Monday, July 30, 2007

july 30, 2007 - take My burden, for it is light

top of the afternoon to you, friends....

praise GOD i'm being released today after 18 days in the hospital! my first dr's visit is thursday. hopefully being home with chrissy, amy and sissy will do me worlds of good. thanks again to my family and friends for helping me out in so many ways during this horrible ordeal. i keep thinking that this is a dream from which i will wake. but the reality is that i am in for months, if not years of therapy--but if GOD brings me to it, HE will bring me through it.

please keep us in you prayers, as that's the absolute best medicine out there!


lisa - 1095

Sunday, July 29, 2007

july 29, 2007 - oh, Lord, my God, i called to you for help and you healed me....Psalm 30:2

top of the morning to you, friends....

here i am in day #16 in my recovery. the dr's are still trying to determine whether to release me today or tomorrow...but i'm sure it will be one of the two. the morphine drip and catheter have been removed in preparation for the move. they have been trying to transition me to all medications by mouth, with the exception of my antibiotic--which will be by iv, so the transition should be smooth.

while i certainly have my 'down' days, the majority of the time i'm extremely optimistic that everything will be just fine. whenever i have a negative thought, i simply remember God's promises and read the encouraging words you've written to both mary and me--and i'm uplifted and refreshed. so...thank you for providing that little kick we sometimes desperately need.


lisa - 1095

Saturday, July 28, 2007

july 28, 2007 - Ask and you shall receive

top of the morning, friends!

well, i'm entering day #15 of my total recovery. it doesn't appear that i will be released today, but possibly tomorrow or monday. they want to take me off my morphine iv for a day to see how i'll do without it, as well as give me a little more physical therapy provided by the physical therapy terrorists/nazi's (lol). there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

mary continues to progress well. she is still convalescing at her parents. while i haven't seen her since the crash, i have spoken with her almost every day. she reads this blog and so appreciates the kind words of encouragement that you have sent her way.

please continue to be the prayer warriors that we still desperately need you to be -- God often works through His people to accomplish great things.


1095 - lisa

Friday, July 27, 2007

july 27, 2007 - the patience of Job

UPDATE / 430P:

the surgery went well! the skin and muscle grafts appear to be taking as hoped. the dr's will determine whether i get released tomorrow, but the prospects look promising. my equipment has been delivered to my home, so my house looks like a Grant substation! lol

while i had a bit of a rougher day today...tomorrow is a new day--with new beginnings. please hang in there with me, because i need all the moral support i can get. you folks have been wonderful. two weeks down....


lisa - 1095

top of the morning to you!

i'm preparing for surgery and am confident that the skin and muscle graphs will be fine. the surgery may be moved up a bit, so i'm not exactly sure what time i'm going. it appears sometime between 945a-1245p. i hope to be home this weekend, providing the surgery goes well. please keep mary and me lifted up in your prayers, as i am absolutely sure that the only reason that we have done so well is that you have been such great prayer warriors! GOD is good everyday.


lisa -1095

Thursday, July 26, 2007

july 26,2007 - HE will never forsake me

top of the afternoon to you, my friends!

i'm a bit late on my blog update due to therapy and wonderful visitors--those of course, are great reasons for being late--i believe!

just as the Bible tells me that HE will never forsake me...the last two weeks have shown me that my friends and family haven't forsaken me either. i continue to be overwhelmed by the amount of prayer and support i am receiving! all my needs have been met -- from pet care to lawn care...just to name a few.

thank you so much for giving me that 'extra' push as i continue my COMPLETE recovery.

i actually was able to get into a wheelchair last night for a short trip and again today. i was honored to have elzie AKA 'retired' fish chauffeur me around today via wheelchair. he wanted to know if i wanted him to make 'harley' sounds as we traversed the i graciously declined.

i am told some medical equipment will be sent to my home tomorrow in preparation for my release--yeah! i may possibly go home this weekend as the dr's determine their next bone strategy. meanwhile, i'm getting stronger each day and gain strength from my Lord and from you.

please keep the prayers coming -- they are working.


lisa - 1095




Wednesday, July 25, 2007

july 25, 2007 - HIS grace is sufficient

top'o the morning to you all again.

yesterday was such a humbling day. i received so many wonderful visitors and words of encouragement! i am amazed at the number of friends i have--for that i'm so very grateful.

while i won't be out of the woods for infection for 2-3 years, i'm told, the dr's are still optimistic they can save my leg. i'll go into surgery again on friday to see if the skin grafts have taken. if so, i believe that the dr's can then focus their energies on the orthopaedic side of my problems.

i'm not sure if they will replace my missing ten inches of bone with metal or a cadaver bone--who cares--whatever works is fine with me!

