Tuesday, July 17, 2007

July 17 (Tues)

Lisa is in a step down room on the 7th floor and she is still in a lot of pain from the surgery, but has been a real "trooper" through everything. She will be transported to Grant Hospital in the morning by squad. There she will have the plastic surgery done on her lower leg, not sure how long she will be there but at least she will be closer to family & friends.


Pike County Woman said...

Hang in there, woman! You have no idea how MANY people are back ehre pulling for you, girl!
You are tough as nails and good as gold... just relax and concentrate on getting well. Everything else will take care of itself, so no worries.

Love ya!
Terri West
Pike County Woman

Anonymous said...

That is GREAT news!!!!!!!

Keep on getter better Lisa.

I know the healing will be faster when you get out of Mountaineer country...and start breathing that Buckeye air!!!!!!

Mark A Fellure

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor you are truly missed, I need my Daily Word from you my dear friend. Love you, see you soon!


Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,
I continue to pray for you each day and plan to visit you when your up to company.

Take care,
Marsha Rigsby

Anonymous said...

Fabulous news. We look forward to your return to Ohio!

Keep focusing on the positive and the accomplishments you are achieving every day.

Butch and Brenda

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa,

So sorry you have to go through all this. I was completely shocked by the news. But am so relieved to know you are going to be fine. I know you won't let this get you down. I will come see you as soon as I can. And I can't wait for the next Chic-Nic!
Each day is a day of healing and each day things will get better so just hang in there. You are truly blessed with alot of people who care greatly and we are all here for you when ever you need us.

Susie Roark

Anonymous said...

Lisa Rae, what are we going to do with you? It is obvious that God isn't finished with you yet. Hang in there and know that you are in our prayers.

Love and Prayes
Jerry & Gail

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa, Hope your recovery is coming along, we think of you about 50 times a day, we have you in our prayers, Francie and Dexter send you their love...hope to see you real soon...Love ya!!! Ernie and Jane

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the good news that you are able to come home. Although you will still be laid up for awhile, it will be nice to be in your hometown and be able to see some friendly faces.

Anonymous said...

Lisa: Christa and I think of you every day and we're so glad the news continues to get better. Would love to see you when you get back home, but maybe you'll have to come to Arizona for some fresh HOT AIR. We'll keep tabs on you !

Ken and Christa Marshall

Anonymous said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers!

It is good to hear that you are coming to Columubus!!

Amber, Frank and Annabel LaPoint

Anonymous said...

Coz' Hang in there, we're keeping track of you and your progress, we love you, you're in our thoughts and prayers, if you get sick of Ohio weather, we have an apt. in TN. you're welcome, I'll come and get cha. I love you Boo and Lee, Remember You're one of the LUCKY ones! Better Roads ahead, take time recouping, and hang tough xoxoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Major Lisa,

Great news! Can't wait to hear you are up and moving, knowing you it will not be too far from now.

Your in our thoughts and prayers.

Rick & Carol B

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa 'Wan'- thinking about you often . Lots of prayers.Your a touch cookie. We will continue praying for your speedy recovery. Glad to hear your comming back to Ohio. hugs and kisses- Jennifer and Chuck

Anonymous said...

Well this is great news. You are doing so well. From Friday to Monday when I saw you you had made great strides. Now you are in a step down unit. I can not wait to see your improvements over the next couple weeks. Remember we have a very inviting rehab facility here in Wheeling that you always have an open invitation to enjoy.

By the way, we have all our teeth to smile with in WV, Chris.

Take Care, we are thinking of you everyday and several troopers I work with are asking about you and very happy with your progress.

Your favorite WVSP Captain.

Anonymous said...


Great to hear you're returning to Columbus and near to us. Truly uplifting news of your progress. The folks at Grant will take excellent care of you.

Much love
Bob and Cheryl Booker

Anonymous said...

I was so shocked to hear of the crash. I am hoping to see you walking the dogs as soon as you are able. You are in our prayers. Since I am so close, if there is anything you need once you get home, please don't hesitate to call.

Sgt. Jeff Shane
Post 49

Anonymous said...


God obviously has MUCH BIGGER plans for you! Hang in there and keep your focus on HIM. He will help get you and your family through this. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!

