Sunday, July 15, 2007

July 13, 2007 (Fri)

Around 2:30 Friday afternoon Lisa Taylor and Mary Pfeifer were involved in a serious motorcycle accident in West Virginia. They were hit by a drunk driver that went left of center.
Following the crash: Lt. Mary Pfiefer was treated and released from Wheeling Hospital on Fri with minor injuries. Major Lisa Taylor was transported from Wheeling Hospital on Fri, July 13 to the Trauma Center at Ruby Memorial/University Hospital in Morgantown, WVa. She is still critical but stable, and remains under heavy sedation. Last night's surgery successfully stabilized multiple broken bones in her left leg and left wrist/arm. A subsequent surgery is scheduled for Sunday to further repair and irrigate her leg. There were no head or internal injuries; both riders were wearing helmets. Lisa is receiving excellent care, doctors are keeping her comfortable, as she will undergo several more surgeries. Doctors were able to reconstruct her leg, and are very optimistic she will regain use of it. However, the surgeon described her leg as the worst break he has ever seen. Your continued thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated; the family hopes to have her moved to a Columbus hospital around the middle of the week.


Anonymous said...

Major Taylor, we have all been praying for your speedy recovery since learning of your accident.

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,

There is no doubt in my mind that you will recover and be back at your desk. You are a very sweet lady and I'm sure that the Lord will take care of you with a speedy recovery. My prayers are with you.

Patty Miller

Anonymous said...

HI Lisa - Hope all goes well. Praying for a quick recovery.Thinking of you.

Dan (Fester) Rocheleau and all the Ontario Provincial Police Golden Helmets Precision Motorcycle Team.

Anonymous said...

I am truly sorry to hear about you and your friend, Mary's accident. I wish you a speedy recovery and I'll keep you both in my prayers.LSB 7-16-07

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor,

I know things seem real bad right now, but things will improve. All your Highway Patrol Family is praying for you. God Bless

Sergeant C.A. Crisafi

Anonymous said...


You've always made it through the tough times due to your courage and perserverance. I have no doubt you will once again come through this tough time. I wish you a speedy recovery and will be thinking of you.

Good luck and best wishes....

medina post said...

We are all thinking of you. I just found out and am truely sorry for your injuries. I hope things work out for both of you. How's the bike. LOL :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
Thinking of you and hoping the very, very best for you. Don;t worry about anything, the Lord will take care of you. Just leave everything to him and he will provide and see you through the toughest times.

Take care~
Bonnie Elkins

Anonymous said...

Anxious to have you here in OHIO. If you need anything at all, have someone get in touch with me.
Love & Prayers,
Nurse Paula

Anonymous said...

Major Taylor, I am very sorry to hear of your injuries, pain and suffering that you are enduring as a result of the crash. May God be with you and ease your pain while you are recovering. Stay Strong and positive!

John S.

Anonymous said...

Hi from the West Coast

Thinking of both of you as you recover.Holding positive thoughts and warm wishes.
Love ya,
Janet Wilson
IAWP Anacortes WA

Les Reel said...


So very sorry about your accident. Having known you for many years I am confident that your faith, positive attitude, and inner strength will result in successful recovery. I look forward to buying your lunch soon. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.


Les Reel

Anonymous said...

Hello Lisa,

I was shocked to hear about you and Mary being in the accident. From riding a motorcycle myself I know the end results could of been worse so I was so so happy to hear you both survived the devastating crash. My thoughts are with you as you heal and wished I lived closer to come for a visit.

My twin sister Joan, who is still in Africa doing volunteer work with the deaf and blind, sends her well wishes to both of you too as she remembers you from Lynette's birthday party.

I will keep up to date with your progress by reading your blog.

You are a strong individual and I know you will heal well.

Anything you two need please ask.

Lots of Love from Canada,


Anonymous said...

Mayor Taylor, Just learned of the accident today and want to send my prayers and thoughts with you.

Mandi Rodriguez P-39

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, hope your doing better, get well.