the dr's say i might be able to go home soon--possibly if i can become more mobile and with some assistance--so please continue to keep me in your prayers and keep your fingers crossed.

i feel compelled to remind everyone that your life can change in a second--as mine certainly did. so please life robustly and enthusiastically -- but be prepared for any 'curve ball' you may be thrown.

to my motorcycle buddies....i'll be back in the saddle in no time. but in the meantime, please wear helmets and body armor--they saved both mary and me! keep the shiny side up!


lisa - 1095

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

JULY 24, 2007 praise HIM in the storm......

top 'o the morning to everyone!

you folks have no idea how you've lifted me up over the last 2 weeks!

your thoughts, prayers, words of encouragement, cards, gifts, and visits have touched me to the core.

i can't believe that God has continued to bless me so much, even during this difficult time.

my family and friends make these trials and tribulations so worth any pain i may experience.

please keep me in your prayers as i continue to make a COMPLETE AND SPEEDY recovery.



Monday, July 23, 2007

July 23, 2007 (Mon)

Lisa's surgery went very well. The skin gaft was done and the wound is finally covered. Another surgery is scheduled for Friday, but mainly to allow the doctor to check what has been done and re-do the dressings. Doctor's are optimistic that Lisa will be able to return home soon, with in-home nursing care.

9:30 a.m. They just took Lisa in for surgery. We don't have any time frame for how long this surgery will last -but it was a blessing they took her earlier than scheduled. Will keep you updated......

Lisa is scheduled for surgery around 3:00 pm today. It could be sooner or later, it changes depending on how quickly the doctors complete those surgeries ahead of her. Keep her in your prayers.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

July 22 (Sun)

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to say thank you, and God bless you for all your encouraging words and concern. It has really meant a lot to me reading your comments on the blog. I never dreamed in a million years something like to would ever happen, but now that it has - I have to deal with it. I believe that everything happens for a reason and God has a plan for each of us, we may not always understand His plan but that is where faith comes in. It has been a great comfort to me knowing I have so many good friends, and people who care - I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of you. As you know from the previous blogs, I have another surgery scheduled on Monday and would appreciate your continued thoughts and prayers.

Love You All,
Lisa Taylor

Saturday, July 21, 2007

July 21 (Sat)

Lisa had a pretty good day today - no surgeries, no physical therapy, and no unexpected events. She has started reviewing some of her blog entries, but has many more to go. She really appreciates your comments and words of encouragement. She has not been able to yet, but hopes to start doing her own blog soon.

Friday, July 20, 2007

July 20 (Fri)

9:15 p.m. - Lisa returned from surgery, and will be kept heavily sedated for a while so she can rest. The surgeon is still hopeful he can save her leg, he said "we haven't used all of our bag of tricks yet". He reminds us of Dr. House, if you've ever watched that tv show. He had a motorcycle crash 3 years ago and had to go through some intense surgery on his leg too. He cleaned the wound again, and put some more drains in her leg and arm. Several of your messages tonight talked about Lisa's determination and you could not be more right. She's got the right attitude to overcome all odds, and she is prepared for whatever God's will is for her. There is a young man in a wheelchair named Donny who is about to have his 20th surgery on his leg, he was involved in a car crash in 2002 and has such a positive outlook on life. His spirit is very similar to Lisa's. They have talked briefly but plan to talk more when she is feeling better. Keep both of them in your prayers. Lisa is scheduled for another surgery on Monday at 3 p.m., provided the muscle flaps are good.

7:15 p.m. - Lisa was taken into surgery around 5:30pm. The physical therapists were here earlier this morning and had her stand up on her good leg. It was extremely painful, but she got through it. Between the physical therapist's exercise and the surgery today, she is going to feel like she was hit by a train - again. She appreciates all of you who have taken the time out of your busy lives to come and see her. Right now while she is undergoing multiple surgeries and would greatly appreciate it if you could come during the visitation hours listed below, or call the hospital first to ensure she is not in surgery, out for tests, or resting. She needs adequate time to recouperate between surgeries, visitors, and unexpected events. Also, she does not want for you to come here and then not get to see her.

Visitation hours:
9am - 11am
2pm - 5pm
8pm - 9pm

Thursday, July 19, 2007

July 19 (Thu)

7:26pm Lisa will undergo another surgery tomorrow to clean the wound again and to allow Grant Hospital doctor's to examine her leg for themselves. You may want to call the hospital before coming to visit to ensure she is not in surgery, or resting. Also, she may be moved to another room soon. The blog messages keep her connected to you, so don't hesitate to send as many as you like. Your patience and continued prayers are appreciated.

Major Lisa Taylor is at Grant Hospital in room 705A on the 7th floor.