Melissa Balwin & Family
OSHP West Jefferson

Anonymous said...

Good Lord Juanita, what have you gone and done!
C.C. and I were shocked to hear about your crash. We are so grateful that you and Mary are alive and will recover, though I'm sure right now it doesn't feel that way. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. Your prayers got us through the rough times and I'm sure God will get you through yours. I hate that we're not there to come and see you.
If you need a place to recover, all you got to do is call. You can take the golf cart to the beach or just lay in the hammock in the back yard. We miss you terribly and wish you a speedy recovery.
We love you, ALOHA!
Pam and C.C.
ps: When you get home, please give Miss Merry a big hug from her other mom. I really miss her too!

K.McCarthy said...

Morning Major!!
good news to hear that you will be coming home today. Thank goodness. I heard that Grant is already building a temporary parking in the adjacent city block lot to hold all of your visitors. You are truly blessed. You give so much to all the lives that you touch, now its time to receive back !!!
Love ya girl and see you soon!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there "Troop"!! Thoughts and prayers from the Cape Coral Florida Police Department!!


Heidi Marshall said...

Hey girl!

Glad to hear you're coming back home! Everyone at Post 21 is asking about you and pulling for a speedy recovery. Focus on getting well, and call if you need anything (like Chinese food..hospital food stinks!!) :-)


Anonymous said...

We were pleased to see you are progressing well and coming home to Ohio. You're in our thoughts and prayers every day. The 'team' at Grant will take great care of you during the healing process, as they did with us.

God bless you,
Rich and Diane

Anonymous said...

Sooooooooooo glad to hear you are on the road to recovery and the road home. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Eram & Bev Kennedy

Anonymous said...

Major: Hooooww Yooouuuu Doooiiin? was glad to hear that you were moving closer to home. You hang in there and keep that smile on your face.All the prayers everyone is sending you must be working....
See you soon

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...


I am glad to hear of your return to Ohio. My continued wishes for recovery and return.

I hate to bring up 'business' but I need to talk to you about FINA 730. There are options that you have that will allow you to finish the course this term or you can drop and take the course again. The problem is you must make a decision soon in order to be able to finish the courses this term.

If you, or someone that you designate, can contact me, I would be happy to explain the options. I am sorry to be bringing this into your recovery process but hope you can let me know what to do.

Ed Lukco

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor

Wishing you a speedy recovery, you will get through this.

Tim Heaberlin
Ironton DX

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear you are doing much better. You and Mary must have an angle watching over. Keep positive and remember you are in everyone's thoughts. Just take care of yourself and try to relax. I'm happy to see you wil be back in Ohio soon.

A fellow bike rider....Yvonne

Anonymous said...

Hey Major!

You are in our thoughts and prayers! When you are ready for some good bar-b-q ribs let me know, I will deliver!

Jamie & Mark Duncan

Anonymous said...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Deb Bryan

Anonymous said...

Lisa and Mary...I have known you both a long time through IAWP and know you will jump back in the saddle as soon as you can. Your IAWP family has you both in our hearts and prayers as you are on the mend. We will keep good thoughts coming your way. If you need ANYTHING...please let us know. Love ya and hope you both get well soon! Keep us posted on your progress.
Terrie Swann
Int'l Assoc of Women Police

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you as many others are doing. Brian & I just returned home from a Cruise, so we are following up on all the news. Our friendship goes back far
(P-49), but nothing stands in the way. Jeremiah 29:11 is the verse I claim for you.
We love you and look forward to seeing you soon.
Brian & Sherena

K.McCarthy said...

Good evening Major, we are right here with you and love you !! We can't imagine what you must be feeling but you must know that we are all here to support you and Mary through this trying time !!!
Your Patrol family are not fair weather friends, we are here for you 110% !! Do not ever forget that !!
We will try to see you in the morning and check in to see what your status is.
Rest easy and well tonight sweetie, and tomorrow is another day of healing and recovery. You have come a long way and Im certain that you are beating the odds. Look how far you have come with your recovery in just a little over 2 weeks. We are all here with you and will help you with whatever you might need.
Love you !!!!