Wednesday, September 17, 2008

september 17, 2008 - "i am the good shepard, i lay down my life for my sheep" (john 10:11)

top of the morning, friends...

i pray this blog entry finds you all well. its been a while since i've been on the blog site.
the above picture is me "taking aim" with my cane while out on a ride on the trike.....
things have been hectic here with everything going on, but i do have several praise reports:

  • we believe dad will be released from the nursing home today!

  • di and i only have one more week to complete our MBA's!

  • because i already do pretty extensive therapy on my own, my ortho doctor is allowing me to finish formal therapy the same day i finish school!

  • my family survived the hurricane with minimal damage and we all now have power and water!

  • i walked 2 miles one day last week with no cane!

quotes for the day:

"there are two primary choices in life:
to accept conditions as they exist,
or accept the responsibility for changing them"

-denis waitley-


"formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously and never permit it to fade. your mind will seek to develop this picture"

-dr. norman vincent peale-

please keep the following people/things in your prayers this week:

  • OSP leadership

  • the upcoming election

  • earl smith's wife

  • the larry meredith family

  • joyce channel

  • barb moore's mom

congratulations is in order for s/lt. kim campbell who retired from the patrol recently!

a special thanks to my family and friends who have kept me upbeat and motivated over the last year! you guys have been wonderful (and good shepards)!

until next time, be blessed...

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Good afternoon, Ms. Lisa:

You have such great news! We are sure your father is ready to get back home. Hospitals are nice when you need them, but nothing replaces the feeling of home.

You are moving right along in your recovery, which is fantastic! Two miles is a long way to go...good for you!

We are happy to hear everyone has power and water. We are still without power and AEP estimates Sunday for us. Neighbors on both sides had trees come down on power they will have to be re-hung. I thank the Lord everyday for our generator and the wonderful weather. Luckily, we continued to have water (hot water, even!. We can deal with no power, but no water would be terrible! This could have been so much worse.

We continue to keep you in our prayers for a blessed recovery. You are truly an inspiration.

Peace be with you,
Butch and Brenda

Anonymous said...


Spiffy trike ya got there! Now there's a finely crafted English sentence from a Franklin MBA grad! Great job on finishing up your education, well done!


Paul said...


Sorry to hear about your Dad,but I guess now we know where you get your toughness! Would you tell Mary that my Father passed away in June and we talked about her at his funeral and how nice she always was to Mom and Dad. Please email me I would love to sit down for lunch in Columbus someday soon. Hugs to all of you!!!!

Paul Hamm