Monday, July 16, 2007

July 16, 2007 (Mon)

7:00 pm
Lisa returned from surgery at around 5:00
The surgeon said they cleaned out the wound, plated the femur and put in a cement spacer and cleaned up the lower leg for a future muscle flap graft which should take place in approximately 7 to 10 days. If all goes as planned, the bone graft will be done in about
4 to 6 weeks. Hopefully she will be transported to Columbus later this week. She is resting well at the moment. Despite the pain, she has remained in good spirits. Please keep the thoughts and prayers coming, and thanks for all prayers and well wishes to this point and for those to come! All are appreciated sincerely!

10:00 am
The doctors made rounds this morning and said Lisa will be going into surgery very soon. Please keep her in your prayers.

*The web link to the crash has been updated, it's wtrf - the letters were transposed.


Tom, Wendy and Alan said...

She sure is in our prayers and I think she is in so many households, everyone loves her.

Anonymous said...

Ginny and Dick are praying for you. We have been in contact with your next door neighbor, Sam and family, and will keeping them informed of your status.

Anonymous said...

It's our turn to pray for you. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Do what they tell you, with your spirit and heart this will soon pass. God Bless.

Walt and Pat Ashbridge

Anonymous said...

Hosehead ! ( Major )

I am so sorry to heard about your crash, our prayers are with you and Mary and your families during this time. You are a strong women and have always beat the odds and you always shine in everything you do. Take Care and God Bless you !

Doc & Jodie Williams

Anonymous said...

Lisa: This is kinda like going thru the Academy, you never think it's going to end but it gets better every day. On the road to recovery. I am thinking of you always! Do what the doctors say. Remember stay determined. I can use my arm it may not look pretty but it works.
Love to you in my prayers, Brenda (Smith) Pahl Ret. Tpr. Unit 732 Class 113

Anonymous said...


I am offering my personal thanks because He has decided to let you stay with us.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Know that your friends are praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Major Lisa: We are keeping you, Mary and your families in our prayers for continued healing and support. Keep determined and your eyes on the road of recovery.

Tom and Brigette Charles

Anonymous said...


I Pray for your well being. You've already paid it forward. Just rest and all else will happen.

Bertha M. Willis

Denise H. said...


Just heard of your accident and I'm praying for you.
I ask that God cover you with the blood, for healing mercy and for a speedy recovery.

Now, with the recovery part,do what they tell you to do. Thumbs up, for God is good.

Denise Hickson
OSHP Fiscal

Anonymous said...


We've never met, but my heart goes out to you and Mary. Keep your strong spirit and faith, as this will get you through the toughest and darkest of times. God Bless.

Karen Mack

Anonymous said...

I heard that you had some water, crackers, & jello to eat on Saturday. Sounds like a typical 3-course meal for you.
Tell the doctor to put that gravel back that they removed. Doesn't he know that troopers come with their own grit?
We send our love and prayers for your comfort and recovery. I know that it will be complete.
Take Care & God Bless,
Steve & Sandy

Anonymous said...

Hey girl, Len and I are praying for you. What a way to get into the "Patrol Rod" club. Now you and Len have something in common. Just leave it at one though!! Chuck and Susan and everyone in our family are praying for you. Susan wants to know how many pieces of candy were lying on the road? We know you're tough and will get through this like a trooper. Our love goes out to you.

Anonymous said...

Major, Our thoughts are with you.I've been speaking to people 3 and 4 times a day trying to keep up with whats going on. Mary called,thank goodness she seems to be doing well.Plan on rolling over that way to visit in the next few days.Let us know if there is anything we can do to help out.

Elzie and Carla

Anonymous said...

Hey girlfriend,
You are definitely in our prayes here at the salvage site. Hurry up and get better! If you need anything at all, let us know.


Anonymous said...

Major, I had the pleasure of speaking on the phone with your brother and Dianna on Saturday. It has been so very good to hear how quickly you have improved, Mary as well, as I would have expected nothing less from either of you, two. Please know how much I hope you continue to get better by "leaps and bounds". You have earned my respect and Love, Lisa.

Clarke Kiner

Rochelle said...


I am praying for your speedy recovery. You are constantly in my thoughts and I wish you a speedy recovery. God Bless!

Rochelle Turner

Rochelle said...


I am praying for you and your family. You are constantly being thought of by all of the individuals that you have touched. I wish you a speedy recovery. God Bless!

Rochelle Turner

Anonymous said...

Major: Hoooowww Yooouuuu Doooiiinn? we are keeping you in our prayers, hurry back to us and keep that smile on your face..I know how determined you are and with your strength and faith it will be alright

Kelley & Glenna Williams

Anonymous said...


