essie!

Anonymous said...

You sound even better today. I am looking forward to coming to Columbus and seeing your smiling face. Keep up the spirit, it keeps me going.

Take Care
Capt WV

Anonymous said...

"HIS grace IS ALWAYS sufficient" holds more truth for you now than it probably ever has in your entire life!

We were so sad to hear of your accident but are encouraged to hear of your progress! Your faith and the faith of those praying for you will certainly sustain and uphold you through the journey that is ahead of you.

PLEASE let us know if we can help with anything, yard, dogs, etc!

Remember, GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME and loves us more than we can ever imagine! His love and mercy are AMAZING!

We will stay in touch!

Love and prayers,
Lisa and Earl (your neighbors!)

Anonymous said...

MAJOR, How in the world can it be explained that your accident happened in West Virginny and your Yamaha ended up in a Pittsburg,Pa. salvage yard.
WOW! What a coincidence. While you're recovering in the hospital your Harley Davidson ended up at my house.

Your Retired Buddy.

Anonymous said...


Your attitude is great girl! Hang in there and keep that positive attitude. We are praying for you.

Jerry and Gail

Gentle Ben said...

I love the highway safety comment - a true professional of course. You are the newest poster-child for taking DUIs off the road. I'd re-up to take some more off the road before they hit my favorite people, but the mirror says I'm too old. I'll still talk bad about them, though. It appears that you are tough enough to take it, altho I would never have wished this test for you. Keep hangin' in there. We're pulling for you.

Lydia said...

Lisa - It was great seeing you yesterday. You looked wonderful. We will continue to pray for your speedy recovery. Lydia

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
Whats up? are you still in bed while we are all here at GHQ working ???? LOL :-) We ALL miss you terribly, its not the same without you here.
This world is a better place with you in it girl, and I thank the big guy everyday that he let us keep you with us.
I can't wait until you get to go home as I am sure that you are counting the days too.
WE have made a life-size poster of you and put it in your house because your babies at home miss you !!!
Hang tough. WE ARE ALL HERE TO SEE YOU THROUGH THIS. Love ya girl and see you soon.

Anonymous said...

It was so good seeing you and you truly are an amazing woman! Alan is working on a get well card for his bud!
Love you, Wendy

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,
I am truely sorry that I have not been able to get on here and leave you any comments but I am now recovering at home as well from reconstruction surgery and I am doing well and I am so glad to hear your back in Ohio and in great care. Grant is a great place and I am sure that you are being very well taken care of. I am still praying for you all and I hope to see that you are back home and doing well you are a true blessing and God has made this tragic accident an eye opener for all. Keep faith and you will be back with us soon.
God Bless, Michelle Cottrill

Anonymous said...

GOD is truly a great God!!!!
GOD is in control!!! even when we wonder "why me Lord"! HE knows the beginning thru to the end. Continue to trust in Him and He will be faithful to you. Praying for you and Mary daily!

K.McCarthy said...

Good afternoon Major,
hey where is our daily update today? You are slipping with your duties girl.
Love ya and stay tough, we all with help you with the strength and support that you will need to make it through this and get back to work and back on the road again !!!! :-)
Are you hungry for Chinese Food yet??

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your on your way to recovery. Your in my thoughts and prayers.
Jean (738)

Connie Holcomb said...

Hey Lisa,
I'm so happy to hear that your doing a little better.. I couldn't believe what happened to you and Mary when I heard last week at the Larry Cox poker run. I've been so worried about ya.. AND YES I"M FROM POST 27 !!!! hahaha
Well As I know and you now know your life can change at the snap of the fingers.
Human Resources gave me your address just yesterday or I'd wrote long before now.
God bless ya keep your chin up and you'll be out in no time.
Talk to ya Soon..
Connie Holcomb and Boys

Anonymous said...

So glad you are improving. God certainly answers prayers. We will continue to pray for your speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

I won't bother you and call since you sounded so tired yesterday. Just wanted to let you know I rode the bike to work the last couple of days. Perfect weather. But now I have a speaker out. It's always something.

And before you start in on me,I wore the blankety-blank helmet so you don't have to get on my case!

We're thinking of you.

From Those Iowans

Anonymous said...

I almost forgot that I meant to ask you...Did you poop today?

Luv ya,

Anonymous said...


Maybe they can put in 12 inches of bone and a lift on your right leg then you can see the wonderful world from where the rest of us see it.

Speedy recovery my friend. Tried calling Mary but got the wrong number.
deb holmes