Monday, July 23, 2007

July 23, 2007 (Mon)

Lisa's surgery went very well. The skin gaft was done and the wound is finally covered. Another surgery is scheduled for Friday, but mainly to allow the doctor to check what has been done and re-do the dressings. Doctor's are optimistic that Lisa will be able to return home soon, with in-home nursing care.

9:30 a.m. They just took Lisa in for surgery. We don't have any time frame for how long this surgery will last -but it was a blessing they took her earlier than scheduled. Will keep you updated......

Lisa is scheduled for surgery around 3:00 pm today. It could be sooner or later, it changes depending on how quickly the doctors complete those surgeries ahead of her. Keep her in your prayers.


Rick said...

Good Morning Lisa,

I'll be thinking of you and sending a prayer your way for a successful surgery this morning. Remember this, When there's a Will, There's a Way.

Rick Imhoff

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
I am praying for you today(when it comes to you I am certain he is listening)for a successful surgery.
You are going to beat the odds girl !!! You have alot of people out here pulling for you and we are all here whenever you need us.
Love ya :-)

Anonymous said...

It was great to see the determination and twinkle are still in those eyes of yours. I will be thinking and praying for you and yours today. Here is your morning quote.
"Change has a considerable phychological impact on the human mind. To the fearfull, it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful, it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident, it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better."
King Whitney Jr.

I will see you later this week.
love to you and yours

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Lisa:

You Go Girl, you will beat the odds. You are strong willed and have everyone and alot of prayers on your side. Take care and good luck with your surgery.

Roger and Karen B.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,
We're all pulling for you down here in the "Hills". You have a strong faith and that will get you through. We're keeping you and your family in our prayers. We'll try to get up to see you sometime this week. It will be like "old home week" for Len. He may have to stroll over to the South Tower and see if he knows anyone. We love you and are pulling for you. I know you're as tough as Len.
Love and Blessings,
Shelly and Len and the Woltz and Barron families

Anonymous said...

Major: Hooowwww Yoooouuu Doooiiinn? sounds like they are getting you back in fighting shape!you hang in there and keep smiling let us know if there is anything that you need or want? We are are still thinking & praying for you..

Take care

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sweetie

We'll be sending those positve vibes and prayers your way today.
Love you,

Anonymous said...


Good luck with your surgery this afternoon ... stay positive and always look ahead. The human spirit is indomitable and you're a shining example of that ... you're in my thougts ... Rebecca

Anonymous said...

Good morning Lisa - I'm glad to hear that you are doing better. You'll be in my prayers today and I wish you a successful surgery.

Take care!

Sandra López (ODPS)

Anonymous said...

We are keeping you in our prayers during this time of surgery. May GOD continue to keep his healing hands upon you. Sending you a smile :-)
Tom and Brigette

Anonymous said...

Good morning Lisa, if anyone has the determination to overcome it is you. I'll be praying for you. Besdt wishes and good luck.

Clark Felix 652

Anonymous said...

I read your message this morning and it personally encouraged me. Initially, I thought this blog was supposed to encourage you. It appears top be a two-way street. We love you and we will keep preying for you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

Extending my sincere prayer for the speediest recovery possible. I know there is peace found within the kind words of everyone who has written thus far. It is certain God's grace will lovingly shine down upon you during this time.

Lynette @ Lisbon :-)

Anonymous said...

Hello darlin',
Just as you were there for me when Jimmy crashed his bike, he and I are thinking of you and sending many prayers for the best recovery possible. You are tough. Jim says stay positive and let your family and friends take care of you. I say - Lisa with a bum leg is better than no Lisa at all, as you know I was there with Jimmy. Be happy you didn't bump your head......:) Lots of love to you and your family.

Your friend, Julia

Anonymous said...


Take care of yourself during this time and remember that many people are praying for your speedy recovery.

Paul Meddles

Anonymous said...

Hi Major (Lisa), you have so many people that care for you and I am one of them. I miss you my friend. I know you have received many visitors, so I will wait, but I love you and I will get in to see you this week. There are so many people that are going to be there for you when you go home. My niece Chante and her daughter Altheria send you their love also. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Talk to you soon.


Anonymous said...


Carol & I are thinking about and praying for you this morning. Your determination sets an example we could all follow. You will be up and around before you know it. Keep hanging in there.

Jim & Carol Holt

Anonymous said...

Major Lisa,

I hope everything went well this morning. I asked God to keep watch over you and He said He would. Even though I don't see you a lot, you made an impression on me the first time we met. I liked you immediately. Listen to the doctors and your friends and family and you'll be dancing in no time. God bless you.


Anonymous said...

Miss Lisa,
By the time you read this or it is read to you, your surgery will be done for this day. I am hoping for the best result possible for this and any future surgeries you may have. One thing you need to remember...even if the hospital food is disgusting, you MUST eat to keep your strength up. You gotta stay strong for when they have you up and walking the halls for therapy!! :) I am still anxious to see you and will be there when I think it won't be a hardship for you. Still praying for you, too! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I am praying for your surgery this morning, for you and your doctors.
Rich Rucker

Anonymous said...