I have had you, Mary, your families and those caring for you in prayer constantly. (You are on the prayer list at The Fishinger & Kenny Church of Christ, too.) You are such a blessing to all of us. We miss you and anxiously await your return. May God grant you peace and comfort in addition to His grace.

Love you,
Cheryl Helsel

Anonymous said...

Major, You have many people praying for you. We wish you all the best on your way to full recovery. GodSpeed, Major. Nikki Snead and family.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Little but mighty.

I have only spoke to you a few times in the lower level hallway, but Wow what an impression you make. "Your Awesome".

I do know just by talking with you that you are one Tuff Cookie full of "GRIT" and maybe a few candy chips!

You are in my prayers.

God Bless You

Donna Cook

Rick Imhoff said...


I'm still in shock over the news of your accident. You kept me in your thoughts and prayers and I must now doing the same for you and Mary. I will visit as soon as I can. God bless you my friend.

Anonymous said...

Lisa you're in my thoughts and my heart. I know your extraordinary strength and love for life will get you through this. Rebecca

Anonymous said...


You are in our thoughts and prayers. I will be thinking of you and Mary in the days ahead.

Best Wishes
Don & Darlene Holtz

Anonymous said...

I relied heavily on your prayers during and after my recient surgery. Now, you fill my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you a speedy recovery. And sucks!

God bless you & help you heal.

A loving friend, Robbie

Anonymous said...

Major, not sure when you will read this, but please know our thoughts are with you. We need to value our lives everyday, and hope the best for your recovery.

Judy and Bob Hartman

Anonymous said...

Lisa: David and I want to send you Prayers your way, and wish you a speedy recovery like his!

God has given you the Grace, and courage to have a great healing. We will also be praying for Mary also.

I can say this because David isn't writing this.

Just keep God in your sights.
David and Marlene Noell

Skip and Melva said...

Hang in there. Everyday will be better than the last. Continue to improve and hurry home! We'll be over to see you when you get closer to home. Don't worry about the girls. They're in good hands with Cody. God Bless, Skip and Melva

Anonymous said...

Oh Lisa... I am so very sorry to hear of your crash. Continue to remain strong and positive. Remember, good things come to good people. Your in my prayers.


Gentle Ben said...

We were rocked by the news, but we are grateful that Mary will be fine soon and that you are on the road to recovery. Having been through a slightly less serious version of this twice with kids, we know it is no fun – for you or your family – but that it also gets better. Connie and I have you in our prayers. I am glad they are getting that West Virginia gravel out of you as you didn’t need any more. Altho I wouldn’t wish Jello on anyone, I guess it’s okay if you like it. When you get better, you can bike with me, but I’ll warn you that I use one with pedals. And forget about your job, I’m sure they can pile the paperwork on the floor until you get back.
Mike Hunter

Anonymous said...

You of course have been in our prayers and many others in the motorcycle group at church have been asking about and praying for you and Mary.

Chuck & Kathy Milam

Anonymous said...

Major, Our thoughts and prayers are with you !

Rick & Merry Munk

Steve said...


Jamie and I are keeping you in our prayers. God speed toward a complete recovery.

Steve and Jamie Friday

Beth and Tina said...

You looked great today. You have improved so much since Friday it is amazing. I can not wait to see your improvements over the next several weeks. Remember we have a great rehab facility in Wheeling for you to use and enjoy at anytime. I will take vacation of course to rehab a little myself. Thoughts and Prayers to you and Mary. T & B

Anonymous said...

Hey, what about Lisa's cat? Is anyone taking care of her cat?

Anonymous said...

Good Luck From Charlie and Lisa Spurgeon our prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

There is no greater love than to lay down your life for your fellow man or woman. I'm sure that God has seen your devotion and will speed your recovery. Obviously, He felt you have more to accomplish in this life, more people to beat at Left, Right, and Center, more people to touch with your joy and positive outlook on life. I truly am glad you and Mary are on the mend. I know the coming days will bring trials for you, but many of your Patrol family and other friends are holding you up in prayer, and with all those prayers, He will surely heal you. May God bless you and keep you close to His heart through the days ahead. Love you lots, Lisa. Rest up and get stronger so that you can be back with us soon. Cindy Kollin

Anonymous said...


Hey girl. We are praying for you and hope to see you soon.


Anonymous said...

You and Mary are in our thoughts and prayers. Thank goodness you are both alive to tell the tale!
You ARE strong enough for this long journey back to health, and we will be here to help.
Art and Emily

Anonymous said...


Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We hope you are doing better with each day and can get back soon so we can visit. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call. Hang in there girl. You can do it. God Bless you.

Anonymous said...

