Saturday, May 1, 2010

"I know what it is to be in need I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any & every situation." Phil 4:12-13

Top of the morning, friends!

I hope this blog entry finds you all well!

Things are going well here....I'm enjoying my job immensely and it continues to challenge me! I really believe in the mission of the organization and I'm thankful to be a small part of it! Several of my co-workers and I were planning to walk a 5K today for the "Commit to Be Fit" event in Columbus. Unfortunately, the weather didn't coorperate, so we cancelled (yes....we are wimps! :). We hope to do a few more this summer though.

The book sales for "Was it Irony...Or Was it God?" are going well too. If anyone is interested in purchasing a copy, you can contact me via email at and give me your address & I'll get one to you asap. Thank you to everyone who has supported me in this endeavor. It means more than you know.

Stars Consulting, LLC also continues to grow. In fact, we spent a couple of weekends in Pickerington recently mapping out a crash scene where a young boy was hit. The victims certainly make our work worthwhile!

Teaching is going well--I have a great group of kids this quarter. Terri Mikesh, a K9 handler for the OSP came in and served as a guest for my "Patrol Operations" class. She and her K9 Marco did a demo for the kids and did a tremendous job teaching drug interdiction! The kids actually stayed AFTER class to ask Terri questions. Marco was a hit and had to visit each student individually! He's such a social butterfly! Thanks Terri for another great detail!

Congratulations to my buddy Dianna White - She's getting promoted to the much deserved rank of Staff Lieutenant on Tuesday! Way to go, Dirty Di!

Also, happy birthday to another one of my dearest friends -- Wendy

Please keep the following people in your prayers, as they are all fighting some type of


  • Phil Vermilion

  • Joyce Petty

  • Roger Farley

  • Lex & Oakley the Malis

  • Toni Daniels

  • Jen Stabler

If anyone has specific prayer requests, let me know...I'd gladly put them on the blog!

Quotes for the day:

"Many times, when I was having a hard time with one of my children, God would always remind me that He was having a harder time with me than I was with them"

- Charles "Tremendous" Jones -


"Our destinies in life will never be determined by our complaining spirits or high expectations. Life is full of surprises and the adjustment of our attitudes is a life-long project"

- John Maxwell -

Until next time, be blessed!

Lisa - 1095