Friday, July 20, 2007

July 20 (Fri)

9:15 p.m. - Lisa returned from surgery, and will be kept heavily sedated for a while so she can rest. The surgeon is still hopeful he can save her leg, he said "we haven't used all of our bag of tricks yet". He reminds us of Dr. House, if you've ever watched that tv show. He had a motorcycle crash 3 years ago and had to go through some intense surgery on his leg too. He cleaned the wound again, and put some more drains in her leg and arm. Several of your messages tonight talked about Lisa's determination and you could not be more right. She's got the right attitude to overcome all odds, and she is prepared for whatever God's will is for her. There is a young man in a wheelchair named Donny who is about to have his 20th surgery on his leg, he was involved in a car crash in 2002 and has such a positive outlook on life. His spirit is very similar to Lisa's. They have talked briefly but plan to talk more when she is feeling better. Keep both of them in your prayers. Lisa is scheduled for another surgery on Monday at 3 p.m., provided the muscle flaps are good.

7:15 p.m. - Lisa was taken into surgery around 5:30pm. The physical therapists were here earlier this morning and had her stand up on her good leg. It was extremely painful, but she got through it. Between the physical therapist's exercise and the surgery today, she is going to feel like she was hit by a train - again. She appreciates all of you who have taken the time out of your busy lives to come and see her. Right now while she is undergoing multiple surgeries and would greatly appreciate it if you could come during the visitation hours listed below, or call the hospital first to ensure she is not in surgery, out for tests, or resting. She needs adequate time to recouperate between surgeries, visitors, and unexpected events. Also, she does not want for you to come here and then not get to see her.

Visitation hours:
9am - 11am
2pm - 5pm
8pm - 9pm


Anonymous said...


We look forward to seeing you soon. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We were very happy to hear you are back in Columbus. We will be stopping in to see you this week.

Steve and Lori

Anonymous said...

We are so happy to hear you are home but sad to hear you are still having to undergo so many painful procedures.
We will hold off on visitation until you come home. That's when you will need company to offer assistance around the house! From the looks of all your blogs your house should be spotless and your grass mowed for the rest of the summer!!! You Are Loved!
We also send Love and Prayers!
Hope to see you soon.
Dan and Judy Woodall

Anonymous said...

"...but she got through it."

And there you have the remarkable spirit and determination of this woman. Great seeing you yesterday, Lisa.

Bob Booker

K.McCarthy said...

Good evening Major,
You have incredible spirit and determination !! When you feel weak we will all be right here to lift you back up. You need to concentrate on your healing and the rest will fall into place.
Remember we are all in this life together!!
Hey, I can try to dress the dogs up in disguise and get them past security to see you :-) I am sure that they miss you terribly.
See you tomorrow (that is if I can get through the crowd!)
Hang tough !!
Love, Kath.

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,

Your strong spirit and "can-do" attitude will pull you through this! Hang in there. The road is going to be tough, but we have no doubt you will prevail!

Tony & Lainie

“Determination gives you the resolve to keep going in spite of the roadblocks that lay before you.”
--Denis Waitley

Gentle Ben said...


Sounds as if it was one of those days that we knew were not going to be much fun. I hope you have noticed that you have an awful lot of friends. If we'uns could take the pain part away collectively, we'd do it. Hopefully some of these dozens of sentiments directed to you are helping to make it "bear"able. Your photo on the blog has a great smile. We are all looking forward to seeing it again soon. I also hope some of these notes got at least a twinkle from your eyes. Keep hangin' in there, and we'll be thinking of you.....+++++++++++++!
(In case you didn't know what that was, it was POSITIVE thinking.)

Mike Hunter

Anonymous said...

Hey girl,heard about what a day you had. You are one remarkable
lady!! Lowell sends his best and says take all the drugs they offer!!
Jr.said you look great for what you've been thru and that you plan on being with us in September..I'm gonna hold you to that and save you a special place in the club..
Take care,I will see you when you days are a little easier...Mary

Anonymous said...

To Lisa & Mary,

Two stronger women
There will never be
You've touched our hearts
Your spirit we've seen

Your family and friends
Will be at your side
Through thick and thin
We all shall ride

We thank the angel
That saved you both
We're glad he knew
The world could not cope

Your strength will prevail
As I'm sure we'll all see
You'll never be alone
Emails are your therapy

We will give you the strength
Cause you're both a huge part
And please never forget
You're always in our heart

Your patrol family
Will always be there
Don't ever lose faith
Of how much we all care

P84 Marietta

Anonymous said...

Hello Lisa

I know this incident will not distract from your warm hearted personality nor distract from your exuberance for life. May God be with you. Jim & Linda Bailey

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
I hope that you were able to rest easy overnight and not in much pain. Although we all know that its hard to sleep in a hospital overnight-they are always waking you up.
I hope you don't mind all of my blogs. I am so used to talking to you in the morning and then we try to catch each other in the afternoon at work.
We all miss you terribly and just need to be able to get our thoughts and prayers out to you and Mary!!!
I am heading to see you today and I just can't wait:-)
Lova ya girl and see you soon, hope I can can get through the crowds !!! Do you want me to bring you some twizzlers??

Heidi Marshall said...

Hey girl!

We all want to come see you, but want to be sure you get the rest you need to get stronger! You're in our thoughts and prayers, and we'll see you soon!

Heidi and everyone at Post 21

Anonymous said...

Our prayers continue for you and your family. We know you are one tuff cookie. Tie a knot in that rope and keep hanging on.

Love & Prayers
Jerry and Gail

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,

Just a note of get well wishes from your northern pal.

Remember to enter in to the throne room and worship your father, for he will hear your praises and acknowledge your requests that you set before him!
Luv ya, Squeak

Anonymous said...

Just heard from Dolly. Can't believe it.And hey my mighty little one, I will even say a prayer for you. You know what that means coming from me.

My thoughts are with you both. We have many campfires yet to share. If for nothing else but to hear Mary sing.

Your Northern Mountie

Anonymous said...

Hey lady, been keeping you in our prayers and we will see you soon, want you to rest up, but know that we think of you all the time, and you will beat this with your attitude my dear.
We love you,
Tom, Wendy and Alan

K.McCarthy said...

Good evening Major,
it was so good to see you today !!!
Considering all that you have been through,(except for the fact that you have earned a couple more gray hairs over the last week or so)you look great girl.
You have an incredible spirit and you inspire me with your determination, guts and perseverance. PROMISE ME THAT YOU WILL CONTINUE TO WEAR YOUR HELMET FROM NOW ON ............ you need to protect that hard head of yours!!!:-)
Let Di know if you need me to bring you anything the next time I come to hospital to see you - be happy to do it, or if you need me to make a trip to Zanesville to get your stuff and bring it to you in the hospital. I will.
Rest easy tonight my dear, and watch out for that big Harley Davidson sale going on downstairs in OR.
Lov ya !