i hope this blog entry finds you all happy and healthy this last day of march. hopefully, warmer weather is on it's way!
the photo attached is of our 2007 "motorcycles and murals" annual ride where my dad and i take a group of friends down to portsmouth, ohio to see the flood wall murals. we then go to "the ribber" for a great bbq rib lunch. the picture is of lt. kathy mckinney of the florida state patrol, my dad, lt. mark thompson, and me.
i have wonderful news! i went to the orthopedic doctor today and was told i could start weight bearing immediately. i won't see the doctor again for 6 weeks. until then, he wants me to simply get acclimated to walking again. he said it would be slow and to use the crutches at first, but try to add weight a little at a time. he won't put me in rehab yet, as that will be pretty intense. we'll revisit that possibility in may. God is good!
another positive note.....i start back to class tomorrow. i've been working on homework the biggest part of the week, so i think i'm pretty prepared. dirty di, carl and i are going back together. bless their hearts...when i had to drop out, they dropped out too. they said, "we started this MBA together....and we'll finish together." that is great friendship.
i have finally visited the retirement board's physician and providing no anticipated problems, my retirement will be official the last week of april.
i will also be traveling back to wheeling mid-april for a fourth pre-trial on our case.
quote for the day:
"Things are only impossible until they're not"
- Jean-Luc Picard -
- happy birthday to my niece erin hubbard! she turns 29 today.
- good luck to sgt. jim hutton (and his wife, sally) on his retirement from the patrol! happy trails to you on your future motorcycle travels! i had a very nice time at your retirement send-off. thanks so much for your kind words.
- please continue to pray for gina herbert of the ohio department of public safety. she has to have another surgery in april due to a crash in june 2007. she has had such a rough go of it and could certainly benefit from your thoughts and prayers.
- also pray for my friend, tom reffey who has been deployed to serve our country.
- debbie chapman - great news that you're back to work! i'm sure the kids really missed you as much as you missed them! just don't over do it, friend....we have some riding to do this summer!!
- terri west - i sure hope you're feeling much better too. hobbling around isn't much fun, but it does get better with time.....i promise!
- lt. mark thompson - thanks for your kind words last friday as well. i appreciate them more than you know.
- ray scharf - thanks so much for your email! words of encouragement like that lift me more than you know. i hope we can actually meet sometime.
- jane and mark bell - thanks so much for your cards and emails! they lift me more than you know.
- wyandot co/uppersandusky court friends - thank you so much for your words of encouragement too....it's been 15-20 years since i've seen you and you still keep me in your thoughts and prayers. may God bless each and every one of you!
- julie broughton - thanks, buddy for always remembering me. you've been a great friend since our "girls state" days!
until next time....continue to expect to be blessed....
lisa - 1095