Thursday, August 21, 2008

august 22, 2008 - carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ (galatians 6:2 NIV)

top of the morning, friends....

thank you so much for the thoughts and prayers for my dad. he is entering his 22nd day of his stay at the hospital. considering he underwent 2 major surgeries in 5 days, he is doing remarkably well physically. he is, however, struggling a bit mentally. he is terrified that something else will go wrong. his vitals are improving and various tubes are coming out almost daily. they have moved him to a step down unit--but still in ICU. he is so afraid of eating again, as that's when the last problem occurred. the dr's are taking it very slow, continuing to feed him via stomach tube. while he is still on mega doses of antibiotics, he continues to improve daily. he is very anxious to get home to his wife and his beloved dog, tiki.

i am sorry i haven't updated this earlier, but we wanted to make sure he was out of the woods. he appears to have "turned the corner" now and we're very optimistic for a full recovery.

on another positive note...5 more weeks to complete the MBA....then onto the next career search!
the picture above is the new 2009 harley "triglide." although i love the trike i'm riding....a girl can dream, can't she?

quotes for the day...

"believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you"
- cynthia kersey -


"failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently"
- henry ford -

kaila mcgarvey - good luck and have fun in your first year at loyola!

joyce channel - God bless you as you recover from leg surgery.

the ernestine abrams family - my prayers are with you after the loss of you mother. she was a great friend to me!
happy belated birthday to my friend, christy clark!

until next blessed!

lisa - 1095


Anonymous said...

Wow, sure is a pretty bike, would be well deserved after you complete MBA??????
Glad to hear your dad is on the road to recovery!
Love ya, Wendy

Anonymous said...

Now, that bike is more my speed. I think I could handle that. Lisa, so glad to know dad is doing better. Take care.

Anonymous said...


I'm glad to hear your father is improving. It is understandable that he is afraid to begin eating again. My cousin went through some pretty rough stuff as a result of eating following surgery for a blockage, only to have it become blocked again and having to go right back in for a second surgery.

She is doing much better now and is back at work. She still tires easily, but God is good.

Your dad will continue to rebuild his strength. I'm sure he is as much a fighter as you are and will be back in the pink soon.

God bless you and all your family.


MiddieEcon said...

If Jim will buy me one of these for Christmas, I will start riding with you! :)
It has been great getting to see you again after all of these years. Go Mohawks!

Anonymous said...

Wow, such good news about your Dad, girl!
Of course he is a great fighter, which he obviously passed on to his daughter!!!!!
That is definitely a pretty bike; and someone finishing their MBA definitely deserves a treat, I would think!!! Don't you?
Gosh, we need to get your Dad out of their and BOTH of you in the pink and healthy at the same time so you both can enjoy some fun time!!!! As I said before, how interesting that he was there to take care of you; then you were there to take care of him. Hmmm... sounds like some sort of "Master" plan! :) Glad you are both doing so well! That certainly makes a whole lot of folks very happy, myself included!!!

Pike Co. woman