Lisa, My thoughts and prayers have been with you since the moment I heard about thr crash. What can I do for you. I consider you a dear friend and would like to help in any way I can. I am placing you on our prayer network at church and I am a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus and I am also placing you and your family on our Knights of Columbus Prayer network which will involve several parishes and Knights Organizations. Please let me know.

Mike Stein

Unknown said...


Annette, the family, and I are praying for your speedy recovery. Just wanted to say get well soon and we look to hear that you are recovering quickly, and to see you up around. Hang in there and be strong everything will work out. Eat lots of Jell-O. And I will talk at you later.

Get well soon,

Gary & Annette Humphries
149 Heathermere Loop
Galena, Ohio 43021

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,

I speak for all individuals at the Canton Post when I say we were are truly saddened and concerned when news spread of the crash. Obviously by the response so far, you have tremendous support and a large group of individuals who are pulling for your recovery. Add us to the growing list! You will be in our thoughts and prayers !

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,
The Jackson CMA Chapter and myself are praying for you and will continue during your recovery. You are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. God Bless you, your friends and your family!

Anonymous said...

We are all thinking and praying
for you to get well and come home
soon. We understand that it will ve
a long road, but with god on your
side you should make a speedy recovery. Richard and Sam are going to take care your yard, although probaly not as good as you! Our thoughts and prayers be with you. Joyce & Richard Hartley

Anonymous said...

Did you need to stir up some news in the court? We are all thinking and praying for you and Mary. Let us know if there is anything we can do. We're all keeping an eye on the house.

Heath & Stacy & Kids

Anonymous said...

We just talked to you at Cracker Barrel the other morning and were so stunned to hear about the wreck. You are in our prayers and hope your spirits are high. We will be by to see you once you get back to Columbus. Ken sends his best as well. God Bless you Lisa.

ED & Ross Taylor

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor, you are in my thoughts and prayers, as you are with the rest of class. I look forward to seeing you up and about as soon as possible. I am going to make a life size cutout of you that we can use for presentations until you are on your feet again!
Hang in there and keep your head up!
Your friend, Mark

Anonymous said...

Ms. Lisa:

It is amazing how strong you are. You obviously have more lives to touch. We are keeping you, Mary and your families in our thoughts and prayers. Lots of positive energy is flowing your way!

God bless!
Butch and Brenda

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,

Your fun spirit, strength and friends will help you through a fast recovery. My family and our class is praying for you. If there is anything I can do, just let me know! God bless

David Rose

Anonymous said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Get well soon.

Anonymous said...

COACH, Determination and strong willed will not prevail you.Stay tough as always and know that you and Mary are in all of our hearts and prayers to all that know you.

Live Laugh Love :)Your Favorite Cub, Macadoggey, AKA Dee

Anonymous said...

My prayer's and thoughts go out to you and your family. I will continue to pray for your speedy/healthy recovery. Thank god the two were wearing helmets this sets a good example for the rest of us.

K.McCarthy said...

Hey Major, so tell me this, is Glen down there ??? LOL. See I am sure that made you smile. I am praying for your fast road to recovery. You have the determination and the grit to make it happen. I really miss you!! Hey can I raid your desk drawer where the goodies are?? Love ya, and talk to you soon!!

Anonymous said...


Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. You are a strong woman, and will come thru just fine. If you wish You and I have a mutual aquantince that I can have call you and cheer you up....

Jim & Carol Holt

Anonymous said...

Lisa and Mary,
We have been thinking about you constantly since we were crushed by the news of the crash, but we know you'll both be up and around soon.
Hopefully this was the Yamaha and not the Harley :)
Love to you both,
Jim and Bette Mendenhall

Anonymous said...

My prayers go out to you both. Please know that God is capable of doing anything but failing. God bless and i hope to see you both soon.


Anonymous said...


All of us here in the court are keeping an eye on the place, so don't worry. Let us know if you need us to help with the animals, we are more then willing to help. Sam and Rich will make sure the yard is mowed. Sam will keeep and eye on you once you get to Grant.

Sam, Amy, Emily & AJ Marino

Anonymous said...

You know that God doesn't make mistakes. I have no doubt that you will recover from this and come back as a better person. (Even though that's hard to imagine.) We are praying for you and can't wait to see your smiling face back here in Columbus for breakfast at the Barrel.

Anonymous said...

Lisa -

So sorry about your accident. We hope you have a complete recovery. Get well soon!

Don & Mylene Poffenbaugh

Anonymous said...

Cathy from D-9 and the whole DX group are praying for you. Phil 4:13 I can do all things in Christ who gives me strength.

Elaine said...

