Sunday, July 15, 2007

July 15, 2007 (Sun)

Lisa was taken into unexpected surgery this morning to irrigate the wound on her left leg. The doctors are now saying this will have to occur several more times before the reconstructive surgery can be done. Also, some tissue had to be removed during the surgery this morning due to the large amount of dirt, gravel, and debris remaining in her left leg. She was taken for a CT scan to identify any additional injuries that have possibly gone undetected.

7:00pm The doctor came in and said they have decided to go ahead and do the reconstructive surgery tomorow, after another good cleaning of the wound. A metal plate will be inserted into her left leg above her knee, as well as bone and skin grafts. They will also check the swelling in her right hand. She has had several visitors today and yesterday, including Colonel Collins and members of the senior staff. Your continued prayers through this next surgery are especially appreciated.


tom said...

Hey Sunshine,
What's the deal? I can't believe you would go on vacation and get yourself hurt! I hope you're doing well and you must know you're in my prayers constantly.
I'm going to be busy getting ready for the traffic record's forum in St. Louis next week so I won't be able to sneak down and see you. However, if by chance, and I hope you're not, you're still where you are next week, you can bank on me coming down and harassing the snot out of you.
Please take care and we'll talk with you later. I know you've explained what happened at least 100 times so I'll wait and ask you later. I just want you to know that I'm thinking of you.
Always your friend,

Anonymous said...

I was very concerned to hear of your crash. Mom and Dad called me as this was on the news in West Virginia. I asked Pam, your neighbor, to keep an eye on your house. I have been praying for you ever since I heard the news yesterday.
I will be checking on your progress frequently.

Anonymous said...

Major, I am keeping you in my prayers. I know you will be back better than ever. You will be good as new. I know it.

Anonymous said...

Major Lisa,

Can't let you guys out of our sight for a single moment. Have you in our thoughts & prayers. We can only hope and pray for a speedy and full recovery.

God bless and get on with getting better.

Rick & Carol B.

Anonymous said...

I was out of town at the National Softball Tournament when I heard about your crash. District 3 will be praying for you and thinking about you. I am sure you are in good hands and will be up and around before you know it. You take care and get well soon. Sincerely, John

Anonymous said...


You're going to be hard pressed to make our Monday morning conference...I'm just glad you'll make it at a later date. Sorry I couldn't make it over today, but I was previously committed in Dayton and couldn't make it back to travel with the colonel and Dave. You are in Susie's and my prayers, and I know many others. I'll be talking to you soon. We are all thinking about you.


Anonymous said...


I will keep you in my prayers, even though I am a terrible prayer. I suppose that has something to do with my shrinkage.


Anonymous said...

You're surrounded by a great company of people who love you and are praying for you. Know that God is holding you in the palm of his hand. See you soon.

"Thumbs Up" with Love.
Bob & Cheryl

Anonymous said...

1095 -

We are all thinking about you! Your body will be healed by the power of prayer and we will see you soon. For we are TEAM ORIENTED and we ADAPT to all situations.
God Bless!

Anonymous said...


You are in my prayers for your surgery tomorrow and for a speedy recovery. Don't give up the fight! We all want you back home soon. You will continue to be in my prayers and everyone else in the office. Remember that we all love you and are all here for you.

God bless you and keep the faith.


Anonymous said...

We are so sorry to hear about your accident. We know that you will make a quick and full recovery and be back with us very soon! We are keeping you in our prayers.

Marty and Melissa Fellure

Anonymous said...

What'da ya say? You know that bedside table is a little small to throw dice on. I'm gonna hate to beat you in the hospital:) You know, you, your family and support system are in our prays and thoughts. I would say "we missed you in church" had I been there myself. YOU AND MARY HAVE CHANGED LIVES. YOU BOTH ARE LOVED MORE THAN YOU KNOW:) We will see you this week. Don't know what days, you know all about that. love you and yours, ty

Anonymous said...


We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. As always, let us know if we can be of any assistance.

Rob & Becky Jackson

Lori and Steve said...


Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We are praying for a full and speedy recovery. You have been a blessing in our lives. If there is anything you need or your family needs please do not hesitate to let us know and let us help.

Anonymous said...


Margie and I heard about your crash. You and Mary are in our thoughts a prayers.

Love, Paul and Margie

Anonymous said...


Gerald and I have been praying for you and Lt. Pfeifer. We know God's blessing is with each of you. We will continue to keep both of you and your families in our hearts and prayers.

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

You are surrounded by many friends and continuous prayer. We pray for your quick recovery.
All the Best,
Bill and Pam Watkins

Anonymous said...


May the grace of god heal you and be with you and your family during your recovery process. We will keep the prayers flowing.

Chuck and Royel Jones

Anonymous said...