The following are the visiting hours:
9am - 11am
2pm - 5pm
8pm - 9pm

Visitors should be limited to 2-3 people at one time.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

July 18 (Wed)

10:07 pm Lisa arrived at Grant Hospital around 8:00pm this evening. It was a long ride from Morgantown, and now she is resting. The family is requesting no phone calls at this time, but limited visitation is welcome. Visitation hours will be posted tomorrow. Lisa has touched so many lives, and her life has been equally touched by all of you. She sends her love and thanks. God bless you all.

Lisa's blood count is up and she is on her way to Grant Hospital via squad. More updates once she's settled and a room number is available. Directions on visiting hours and restrictions will also be provided. Pray for safe travel.

A post office box has been set up for those who wish to send cards and letters:

Lisa Taylor
P.O. Box 236153
Columbus, OH 43223

Lisa's blood count was low this morning, so she has been given a unit of blood. Doctors will reassess her condition to determine if she is still able to travel or not today. We are still hopeful she will be able to come back to Columbus, but if it has to be delayed for her benefit that's fine too.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

July 17 (Tues)

Lisa is in a step down room on the 7th floor and she is still in a lot of pain from the surgery, but has been a real "trooper" through everything. She will be transported to Grant Hospital in the morning by squad. There she will have the plastic surgery done on her lower leg, not sure how long she will be there but at least she will be closer to family & friends.

Monday, July 16, 2007

July 16, 2007 (Mon)

7:00 pm
Lisa returned from surgery at around 5:00
The surgeon said they cleaned out the wound, plated the femur and put in a cement spacer and cleaned up the lower leg for a future muscle flap graft which should take place in approximately 7 to 10 days. If all goes as planned, the bone graft will be done in about
4 to 6 weeks. Hopefully she will be transported to Columbus later this week. She is resting well at the moment. Despite the pain, she has remained in good spirits. Please keep the thoughts and prayers coming, and thanks for all prayers and well wishes to this point and for those to come! All are appreciated sincerely!

10:00 am
The doctors made rounds this morning and said Lisa will be going into surgery very soon. Please keep her in your prayers.

*The web link to the crash has been updated, it's wtrf - the letters were transposed.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

July 15, 2007 (Sun)

Lisa was taken into unexpected surgery this morning to irrigate the wound on her left leg. The doctors are now saying this will have to occur several more times before the reconstructive surgery can be done. Also, some tissue had to be removed during the surgery this morning due to the large amount of dirt, gravel, and debris remaining in her left leg. She was taken for a CT scan to identify any additional injuries that have possibly gone undetected.

7:00pm The doctor came in and said they have decided to go ahead and do the reconstructive surgery tomorow, after another good cleaning of the wound. A metal plate will be inserted into her left leg above her knee, as well as bone and skin grafts. They will also check the swelling in her right hand. She has had several visitors today and yesterday, including Colonel Collins and members of the senior staff. Your continued prayers through this next surgery are especially appreciated.

July 14, 2007 (Sat)

The ventilator was removed today temporarily to give her lungs a break, especially since there will be several more surgeries to come. Lisa was talking and in good spirits. She is still in a lot of pain and doctors have not determined if she has any undetected injuries, so far the majority of her injuries have been identified on her left side. Lisa was running a low grade fever, doctors say it's nothing to be too concerned over - her body is just fighting infection. She drank some water, ate a couple crackers, and a little jello today. Her doctor is wanting to do the reconstructive surgery to her leg tomorrow. Lisa says to tell everyone, thank you for your thoughts and prayers. She really appreciates everyone's concern.

July 13, 2007 (Fri)

Around 2:30 Friday afternoon Lisa Taylor and Mary Pfeifer were involved in a serious motorcycle accident in West Virginia. They were hit by a drunk driver that went left of center.
Following the crash: Lt. Mary Pfiefer was treated and released from Wheeling Hospital on Fri with minor injuries. Major Lisa Taylor was transported from Wheeling Hospital on Fri, July 13 to the Trauma Center at Ruby Memorial/University Hospital in Morgantown, WVa. She is still critical but stable, and remains under heavy sedation. Last night's surgery successfully stabilized multiple broken bones in her left leg and left wrist/arm. A subsequent surgery is scheduled for Sunday to further repair and irrigate her leg. There were no head or internal injuries; both riders were wearing helmets. Lisa is receiving excellent care, doctors are keeping her comfortable, as she will undergo several more surgeries. Doctors were able to reconstruct her leg, and are very optimistic she will regain use of it. However, the surgeon described her leg as the worst break he has ever seen. Your continued thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated; the family hopes to have her moved to a Columbus hospital around the middle of the week.