Monday, July 6, 2009

july 6, 2009 - "by His stripes, we are healed"

top of the morning, friends....

i hope this blog entry finds you all well.

things are going well here. i've been very busy with yardwork, therapy, and the business. of course, motorcycle riding continues to be a significant theme this summer ;). my "farmers tan" is evidence of that!

well, once again, prayers have been answered in the taylor household! my dad went in for a bone scan last week, and it came back clean--praise God! there was, however, a small spot on his lung they are checking out, but it's been there a while and hasn't changed, so the doctors don't seem to be overly concerned. it's been exactly a year since his last ordeal, so we are very pleased that his report was good. thanks to everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and phone calls. we appreciate you guys more than you can know!

for the first time in 2 years, i was able to participate in the 2009 special olympics torch run with the patrol. while most either ran or biked, i, of course, walked! terri mikesh, tony & laney bradshaw, suzie roark and i walked 3 miles from the OSP academy to the OSU stadium to cheer on the olympians. even though i was slow, they were extremely patient with me and we had a great time! the picture above is at the end of the walk. i was talking to my buddy steve morgan at the end of our journey.
the other picture is of a recent campfire in my cul-de-sac. every now and then, my neighbors and i get together to enjoy a fire and each others company. i even tried out a new pie iron i had just bought in amish country. we had everything from cheese, peanut butter, marshmallow, and raspberry pies. once i got the technique down, they weren't too bad!

for the motorcycle enthusiasts among you, there will be a 2-day ride at capital city motorcycle club this month. on saturday, july 18 & sunday, july 19, there will be rides, food, and music at the club. all are welcome for a day of fun and fellowship with some really great people. email me or post a note on the blog if you're interested in more information.

quotes for the day:

"only i can change my life. no one can do it for me."
- carol burnett -


"don't look to become a person of success, look instead to become a person of value.
- albert einstein -

please keep the following people in your prayers, as they are all fighting some type of battle:

diane raubenolt

joyce petty

toni daniels

congratulations to the following people on their OSP retirements. i wish them the best in future endeavors:

mark atkeson

lance mathess

cindy drake

terry ernst
here's a very inspirational video compliments of chris laner:

until next time, be blessed!

lisa - 1095