Lisa: Just back from the back surgeon, and looked up your blog. Oh, this is Marlene Noell. I will continue to hold you up to our Heavenly Father, and his son Jesus Christ. You are filled with the Holy Spirit, and that with the other two will certainly heal you. We never know why, but like you said, you never know what the reason is. You just stay on the positive side, and you and your leg will make it. Very hard struggle ahead, but with all the friends, you will do very well. Just keep taking them good drugs.

K.McCarthy said...

Hey Major, so whats up with that? were you in a hurry to get this surgery over with today or what????
Seriously, I am thankful that they were able to get you in this morning instead of later. I will worry about you until I know that you are awake out of anesthesia and giving those nurses and doctors their marching orders girl!!
Hey guess what, another one down and closer to your recovery.
We all have faith in your medical team that has taken such good care of you for (EXCEPT THE SQUAD DRIVER that brought you up from Wva.) all of us out here awaiting your return.
What do you think about this - Major Lisa Fan Club of Ohio (although I think this is worldwide now) (MLFC)????? I think that we are well on the way to a book of Lisa Taylor Blogs, too.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa, I am Yvonne, a good friend of your Dad's. Do you remember riding you bike to my home last summer? I am supporting you, praying for you and hoping for a speedy recovery. I read this site everyday, you have many, many, friends and alot of people praying. That will help give you the strength that you will need. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Yvonne

Anonymous said...

Hi Major!

Can you feel the love coming thru these messages? I hope so, because it is there from everyone! Concentrate on "ONE DAY AT A TIME".

Like someone else said, eat for energy, pray for strength and patience, the rest of us will supply encourgement and God will handle the rest!

Karen Morefield

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
One lit candle for you at Wakeman St. Mary. Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

I've been really busy this past couple weeks, and just now opened the e-mail from Robin and read this sad news. I know you are surrounded by love and support and that you are such a fighter, so all will be well. Know my thoughts and prayers are with you. I rather doubt I'll see you in Denver, so let's shoot for Darwin next year. If ever you need anything, let me know.
Take care my friend.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Lisa. By this time the surgery is over and has gone well. I know you can feel all the love, energy and prayers coming your way. Be strong and stay positive. We're all here for you as long as you need us. You are in my thoughts so often throughout the day, and are in my prayers as well. May God bless you and heal you and renew your spirit each and every day.

You have always been an inspiration to those of us who know and love you.

Love you lots, mighty little one.
Cindy Kollin

Anonymous said...

We want you to know that we are thinking of you & praying for you as you go through this difficult journey. We know what a strong woman you are & how much that will be to your benefit during this time.
Wishing you only the best......

Mark & Missy Thompson

Anonymous said...

I just recieved an eamail from Jane and Simon in England. They want me to pass along that they are praying for both you and Mary.


Anonymous said...

Praise him, from who all blessings flow.

Gentle Ben said...

I think it's cool that Dr. House came all the way to work on you, Lisa. I can't help but recall the great job those people did on Len Gray, so I know they have a great deal of skill and compassion. I have heard they are building a new parking lot to hold all the cars, trucks and motorcycles for the people who will be wanting to come see you soon. I'm hoping all went perfectly today and will look forward to the next time I can tease you a bit.

Mike (& Connie) Hunter

Anonymous said...

Lisa, that is the best news, I can't wait until you get home and we can all spoil you rottne for a change!
Blessings to you my friend,

Anonymous said...

Its great that you are progressing so well through out your surgeries. We will continue to be praying for you and your recovery.

Warren & Vicki Davies

Anonymous said...

Has anyone taken the Major a 5 pound bag of candy yet? I am sure she wants something sweet instead of that hospital food!

Anonymous said...

Lisa we are so glad to hear your surgery was successful! Looking forward to seeing you back home - hopefully very soon! We are all here if you need anything!
Heath, Stacy, Blake & Conor Hix

Anonymous said...

Good evening Lisa. I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers. The munchkin dance just isn't the same without you.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hi Major,

First off, it's so good to see a message from you on the blog.

Second, we are glad to hear your surgery went well today. You are one tough cookie and we know you will battle through this successfully.

All our best,
Tony & Lainie

Here's our quote of the day to you:

"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”

K.McCarthy said...

Good evening Major,
It was good to see you this evening, you still have that same smile or should I say - "I am thinking something bad grin" :-) LOL !!!) even though you were in quite a bit of pain as the evening progressed.
Bill even told me that you laughed at his jokes. I told him that you had probably just pushed that morphine button 5 minutes before. Ssshhhh don't tell him, we will let him think that his jokes are REALLY funny. (WHATEVER !!!)
Throughout everything that you have been through, you are truly an amazing woman !!! You were talking to us, laughing and even telling a few jokes yourself. I just look at you in amazement and wish that this awful thing had not even happened to such a nice person. You are truly blessed !!!
I hope you realize that you didn't have to go and have this tragic accident to find out how many people out here truly care and love ya girl !!!
We know that you have a long road to recovery ahead, but you will cut that time in half with all of our help!!!
See you soon, Love Ya !!!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you each and every day, sending prayers and strength. Keep up the fight.
