Wednesday, July 18, 2007

July 18 (Wed)

10:07 pm Lisa arrived at Grant Hospital around 8:00pm this evening. It was a long ride from Morgantown, and now she is resting. The family is requesting no phone calls at this time, but limited visitation is welcome. Visitation hours will be posted tomorrow. Lisa has touched so many lives, and her life has been equally touched by all of you. She sends her love and thanks. God bless you all.

Lisa's blood count is up and she is on her way to Grant Hospital via squad. More updates once she's settled and a room number is available. Directions on visiting hours and restrictions will also be provided. Pray for safe travel.

A post office box has been set up for those who wish to send cards and letters:

Lisa Taylor
P.O. Box 236153
Columbus, OH 43223

Lisa's blood count was low this morning, so she has been given a unit of blood. Doctors will reassess her condition to determine if she is still able to travel or not today. We are still hopeful she will be able to come back to Columbus, but if it has to be delayed for her benefit that's fine too.


Anonymous said...

Uncle Sonny sends his love and prayers........

Anonymous said...

Lisa, We were devastated to hear of your accident! We look forward to your return to Columbus and your swift recovery!!! This too will pass! God ain't done with you yet!!! From your transplanted West Virginia hillbilly buddies, Dan and Judy Woodall

Anonymous said...

Lisa, God has his loving arms around you, and is taking care of you every minute, every second. Keep the Faith. We are praying each morning for you as we read the updates. You are getting stronger each day.
Just remember, David (Dave Noell) was given 2 transfusions of blood during the night while waiting for his second open heart surgery.
Stuff like this happens, but it will make you stronger.
In Christ there is nothing that can be taken away. Marlene Noell

Anonymous said...


Continued well wishes and blessings!

Chuck Jones

Anonymous said...

I hope you are well enough to travel back here where your friends and family can be closer to you. I won't come see you right away because I know you'll probably be bombarded with visitors when you get here. You are still in my families and my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there kid, you are very strong person!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you are well enough to travel back here where your friends and family can be closer to you. I won't come see you right away because I know you'll probably be bombarded with visitors when you get here. You are still in my families and my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there kid, you are very strong person!!!

Sam, Dee Ray & Carla Cottrell

Anonymous said...

Major Lisa,

I'm sure the blood they put into you will give you the extra strength to bring you home to us. God works in mysterious ways and I know he has something wonderful, in mind, for both you and Mary. Major Lisa remember: Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life.

God Bless and keep you safe.

Patty Miller

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I will keep you in my prayers and just take it easy. FINA-730 can wait. ;-) Get your rest.


Anonymous said...

Lisa: You are in our thoughts and prayers.Keep the faith!We read the updates daily.You are getting stronger as each day passes.Len and Shel keep us updated to.We hope you get back to Ohio soon.Keep getting better.

Anonymous said...

We are devastated to hear about your accident!We wish you a speedy recovery and you are in our thoughts and prayers daily.Hope you get back to Ohio soon.

Anonymous said...

District Nine would like you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you every day. We hope you have a quick and complete recovery. If there is anything you might need please do not hesitate to let us know.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers constantly.
Rich Rucker

K.McCarthy said...

Good afternoon Major,
GREAT NEWS !!! you are on your way back home. Just take a nap, relax and let someone else do the driving for awhile and don't try to give directions either !!! Be a good patient. :-) LOL
You will know when you cross the border into OHIO...
I am so thankful that you were surrounded by such great medical professionals in WVa, they took excellent care of you for all of us that have been worried sick about you.
Love ya girl and talk/see you soon !!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are on your way back across the border. We pray for a speedy recovery and wish you the best.

Mike Crispen and family

Anonymous said...

Lisa, you'll remain in my prayers for continued strength and quick recovery. Don't're the freakin' queen of England!! LOL
P84 Marietta

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the great State of Ohio whose State motto is "With God All Things Are Possible".
Our company has corporate prayer daily at 9a and we are confessing the Word of God over you each day, calling forth the Healing Virtue of God into your body especially your left arm and leg. We are believing God for a complete restoration, and a Supernatural experience with Him that will change your life forever.
We also pray for the medical team to have the wisdom and leading of the Lord in providing you he best medical care available. Keep your faith strong, we're right there with you, and we remain... His service and yours
Ed and Judy Zell (of the P-5 bunch)

Anonymous said...