My families thoughts and prayers are with you during your recovery. I know my mom and dad (Sam & Dee) think so much of you as well as I. Please get well soon!!!

Your friends,
Sam & Dee Ray
Carla Cottrell

Anonymous said...

Lisa Girl:

Just wanted you to know I have been thinking of you every day! I love you and you better hurry up and get back to know that place will fall apart with out you!

Luv ya bunches!!!!

Chrissy V

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Major,
I am sorry to hear about your accident. My husband and I will keep you in our prayers and hope that you get well soon. I'll be missing that cute little face of yours.

Joey Butcher

Anonymous said...

We send our thoughts and prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. May the Lord continue to watch over you.

Nathan & Holly Dickerson

Mary said...

Major Taylor,

My prayers of a speedy recovery are with you! I will contine to pray for you until I see your smiling face again!

Mary Allen
ODPS Purchasing

Anonymous said...

I hope today finds you feeling better than yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We wish you a speedy recovery and hope you return home soon.

Eric Widmyer,Josh Weaver,Chris Williams,Matt Beccaccio,Andy Bennett,Jason McElfresh,Scott Coomer,Jim Hutchinson (SW Motorcycle Team)

Anonymous said...

Major Lisa,
We up north will keep you in our prayers.
Jean Z.

K.McCarthy said...

Lisa, you are so loved and missed!!!! I have been praying for you and Mary, MORE THAN NORMAL!!!! Was going to make the trip last weekend to see you, but the hospital informed me that they had to put up a temporary wing at the hospital and hire extra police to handle traffic control. Whats up with that??? I want you to know that I am thinking of you !! You need to get better soon because S/Lt. Roark needs his running partner back.
Hey, do they have Sangria on the menu down there? Talk to you and see you very soon girl !!

Bob Posey said...


I am including you in my prayers until you are 100% OK. God Bless you and a quick recovery.

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Theresa Martelli

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,

I am so sorry to hear of your accident and the pain that you are having to endure. You keep sight of your ultimate goal to heal, the rest of us will continue to lift you up in prayer and God will do the rest.

Karen Morefield

Bob Markowski said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers. I will visit as soon as possible. You will need to get well real soon, I am out of quotes and bgum!!

Anonymous said...


You are and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery. Take care of yourself and know that we are all pulling for you.

Molly Clemens

Anonymous said...

All of the Mailcenter employees, wish you best and hope for a very speedy recovery.

Tammy Getz said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Mary, and your families. There is probably not much we can do to help you at this time, but if something needs to be done please don't hesitate to call. Hope to get you back home soon.

Anonymous said...

Lisa (Stubs) I am praying for you several times a day I know how tough you are so you will come out on top with God's help.
Rich Rucker

Anonymous said...

We are sorry to hear about your crash. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Lt. Pfeifer for a full and speedy recovery.

Take care!
Chris & Wendy Johnson

Jackie Houdeshell(Mom of Joshua & Amy Weaver) said...

Lisa, you are in my prayers everyday. I pray for a speedy recovery and keep up your spirits. You have many people praying and ready to help out in any way possible.

Anonymous said...


I am so sorry to hear of your accident. We will continue to keep you in our prayers and lift you and Mary up to GOD.

Take Care! Rhonda G.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of your accident. You are in my thoughts and prayers. If I can be of any assistance to you or your family, please let me know, so in your infamous words "You need anything girl?"(smile) God is still blessing!

Tonja S.

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,

Sorry to hear of your accident. I will keep you in my prayers for a speedy and full recovery. Keep smiling!

God bless you,

Karena Jefferson

Anonymous said...

Dear Major,

I am thinking about you everyday and praying for you. I know you will be back before you know it. Michelle and I want to come and see you soon. We need you back here. You know me and that "J" thing. See you soon honey. We love you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Lisa
Your quotes always give everybody something to thing about,well here's one for you.
To have friends you must first be a friend.
And girl do you have friends. You better rest up while your in W.V., By the way, let me know who I call for an appointment.
Heal fast, Love and Prays Dave Hensley

Anonymous said...

Greetings, Lisa. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I have asked my mother's church to keep you on their prayer list as well. With His loving care and your strong faith, you will come through this. If there is anything I can do, please don't hesitate to call. Love and prayers. C.Kollin

shana said...

Hey Major Taylor,

I was on vacation when I found out that you had an accident. I came back today and Ms. Robyn came to my office to give me an update. I heard about the thumb's up you gave and I have to sounds just like you. ;)

I am so glad to know that you are alright for the most part. I will continue to keep you in my prayers and I expect you to be up and running real soon.

Take care,
Shana Washington

Marsha Rigsby said...

