Friday, October 30, 2009

October 30, 2009 - "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, & self discipline" II Tim 1:7

Top of the morning, friends!

I hope this blog entry finds you all well.

I just wanted to share a few of photos with you--each of which have to do with Halloween.

The 2009 Beanie Weenie Ride at Capital City was a great success! We 30-40 riders that went on a 65-mile ride, then enjoyed some great fellowship and food. Thanks to Mary Hamilton & Company, we had some outstanding soup, sandwiches, and desserts! And to top off the day, Elzie DIDN'T get lost--which was a first!

Please keep the following people in your prayers, as they are all fighting some type of battle:

- Joyce Petty

- Ty Grimwood's sister, Tay

- Toni D.

- The Hartley's

- My dad & my stepmom Mary

Quotes for the Day:

"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose."

-Lyndon B. Johnson-

"The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reasons for remaining ashore."

-Vincent Van Gogh-
Until next time, be blessed!
Lisa - 1095

Friday, October 23, 2009

October 23, 2009 - "I will give you rain in due season..." Lev 26:4

Top of the afternoon, friends...

I hope this blog entry finds you all well!

I've been very busy since my last posting. The STARS business is going well. In fact, we received a couple new jobs in SE Ohio. God continues to be so good!

I have been putting the final touches on an online class I have developed for OU. I also just found out I'll be teaching another course in January...which is VERY cool!

My motorcycle club, Capital City is having it's last ride of the season this Sunday--the "Beanie Weenie" ride. Its a wonderful time of fellowship and food with some really nice people. If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll send you the information. We sure would like to have a terrific turnout for our final ride! Everyone is welcome.

I've also been helping the Ohio Women's Law Enforcement Network (OWLEN) plan a one-day conference in January, 2010. If anyone--male or female--is interested in some excellent and free training, let me know and I'll send you the details. S/Lt. Sue Rance-Lock, of the OSP, is an excellent instructor and has been gracious to volunteer to teach a class entitled, "Are you ready to lead law enforcement into the future?" We are also hoping that our new director can come and speak as the keynote speaker when we open the course.

My family and friends are looking forward to coming over for the annual cul-de-sac bonfire on Halloween night. My sister, Terry is making her famous chili spaghetti and we'll be terrorizing...uh, I mean passing out candy to the youth of my neighborhood! A good time should be had by all!

My friend Trish and I hiked 6 miles this week at Deer Creek State Park. We encountered 2 snakes--both of which looked alike. I have no idea what kind it is, but the picture above is of one of them. Can anyone identify the type of snake? How close did we come to dying? Let me know!

Please keep the following people and organizations in your prayers, as they are fighting some type of battle these days:

-Joyce Petty (cancer)

-Jake Valerio (H1N1)

-Kobi Salyers (H1N1)

-Mariah Salyers (bronchitis)

-John Rowland (H1N1)

-Dave Huff (recent surgery)

-OSP (search for superintendent)

-Lex the mali dog (tumors)

Congratulations to:

-Scott and Tami Rike, who are expecting twins!


-Carla Garnes, on her retirement!

Quotes for the Day:

"Never fear the shadows. They simply mean there's a light somewhere nearby."

- Ruth Renkee -


"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."

- Abraham Lincoln -

This video was sent to me by my buddy, Terri West. It is the epitome of love, compassion, and empathy. I hope it touches you like it did me.

Until next time, be blessed!

Lisa - 1095