Lisa, We are keeping you, your friends and family in our Prayers. We were so sorry to learn of your accident, but God saw the good work you do and spared your life to continue on. Stay strong and we pray you will improve daily.
We send our love and best wishes.
Darvin and Elaine Rudd

Anonymous said...


I'm hoping that all those hours spent on physical conditioning will aid in your recovery. I haven't cancelled your physical in August yet...

Tom Chodzin

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor and Mary,

You are in our thoughts and prayers, you have always been an inspiration and strength to me. May God Bless you both and provide a speedy recovery...

BJ Hodson & boys

Anonymous said...

Lisa: My name is Leslie Dunson, used to be Trooper Dunson (class#130), now I go by Offcier Dunson in Cape Coral , Florida. I was at the Toledo Post for about 7 years, until 2 years ago. You may not remember me but I remember you. You were one of the most positive things about OSP due to your success as a female in a man's world! Many of us looked up to you, not only for your rank but for your warm personality. I am so sorry to hear of your accident as I am a fellow biker as well. It's obvious you have made an impression on many lives and now it's time for them to give back to you. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers all the way from Florida! Hang in there!!


Anonymous said...

Lisa ... you have always been there for others .... and in fact that is how I met you in the first place many years ago. You were a good friend to Janet and I know how much your caring meant to her. I know she is looking out for you as well. I have every faith that you will get better because of your strong spirit and faith. Please know that there are so many of us thinking of you and keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. I look forward to seeing your smiling face again soon! Hugs to Mary as well!

Anonymous said...


You are in our thoughts and thinking of you during your recovery. Get well soon!

Mark and Sharon Leach

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you in this trying time. Look where you want to go and I am sure it all will work out. I hope recovery is quick and that you can be moved to Columbus soon.

Pat Gehrisch said...

Stay determined on your road to recovery. Your faith and strength will carry you to a successful end. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Pat Gehrisch and Post 2 Staff
Christy Gehrisch

Anonymous said...


I was delighted to hear you may be comming back to Columbus soon.

I have emptied out your pretzel container and, your also getting low on red twists. You need to get back here and get those filled back up, hon!

Best wishes always,


Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sounds like you are in capable hands. While it looks to be a long road ahead, you will be walking your dog in Darby Metro Park before you know it. God Bless you as you continue to heal.

Gene Smith

Anonymous said...

Sure hated to hear about your crash. Even hate more to hear about your injuries. I know you will get better, everyone is pulling for you. Your in our hearts and our prayers. We still miss you in D-9. Glad to hear Mary is doing alright.

J.P./ Post 44

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa, We miss you and are praying for you. I hope you get to feeling better soon!!
Kelly, Brandy, Kelten and Kobe

Anonymous said...

Wow! When its all over, I bet you will still kick my butt on the treadmill...Wishing you and Mary a speedy recovery.

Kate Pirwitz

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,
It saddened me to find out about your accident, as I had seen you the day before.
You've always been an inspiration for those who come in contact with you. Your strength and determination have always been impressive, along with your positive and upbeat attitude.
You and the lieutenant are in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure that we will see you very soon.
May God be with you,
Jan Yates

Anonymous said...

Vicki and I are keeping you in our prayers. Keep your spirits up, you know that you have a lot of people praying for you.
Warren & Vicki Davies

K.McCarthy said...

Good afternoon Major,
Hey, just so you know Eric is guarding your secret desk drawer with all the goodies. I went over to your office and he already has them stashed waiting for your return. Whats up with that?? Hey get back here, I'm getting weak.
Love ya girl & miss you much!! talk to you and see you real soon.
Oh. p.s. Tom said something about you were out of pretzels

K.McCarthy said...

I suppose I can sell your bike for scrap rates which are pretty good right now..Is there any copper on the bike? I guess you are coming to Columbus before I can take you out of West Virginia and away from all of this :) I hope you didn't lose any of the good stuff !!
This is Bill not Kathy !! See you very soon..I kiss it and make it better.

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,
News travels all the way to California! Our prayers are with you during your recovery. Stay strong in your faith- The good Lord promises He will never leave you nor forsake you. =)
Chris and Rebecca (Coffman) Siekman

Anonymous said...

We both are so sorry to hear about your crash. Now is the time to put that inner strength to use. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. We believe you will make a full and complete recovery.
Ret. Tpr. Steve and Jaci Rohner

Anonymous said...

I am really glad you are coming "home" today to Cols. I will be over there really soon to see your smiling face. I KNOW that in spite of all your pain, you are smiling. It's just your nature!! I'm praying for a very speedy and COMPLETE recovery! We miss you! All the best to Mary, too.

Bob & Megan said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Mary, and your families.

Glad to see you are closer to home. Best wishes on a speedy recovery!

Bob & Megan Ferguson