Major Taylor,

Please know that I am thinking about you and praying for a full recovery. If I can do anything for you, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Your Friend,

Anonymous said...

Hearing early on that you had been life-flighted, but not knowing WHY was terrifying. I was relieved to learn that it was your leg and not your head, neck or spine, even though your leg is seriously injured. Can't wait to see you when you return to Cols. So many people are praying for you, God HAS to be listening! Love ya, Connie W.

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,
I hope you continue to feel a little better with each passing day. I will keep sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.
Take care,
Heather Reed Frient

Anonymous said...

Hey woman, I understand you are considered the "Little Rock Star from Ohio" at Ruby Memorial. We are so glad your still with us and pray for your recovery. Wish we could take away your pain. Hope to see you soon!

Lots of Love, Chris & Bob

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa --

Just wanted to let you know how much you are being thought of and prayed for. You're a tough cookie and I know you will be ok.

Hang in there & before you know it, you'll be back out there mixin' it up!!! :)

Mike N.

Anonymous said...


Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Mansfield P-70

Anonymous said...

I was so shocked to hear the news.

I know things are not great now....but have faith in His plan and all things DO work to the good.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Get well very soon!!!!

Mark A. Fellure
Titus 1:2

Joe's Blog said...


So sorry to hear about the crash. My family and I will be praying for you to have a successful and speedy recovery.

Joe, Cheryl, Matt, and Holly Brooks

Dave G said...


On behalf of Bob, Mike and the rest of District 1, I just wanted you to know that you and Mary are in our thoughts and prayers. I am glad to hear that the prognosis is promising and I am looking forward to seeing you as soon as time permits.

Take care! Dave Gillespie

Anonymous said...

Major Lisa,
I am thinking and praying for you constantly. We all know you are one tough cookie and will be back with us real soon!!

Mary Napper
DX 51

Denise Holland-Ford said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. In Jesus name, Amen. Denise Holland-Ford

Earl Mack said...

Lisa! Lisa! Lisa!
If you needed additional time off I would have donated some! Hey, stay strong as I know you are. This too shall past. I hope one day soon I get to ride with you, it would be an honor. You are in my thoghts and my wish is that your injuries hell "FAST!"
Earl Mack

Kevin and Raquel Culp said...


We are praying for you, Lt.Pfeifer, and your families. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

God Bless

Kevin and Raquel Culp

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,
Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers here at P98. We look forwarded to seeing your smiling face come by the window in the mornings! Please let Mary know that I am thinking of her also!

Anonymous said...


We are all closely monitoring your progress as you are healing.

It goes without saying that whatever is needed is a phone call away as you have hundreds of friends willing to do whatever you need.

Your little incident will be know WORLD WIDE soon as Jim Rose is gong to be spreading the word at the Blue Knights Internationl Convention in Milwaukee this week.

We will be seeing you very soon.


Anonymous said...


Was saddened to hear of your unfortunate accident. I miss you and will keep you in our prayers

Kim c

Earl Mack said...

Lisa, its Earl again. I guess I should proof-read too. Anyway, I hope your "heal" fast and your are in my "thoughts". Get well soon Lisa.

Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Earl Mack

Anonymous said...


My thoughts and prayers are with you during your recovery. Please let Mary know she's also in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and I know God is watching over both of you. Kathy Imhoff

Tom, Wendy and Alan said...

We love you and have thought of nothing else all weekend. Can't wait until you are closer so we can see you and spoil you. Take care of yourself and our prayers are with you and Mary.

Love, Tom, Wendy and Alan

Anonymous said...

My husband and I are praying for you. I know your injuries are very serious...but God heals all. And with all the prayers coming your way...there is no doubt you will be up and running around soon. I have not spoken with Lt. Pfeifer yet but intend to go and see her tonight.

Unknown said...

It has been a very very long time since I've seen you...I heard the news Friday. You are in our thoughts and prayers...I look forward to your speedy recovery and a chance to see you and catch up! Best Regards,
Olen & Terri Martin

Anonymous said...


Please get well soon. Good thoughts and prayers from all your friends up north in Erie and Lorain counties.


Anonymous said...

We were saddened and terrified to heard about your accident on Friday. However, God only gives these really BIG challenges to really BIG people. We both know how BIG you are in every way that counts! Thinking of you... praying for you... and we will see you soon!

Ken & Sandy

Anonymous said...


You are in mine and my family's thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself.

It has been a long time since we have talked but Chris and Bob have kept me updated on you.

Thinking Of You
Ed Welsh

Anonymous said...

As the scripture says in Deuteronomy: Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid....for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee: he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.
You are always in our prayers, especially now in your time of need. You know you are loved.

Mike and the gang from Post 44

Anonymous said...

You are in our prayers at P73...believing in a speedy recovery.

Your Portsmouth family