Top of the afternoon, friends!
I hope this blog entry finds you all well on this cold, snowy day!
I started my new job this past Monday--and so far, I love it! I have much to learn in my new postion, but I hope my co-workers are patient with me as I ask a multitude of questions! Everyone there has been great and they have already made me feel like one of the family!
Finally, my book, "Was it Irony....Or Was it God" is in the publication process. I hope to have it printed in the next 3 months or so. The cover and back cover have been approved, and the manuscript is in the process of being typeset. It's not a long book, but one that started out as court preparation and evolved into something very therapeutic for me. The basis of the book is how God had his hand on me WAY before, during, and after the crash. He prepared everything in my life--from my family, to my friends....to my finances. I wanted to put many more pictures in the book, to thank those of you who supported and helped me, but unfortunately, each picture that is added is quite expensive, so I had to pare down the photos in the book. But please remember, I appreciate each and every one of you who stood by me during some pretty dark days!
Just prior to starting work, Trish, Christy, Kelli and I took a weeklong trip to Key West. We had a GREAT and relaxing time on the beach, jet skiing, kayaking, and just walking down Duvall Street. We even took a sunset cruise where Kelli demonstrated her singing ability with the band. I'm not sure, but I think there might be a recording contract in the works (lol). Christy helped raise the sails on the boat. You should have seen her "heaving and ho-ing!" While there, we were able to have dinner with my good friend, Lt. Kathy McKinney, of the Florida State Patrol. She is the commander of the Keys (tough job!!). We had a wonderful time visiting!
Congratulations to Lt. Colonel Bill Costas and Major Bob Booker of the Patrol. They retired Friday. The Patrol was richer because of those two gentlemen. The best of luck to them in whatever future endeavors they pursue!
Quotes for the Day:
"We can draw lessons from the past, but we cannot live in it"
- Lyndon B. Johnson -
"If you treat an individual...as if he were what he ought to be, and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be"
- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe -
Please keep the following people in your prayers, as they are all fighting some battle:
- Joyce P.
- Phil V.
- Roger
- Molly's dad
- Terri S.R.
- The OSP
- Oakley the Mali
Here is an sad, but eye opeing DUI prevention video for you (be prepared):
Until next time...be blessed!
Lisa - 1095