Top of the evening, friends!
I hope this blog finds you all well!
I don't think I have ever been so glad to see February be over! And, I don't care to ever see another snowflake again (LOL)! The above picture is on a hiking trip through Deer Creek just a couple of weeks ago. Boy, was I glad I had my new hiking sticks (compliments of my sister, Terry), because there was still quite a bit of snow I had to walk over and through. Trish, Chrissy, Amy, and I were glad to get out and actually get some exercise since we've all been cooped up all month.
The other picture is the cover of my new book, "Was It Irony...Or Was It God?" The book is finally in print and is available to order. The price is $14.99. Should anyone want a copy, email me at stafflt@sbcglobal.net and I will give you additional directions on how to obtain one. The book began as court preparation and slowly evolved into something very therapeutic for me. I greatly appreciate all the support and prayers during my recovery process. Those of you who prayed, attended the benefit, visited, cooked for me, mowed my grass, etc... I will be forever grateful. God continues to take care of me through my family and friends!
After one and a half months, the new job is going well, but I still have much to learn. Fortunately for me, the lady who had my job before me has been gracious enough to come over a few times in the evenings to try to teach me her trade. She, and the other employees have been wonderful to me since I started.
I just finished a juvenile delinquency class this week, and start another class on police patrol operations later this month. My class and I took a really interesting trip to a juvenile correctional facility on our last night. The visit was very informative, and I believe very eye opening for many of my students. After this next class, however, I plan to take the summer off from teaching, as there's LOTS of motorcycling to do! LOL
The business continues to do well, and we are going to map a new crash scene around Pickerington in the weeks to come. One of my business partners, Steve, made me a WONDERFUL gluten-free tiramasu birthday cake last month! His culinary skills never cease to amaze me! I am wondering if Julia Childs might not secretly be his mother!
Praise report! Dad got an excellent doctor's report this week. He does, however, have a few kidney stones still giving him fits, but he's gained weight and feels better all the time.
Please keep the following people in your prayers, as they are all fighting some type of battle:
- Sandy B.
- Joyce P.
- Roger
- Phil V.
- Amy the beagle
- Tom T.
- Jen S.
- Lex & Oakley the Mali's (both dogs are pets of my friends Terri & Jen and have both been stricken with cancer in the last few months. Lex had breast cancer, and Oakley had a leg removed due to bone cancer. Oakley is just beginning chemotherapy now)
Quotes for the day:
"If you're still hanging onto a dead dream of yesterday, laying flowers on its grave by the hour, you cannot be planting the seeds for a new dream to grow today"
- Joyce Chapman -
"To admit you were wrong is to declare you are wiser than you were before"
- Unknown -
Until next time, be blessed!
Lisa - 1095