So, you've joined the Saved by the Helmet Club, ey?? That's not a club most folks want to be in, until they consider the alternative...

Glad to hear you're coming back home, the Buckeye State has missed you. Stay strong, do what the docs say and know that you have an army of family, friends and colleagues praying for and cheering your daily progress.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
Hope you made it back to Columbus safely. We have you in our prayers and can't wait to visit you. I'll call you soon once you get settled.

Anonymous said...


We are glad to hear you are returning to Columbus and wish you a speedy recovery! Take care and concentrate on getting better!

David and Sherry Bush

Anonymous said...

somebody give her some candy, we all know she wants a full can in her room. Im sure by now the can in her office is empty.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, I was deeply saddened when I heard that you and Mary were involved in such a tragic accident. I am glad to here that you are expected to make a good recovery. I'm sure that it will feel like forever. Hope to see you at a ride soon. Keep smiling.
Frank Talbott

Anonymous said...

OK so we will never plan our vacation to include FRIDAY the 13th ever again!!!!

I picked up my bike from your house to ride home - no acusing me of being a CANDY ASS and taking the Grayhound home!!

We saw neighbors - Sam & Rich will take care of the yard.

We made it back to Iowa this afternoon. You'll be glad to know our first stop out of Zanesville was a HD shop to buy ARMOR GEAR!

As soon as you are able we will come for a weekend. We'll bring hominy, meatloaf and sweet tea.

Keep the Faith & Press On!

Jules & Laura

Anonymous said...


We have been following your progress and praying for you daily. We know that you are strong willed and that you will weather the storm.

Godspeed for a swift and complete recovery.

Kelley and Barbara Hale

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you are home in Columbus. Everyone sends their thoughts and prayers to you for a speedy recovery. Hang in there. You are a strong lady. I'll take you for chinese food when you break out of there.... I'll buy!! Take care- Anne, Marietta Post 84

Anonymous said...

Lisa, We just got word tonight about your accident. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with both you and Mary and we're hoping for a speedy recovery for both of you. One day at a time, my friend.

Robin Matthews and Lynette Hogue
San Francisco, CA

K.McCarthy said...

Good morning Major,
can you believe what some people will do to get a ride in a squad? GEEZ.... I am so glad that you are home now as I am certain that you are as well.
I have a message from your babies at home " Hey MOM 3 words... ICE CREAM RUN !!!! "
Get your rest and do what they tell you to do so you can break outta there.
Love ya and talk/see you very soon.

Anonymous said...


Our thoughts and prayers remain with you and your family. Best wishes for continued progress and a speedy recovery.

Rick and Renee Fambro

Anonymous said...

Dear Major,

Still missing you and praying for you. I am so glad you're back in Columbus. We will be there to see you soon.



Anonymous said...

Hi Major,

So glad you are back in Columbus. You are in my prayers everyday. Just hang in there. Hope we can see you soon. We all miss you here at work and are thinking and praying for your recovery. You are an inspiration to all of us.


Anonymous said...

A friend of ours ask if we knew the troopers that were hurt from the motorcycle crash. We said yes, they were dear friends. Their response was then they are a friend of ours too and we will say prayers for them and hope for a speedy recovery. What a wonderful community. Thinking of you everyday. Glad you are back home.


Anonymous said...

Well, I guess until you're 100% again you'll just have to ride on the back.

Bet that scared the BA-GEE-BEEZ out of you didn't it.

Your Retired Buddy

Anonymous said...

Back home sweeter words...that is until you are in your OWN home. I, too will be there to see you, but will wait a few days for the crowds to thin!! Praying you continue to improve as you have. I can't imagine working in your section with you not there. It must be really depressing for those folks. See you soon!

Rita and Tim Redman said...

Lisa, it's Rita and Tim- previous owners of your home...we were so shocked to hear of your accident but from the sound of the comments, you are doing very well- which is great! It's so strange how we found out about it- I'm glad we did so we could offer you our prayers too. It sounds like you have great faith in God which is essential in times like this- he will help you and get you through- we will certainly talk to God for you and pray for your continued healing and recovery... Lisa take care... Love, Rita and Tim Redman