Monday, March 17, 2008

march 17, 2008 - “oh, that You would bless me and enlarge my territory…” (I chronicles 4:10)

top of the morning, friends....

happy st. patrick's day! i trust this blog entry finds you well.

things continue to improve here (God is good!). i can do just about everything but walk and drive! hopefully, that will change at the end of the month, when i visit my orthopedic doctor.
i start back to school in 2 weeks, so i'm doing all i can to get my house in order. the painting continues (yuck!), and i have a gentleman coming today to paint the ceilings in the great room and loft. unfortunately, i can't do those from a wheelchair. i had no idea it would take me this long to paint...but i'm learning patience.

the picture is of my buddy, alan forbes during the blizzard. he and his mom, wendy came over for pizza and a movie on friday. we watched the "bee movie." of course, true to form, i fell asleep halfway through.

quotes for the day:

"Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again."

- Og Mandino -
"Make it a bad moment, not a bad day."

- Katherine Mylius -

sgt. ryan chapman - thank you so much for your kind words. i will certainly look up your friend's story. adversity does make us stronger!

dispatcher matt knutson - i have been told you are in the hospital. you're in all of our thoughts and prayers during your recovery.

captain tina phillips - i hope you have had ANOTHER great vacation and that your time was relaxing and enjoyable. give me an update when you return.

kathy mckinniss - thanks so much for your continued thoughts and prayers. you have always been so faithful in checking in. tell eric that i hope he's doing well too.

mary hamilton - good seeing you on saturday. as always, you take care of the multitudes....!

kate pirwitz - it was nice talking with you the other day. keep your chin up. your situation is certainly not insurmountable! call me if you need any help.

charlie morrison - i hope you're feeling much better very soon! you also are in my thoughts and prayers as you recover.

for all my female motorcycle'll enjoy this link:

until next time, be blessed.....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

since nobody else has anything to say i'll just say HI.


Anonymous said...

HI again.


Anonymous said...

Man oh man! Does Alan look like our Wendy or what? That guy is growing up so fast and becoming such a handsome young man.
Just wanted to drop you a line and say hi, girl, and thank you again for my Easter e-card. I really loved it.
You are PAINTING? I need to hire you to come over here and help me paint! I'm going to be enjoying the summer this year as hopefully my ankle will let me get out this year and enjoy doing some work around my house! The surgeon says all my healing/rehab should be done after six months, which means around in August somewhere. So I am definitely looking forward to that--but not half as much as I'm looking forward to the day that you come walking back through the doors of the Shipley Building to work... which I am quite certain will happen. May not happen on the schedule that you or I or your fellow employees want. But I definitely feel it will happen on His schedule. So keep on working towards that goal--I wholeheartedly believe it is definitely attainable, girl!

Pike Co. Woman

P.S. How is Dirty Dianna?

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
Just dropped by to say Hello and let you know we're thinking of you.
I just completed my 2nd day back at work, (school). It was GREAT to be back with my 19 Kindergarteners. I had 20 when I left for surgery. Their hugs and smiles are "PRICELESS". I know I missed them but I didn't realize how much they missed me until today. Each day is both a blessing and a journey with these young children.
I am so fortunate to be where I am today. I thank God for all my blessings! We "are" always right where we are supposed to be.
Debbie & Charlie
P.S. We love the emails!