Thursday, May 29, 2008

may 29, 2008 - “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father…” (James 1:17)

top of the morning, friends.....

i hope this entry finds you all well.
its been a while since i made a posting, simply because i didn't have a lot to report.
today, however, i do have some extremely unfortunate news to share. mr. walenciej, the individual who hit mary and me on friday, july 13, 2007, committed suicide this week. we don't have all the details yet, but we are asking for prayer for the walenciej family, as they have lost a son, a brother, and a father. may God bless them. mary and i had long forgiven mr. walenciej, and both feel that there is nothing worth taking your own life over. the criminal case, of course, will be dismissed. please keep mary and me in your prayers. we both wanted closure, but certainly not in this manner.

quotes for the day:
"only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly"
-robert f. kennedy -
"a strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug"
- patricia neal -

captain paul pride - thanks so much for the invitation to the retirees luncheon. the food and fellowship was outstanding. it was great seeing everyone again!

retired captain les reel - thank you so much for your wonderful, heartfelt letter. you humble me, friend. i will cherish your kind words. please keep in touch - i miss your friendship and mentorship!

retired sergeant steve belyus - thanks friend, for all the crash reconstruction work you did for mary and me. we will be forever indebted to you!

for my motorcycle friends - please send me your home email addresses to, as i'm trying to put together a "motorcycle email group" to share upcoming rides, bikes for sale, bike shows, and any other pertinent motorcycle information. in the meantime, my friend jules (641-227-9156) has the above (orange) road king for sale right now for$17,200. Also, my friend sgt. jeff skinner also has the above (white) road king for sale as well.
capital city motorcycle club will be having a "gypsy tour" ride on saturday, june 21, 2008 for those interested. capital city is on borror road just south of grove city. let me know if you need start/end times. all are welcome for riding, food, and fellowship.
please keep the following people in your prayers, as they are all experiencing some health issues:
glenda woodgeard & her mom
junior salyers
mary taylor
janet barbee
ernestine abrams
scott rikes dad
jillian salyers
also keep the patrol and its leadership in your prayers as well, as a dedicated funding source is attempting to be determined. hearings are being conducted now.
thanks to everyone who has continued to keep me lifted up via emails, phone calls, visits, prayer, etc.... things are going great! my rehab is going well, as is school. everything is as it should be and will be just fine.
until next time.....
be blessed,
lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

The last year of your and Mary's lives has been a true adventure.Whom would ever have thought things would have played out like this. Something you would expect from a Hollywood script.But with all the tragedy the happy ending is you guys continuing to get well.

If a movie is ever made about your life do you think Brad Pitt could play my role? I mean after all, there is a close resemblence.

Hang in there.
Your Retired Bud.

Anonymous said...

How truly sad... I will definitely keep his family and friends in my thoughts and prayers. Maybe he did actually, truly grasp the real consequences of his actions and was just having a tough time coming to grips with it. I agree with you and Mary--nothing worth taking one's life for. Although when people are in the deep, dark depths of depression, sometimes they only see it as a temporary "fix" and don't truly comprehend the consequences of what they are about to do. I truly believe if those who commit suicide could somehow come back and see what it does to those they leave behind, they would never even think of doing such a thing.
I hope your therapy and all continues to go well, woman! Although Dianna and I are still going to try to nag you into going to our PT, Mark Read, at Athletic Advantage. He has you do your rehab exercises at home (on your own time, and at no charge!); and he does hands on work on the patient while they are in the office. He has truly performed miracles with me and even more, with my younger brother, who would still be disabled with crippling back pain if not for Mark... and instead of still being disabled, my brother has just now begun a new job! Without Mark, I know my brother would still be at home, writhing in pain, instead of up walking around and working out again.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

I did NOT see this coming!!!!

So glad to hear you are doing well.

I'll see you @ a Obetz Racing Team event this summer!

Mark A. Fellure

Anonymous said...

That was a shock! Perhaps he could no longer face his own demons, and took the easy way out.

You and Mary have both set a steady foot on the road to recovery, physically, spiritually and emotionally, and will be stronger for all of it!

Anonymous said...

May God continue to bless you and your family. I will always be around to support you in your adventures. Thank you for your wonderful years of frendship. I'm glad to hear you are continuing to heal I know your strong spirit and faith will see you through.