Monday, June 30, 2008

june 30, 2008-"love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way...(1 Cor 13:4-7)

top of the evening, friends....

i hope all is well with you and yours. things continue to progress well here, aside from a pulled muscle in my right ribs--which makes walking with a cane a little more challenging.

i received a praise report this week--i will be done with my MBA in about 13 weeks! it's been a long process, but i pray it will pay off down the road in the form of another job i'm passionate about. i was so blessed with a wonderful career with the division, i fear it will be hard to find something i love as much.

i came across my kindergarten picture today and because it cracked me up, i thought i'd share it with you. i'm the one with the VERY short dress, first row, 4th from the left. i can't wait for comments from elzie.

on a more serious note, i'd like to ask for prayer for my dad. during a CAT scan for kidney stones last week, the dr. found a baseball sized mass near where his stomach and small intestine come together. he goes in to be scoped (and/or a colonoscopy) very soon to determine if the mass is on the inside or outside of his intestine. if it is on the outside, the surgery will be much less complicated. whether the mass is malignant or benign, it must come out. the dr. said that that particular area is very congested with several organs and he does not want to risk any obstruction. while dad is concerned, he is confident that whatever happens we will deal with it. for those of you who don't know him, he's a pretty special guy and my "motorcycle buddy."

quote for the day:
"what if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it-would you be likely to give them another? life is the same way. in order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have"
-ralph marston-
Words Of A Feather
"There was once a man who loved to gossip. He loved the attention it brought him, and could not stop himself from speaking about others, sometimes sharing the good they did, but most often sharing the mistakes they made. "In time, however, he realized the harm his speech was causing and he sought to make amends. He went to his rabbi and explained the situation, and asked how he could make amends. "The rabbi thought for a moment and instructed the man to go to the marketplace and purchase two of the finest feather pillows he could find. He should then take the pillows to the top of the mountain overlooking the village, tear them open, and spill the feathers into the wind. "The man was surprised and pleased at the rabbi's advice. He thought repentance would be much harder than this. So he ran to the marketplace, purchased his pillows, and within an hour had scattered their feathers to the wind. "He returned to the rabbi all aglow. He was ready to be forgiven for his gossiping. Not just yet, the rabbi told him. There was one more thing to do. He had to return to the mountain and repack the pillows with the feathers that he had scattered. "'But that's impossible,' the man said. 'Those feathers have gone everywhere, there is no way I can take them back now.'" "The rabbi nodded solemnly and said, 'What is true of the feathers is true of the words. Once spoken they can never be retrieved. The harm caused by gossip cannot be undone.'"
—Rabbi Rami Shapiro from The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness-
please continue to keep the following other people in your thoughts and prayers, as they are all facing difficulties right now: gina herbert, glenda woodgeard, dale robirds son ryan,
mary taylor, scott speakman's mom, & ernestine abrams.
congratulations to ginny fogt and mike nisky on their upcoming retirements! and thanks to my "breakfast at the barrel" friends for a wonderful time of fellowship friday!
until next time, be blessed!
lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful picture of little Lisa! Elzie be nice.

You continue to amaze me with your spirit and guidance.

Prayers are being said for your dad, as you say, he is a special man.

Love ya, Wendy

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

What a wonderful photo! As a Kindergarten teacher I do my best to record memories for my students. (Thank goodness for digital photography) I hope you have wonderful memories to accompany the photo.

YOU WILL find a career that you feel just as passionate about as the division. That's just the type of person you are, and you have so much to offer! I know from experience, as you do, that God doesn't close one door without opening another!

I absolutely love teaching Kindergarten, and can't even begin to describe the daily rewards of teaching children of this age (19-20 each day). They are all gifts from God not only to their families, but to me as well. I do have to admit that of all the responsibilities I have had (outside of raising my childen), teaching 5 and 6 year olds is THE MOST demanding of all. The rewards occur on a daily, weekly, and even yearly basis. As much as I am enjoying the summer break, I miss each and everyone of my students!I have received letters and drawings from some of them recently. Teaching a child to read, write and "the love of learning" is such a "privilege", I take that responsibility very seriously.

You will find your "spot" again! And, the memories of the division will always be with you, giving you a very unique perspective of the present and the future.

We will keep your Dad in our thoughts and prayers.

Thanks for your help with the Pet Smart info. Charlie stopped there yesterday and bought the item we were looking for.

Today is looking like a beautiful day to take a MC ride. Charlie is so anxious for the rain to stop for awhile. We hope you get to enjoy the beautiful weather today as well!

Didn't mean to ramble, so I'll get off of here for now. Keep up the good work!

Hope to see ya soon!
Debbie & Charlie Chapman

Gentle Ben said...

HA! I picked you out of that photo before I read on. We'll be keeping you and your Dad in our prayers.

Mike H

Anonymous said...

Not to worry, woman... will definitely be sending up prayers for your Dad. Just from knowing his daughter, I can tell what a special man he is. There's nothing else quite like the relationship between a girl and her dad. I lost mine very suddenly some years ago; and there are still times I find myself picking up the phone to tell him one of our favorite movies is on or to comment about a play in a Cleveland Browns game.
NICE picture, girl... is that dress short enough???? Hee hee hee...
And don't worry about your future career--with all your many talents, abilities, and wonderful ways, I have no doubt that a wonderful opportunity will come your way for something that you find as fulfiling and rewarding as your career with the Patrol. God would not let such a wonderful person's talents and personality not to be utilized to the utmost.

I hope you and yours have a wonderful Fourth of July holiday!

Pike County Woman

Anonymous said...

H-m-m-m-m. Still look the same to me.Can you still fit into that dress? At least your now old enough (for quite sometime)to drink the Budweiser.
I spoke with your Dad about his ailment. He really has a good attitude.Just tough as nails he is.
He did mention though that after you and Trish visit he has to run staight to the grocery store for more vittles. Perhaps you two should take some snacks along with you.
Your Retired Bud

Anonymous said...

You have out-done yourself, here I thought I had the only photo of you in a dress. Your just missing the "halo" of baby's breath...;o)

Thoughts and prayers are always with you and your family!

Anonymous said...

We just wanted to send you a note to let you know you are still in our thoughts and prayers. We hope the physical therapy is still helping you to grow stronger every day.

Your positive attitude is wonderful.

Thinking of you and wishing you peace.

Butch and Brenda