Thursday, February 21, 2008

february 21, 2008 - “for everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened” (Matthew 7:8)

top of the morning, friends.....

i hope this blog entry finds you all well.

not much has happened since my last talk with you. i'm still waiting for the retirement board to contact me and set up an appointment with it's independent physician. most of the paperwork has been compiled and i suspect the retirement board will make a ruling on my situation in the next month or so. then...on to the next chapter of my life.

the above pictures are of my yamaha roadstar, which unfortunately, was totalled during the crash. while i'm glad it wasn't my harley, the yamaha was one of my favorite bikes. as strange as it may sound, it had almost become an extension of me. that was the bike i did my long-distance traveling on. it had the largest motor and more storage space than any other bike i own.

i went in and cleaned out my office last week. it's amazing how much 'stuff' one collects over a career! i just about needed a semi to bring it all home!
quote for the day (compliments of terri west):
"people are like stained glass windows: they sparkle and shine when the sun's out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is light within."
- elizabeth kubler-ross -

my cousin, boo-boo sent me this note and because i found it so motivational, i thought i'd share it with you:
Train of Life
Some folks ride the train of life
Looking out the rear,
Watching miles of life roll by,
And marking every year.
They sit in sad remembrance,
Of wasted days gone by,
And curse their life for what it was,
And hang their head and cry.
But I don't concern myself with that,
I took a different vent,
I look forward to what life holds,
And not what has been spent.
So strap me to the engine,
As securely as I can be,
I want to be out on the front,
To see what I can see.
I want to feel the winds of change,
Blowing in my face,
I want to see what life unfolds,
As I move from place to place.
I want to see what's coming up,
Not looking at the past,
Life's too short for yesterdays,
It moves along too fast.
So if the ride gets bumpy,
While you are looking back,
Go up front, and you may find,
Your life has jumped the track.
It's all right to remember,
That's part of history,
But up front's where it's happening,
There's so much mystery.
The enjoyment of living,
Is not where we have been,
It's looking ever forward,
To another year and ten.
It's searching all the byways,
Never should you refrain,
For if you want to live your life,
You gotta drive the train!

steve & sandy belyus - thanks so much for meeting me for breakfast last week. it was great seeing you guys again. i'll let you know when there is another "elvis sighting." lol

tom reffey - i'm so sorry i had to bail on you for dinner tonight. i'd love to take a raincheck sometime.

terri west - i hope you are healing nicely from your recent surgery. i just wish i could be half the encouragement for you as you've been for me.

laura mourne - glad the scripture came in handy....His grace is sufficient, isn't it? how'd the devotion go?

zach wolfe - nice hearing from you, zach. i worked with your dad a long time ago....being a trooper in bucyrus was one of the most enjoyable times in my career. hearing your dad's name was a real "blast from the past!" please send him my regards.

michael from D9 - good hearing from you again, sir. i'm glad you received a good grade on your paper. i'm glad i could help. good luck on future education and ministry endeavors.

please keep mary pfeifer in your prayers today, as she is undergoing surgery for a herniated disc she sustained from the motorcycle crash.

also keep dianna white ("dirty d") in your prayers, as she is having surgery on one of her knees tomorrow. future dance instruction will be on

one more prayer request - please pray for dale & naomi robirds son, ryan. he is only 20 years old and has been diagnosed with hodgekins lymphoma. while the prognosis is good, he will have to undergo a significant amount of chemotherapy to recover.
until we talk again, be blessed!
lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Major please call my work phone at614-995-4848 so that can give you my email address, so that Annette and I can get together with you to visit and maybe eat.
Talk to you soon
Annette & Gary

Anonymous said...

Well thanks, woman for the kind words. I'm healing up pretty well--went to the surgeon yesterday for a follow up and am now limping around happily in my boot cast! I had been praying HARD that I wouldn't have to do the walker for four or five more weeks, and my prayer was answered! Got to actually WALK up to my room last night instead of going up on my hands and knees. And walk back down the stairs this morning. That sure was wonderful. And you will be doing that also in no time flat, kiddo! Don't doubt that (because I don't doubt it!)
Sad to see your poor bike in such a state in those photos... but better your bike take some of that punishment away from you and Mary! I can't help it, I just get furious every time I think about that guy out there on the road driving in such a state!
I hope you and Mary both have a wonderful weekend. And do you have "Dirty Dianna's" home e-mail by chance? I'd like to send her an e-card or something to make her laugh. Or maybe we should all just mail her dollar bills until she gets back to dancing????? Hee hee...

Pike Co. Woman

Anonymous said...

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."
-Anne Dudley Bradstreet

Dad always talks fondly of "Marcie". When I heard of your accident, it clicked because of dad mentioning you growing up. If you want his email let me know. I am sure he would be happy to hear from you as well. I wish you continued healing, and best wishes for what and wherever life takes you.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl - I know I am a day early but I wanted to wish you a HAPPY Birthday!!!!! Lydia

Anonymous said...

Well we are back from Dominican, it was great, sun, fun, and many many bottles of water.......

Hope all is well, did you get time for hearing Friday? I will call you this week. I am busy, have now also been put in charge of recruiting, you know me, do I have time for this, it better not interfere with the couple vacations I take......