Saturday, September 27, 2008

september 27, 2008 - “your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (psalm 119:105)

top of the afternoon, friends....

i hope this entry finds you all well. i think fall is upon us today!

the picture above is terri's and jen's new "additions." they still have 3 available for adoption to good homes if anyone is interested.....

dad is not only home, but he is completely free of any ports, IV's, or tubes! God is so good! his wife mary is now with him and they are both improving daily. thanks again for all your prayers--they definitely worked.

i have several praise reports:

- di and i finished our MBAs last tuesday! we're onto our next challenges!
- i finished my 2nd 5K a week ago friday. i did the "night moves" 5K through german village.
- formal therapy ended the same day we finished our MBA's too!
-the elusive bat that had been living in my house has finally been captured and can
finally sleep again!

quote for the day:
"you are today where your thoughts have brought you; 

you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you"

-james allen-

please continue to pray for:

the election process
OSP leadership
barb moore's mom
joyce channel
jon haney's family
the unsaved, sick, lonely, hurting, hungry,and depressed as well as those suffering the effects from the recent hurricane

until next blessed!
lisa - 1095

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

september 17, 2008 - "i am the good shepard, i lay down my life for my sheep" (john 10:11)

top of the morning, friends...

i pray this blog entry finds you all well. its been a while since i've been on the blog site.
the above picture is me "taking aim" with my cane while out on a ride on the trike.....
things have been hectic here with everything going on, but i do have several praise reports:

  • we believe dad will be released from the nursing home today!

  • di and i only have one more week to complete our MBA's!

  • because i already do pretty extensive therapy on my own, my ortho doctor is allowing me to finish formal therapy the same day i finish school!

  • my family survived the hurricane with minimal damage and we all now have power and water!

  • i walked 2 miles one day last week with no cane!

quotes for the day:

"there are two primary choices in life:
to accept conditions as they exist,
or accept the responsibility for changing them"

-denis waitley-


"formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously and never permit it to fade. your mind will seek to develop this picture"

-dr. norman vincent peale-

please keep the following people/things in your prayers this week:

  • OSP leadership

  • the upcoming election

  • earl smith's wife

  • the larry meredith family

  • joyce channel

  • barb moore's mom

congratulations is in order for s/lt. kim campbell who retired from the patrol recently!

a special thanks to my family and friends who have kept me upbeat and motivated over the last year! you guys have been wonderful (and good shepards)!

until next time, be blessed...

lisa - 1095

Friday, September 5, 2008

september 5, 2008 - “as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways..." (isaiah 55:9)

top of the morning, friends....

i hope this blog entry finds you all well. thanks so much for your continued thoughts and prayers for my dad. he was released to a nursing home last friday and is getting some much needed therapy before he can return home. his spirits are good and he's walking some without a walker. he feels he is getting stronger each day and is eager to return home to mary and his beloved dog "tiki." attached is a picture of him and his two favorite nurses - rose and toni. they were absolutely wonderful to him during his 31 day stay at the hospital.
we are only 3 weeks away from our MBA's now...time is getting short...but what a journey! we plan to finish up on sept. 23...that's the same day i plan to finish therapy--if my ortho dr. will allow it. i'm anxious to get on with another career!
i have a praise report....i walked 3/4 mile one day last week without a cane! it probably wasn't very pretty, and i know it wasn't very smooth, but every day gets a little better!
quotes for the day:
"act as if what you do makes a difference. it does."
- william james -
"people who consider themselves victims of their circumstances,
will always remain victims unless they develop a greater vision for their lives."
- stedman graham -
please keep the following people in your prayers as well, as they are all fighting some kind of battle:
barb moore's mom
joyce channel
mary taylor
OSP leadership
until next blessed!
lisa - 1095