Tuesday, March 11, 2008

march 11, 2008 - “as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9)

top of the afternoon, friends....

i trust this blog entry finds you all well. things are good here.

i went to see the retirement board's independent doctor yesterday as required. he agreed that i am disabled at this time and will share that with the board. i still hope to prove the doctors wrong someday and return to the OSP. we'll see.

i am still in the process of painting the inside of my house. what a job!!! the upstairs is done, and now i'm working on the downstairs. it looks good, but what a long, tedious task! nothing in my life happens quickly these days! i have a painter coming to give me an estimate on the ceilings and great room. i obviously can't do those, so i have no choice than to hire that work out.

major peyton watts has now officially moved over to my former spot in finance & logistics from the academy. i wish him nothing but the best. he has the absolute best crew to work with anywhere! i know that the academy will miss his leadership, but he's a welcome addition to OFLS!

the above picture is of the "gatlinburg gang." di, dad, trish, elzie and i are pictured. not pictured is mary, sam and mary b. i was taking a picture of them on the hotel balcony. we hope to return this year on motorcycles...."if the Lord's willin' and the creek don't rise."

i will be speaking at the athens kiwanis group later this week, at the request of former post commander mike hunter. i'm looking forward to seeing mike again, as it's been a while.

wendy and alan are coming over for our occasional movie and pizza this week as well. i think we're going to see the "bee movie." i can't wait!

i spoke with gina herbert last week. it sounds as though she's still having a rough time after her crash. bless her heart. please continue to keep her in your prayers. she still has a long way to go through therapy, etc...

mary continues to recouperate from her recent neck surgery. she asked that i thank everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers. she is hoping to return to full duty later this month.

quotes (i couldn't pick just one) for the day....

"if you believe it, you can make it happen.
that's all you need, is belief - and of course the willingness
to follow through on whatever needs to be done on your part"
-Barefoot Doctor-
"keep your goals away from the trolls"
-peter mcwilliams-

story for the day.....

two wolves

one evening an old cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. he said, "my son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all. one is evil. it is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. the other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence,empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith." the grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "which wolf wins?" the old cherokee simply replied, "the one you feed."

jane & mark bell - thank you so much for your kind words and job recommendation. you guys are great for my ego! i'm also thankful that your grandaughter, holly is doing so well!

elzie fish - thanks buddy for coming over and helping me put a battery tender on the harley! you know what withdrawal i go through when i can't go out and smell the fumes from time to time! i don't care what my dad says...i think you're okay!

dianna white - thanks, friend for keeping me informed and for all that you do. how does mexican food sound? lol

sandy belyus - i pray that you're feeling much better. i am also sorry that you and steve missed your vacation to warmer weather!

janet from seattle - congratulations on how you did at your sergeant's assessment center. good luck on a future promotion!

major bob booker - great talking with you yesterday. i continue to miss you and the rest of the senior staff!

gary humphries - i haven't forgotten about you....i'm trying to get my house in order before you and your wife visit. i'll be in touch. thanks for keeping me in your prayers. i also look forward to riding with you guys this summer!

until next time, expect to be blessed.....

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, I came across this the other day and I had written it down with the intention of sending it to you, but can't remember if I did or not. So if I did, here it is again "You must be someone special for the Lord to have given you such a burden. He will not forsake you if you trust Him." It all comes down to faith and trust. Take care. Hope to talk to you soon. Kathy McKinniss

Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
glad to hear all is well. Work is hectic, cadet interviews this week. No Recruiting Lisa.....
I head out to Tahoe/California to ski Friday evening. I know, I know, VACATION AGAIN!!!!! I will talk with you when I return. Spoke with toxicologist and he is waiting for Prosecutor to call and he will explain results.


Anonymous said...


I am glad you are doing well. I will keep Dianna in line for you. She tends to get alittle out of control at times.

Please keep Matt Knutson in your prayers. He is a dispatcher in District Five. He is currently at OSU hospital in Columbus in the intensive care unit.